Dude, you are so full of yourself. Really.
I could (and normally would) pick out reasons for why that phrase is stupid, but instead I'll just calmly disagree, phone my therapist, and tell him that I'm making progress.
You consider yourself 'unique'
Yes, I am unique. And you, drakan, are 'special'.
therefore your views are above others who are too 'mainstream'
Are they?
Quote me where I said that. I see you've conveniently avoided quoting me on that in your post, yet you managed to quote me on everything else.
because you've seen it all, and have a different and more accurate perspective of life
Yep, I totally remember saying that.
compared to all the 'tools'.
Like you?
Your definitions are correct, and if anyone appears to have another view, then you run to wikipeda. Or 'Mummy' as it were.
This is pathetic. You're attempting to attatch a stigma to the act of using wikipedia to prove your uneducated ass wrong, so that whenever I use it, you can say I'm "running to mummy"... this is clearly an (albeit foiled) attempt to stop me from using wikipedia to prove you wrong, and it ISN'T, GOING, TO, WORK.
You tell me that I think I'm better, that I think I'm right all the time, yet when I prove you wrong, it's YOU who is too high and f
ucking mighty to just accept it and admit your mistake. So you go concoct this "running to mummy" bullshit in a failed attempt to make me look bad for citing an external information source. Well f
ucking done, you've simply made yourself look twice as stupid.
You consider yourself open minded, and probably tolerant.
So? You consider yourself god's f
ucking gift to the forums, and you consider yourself to be right all the time, you even think you're so intelligent and all knowing that you can sit there telling the world what I believe like you are more of an authority on that than I am. I do NOT consider myself tolerant fpr your information - I do not sit around making any kind of special effort for mouth breathing obnoxious losers who are too f
ucking stupid to know how to deal with being wrong. IE YOU.
That sounds like a generalisation to me. 99% eh? I guess the one percent is you? I'm sure you're worth a whole percent. Right?
Wikipedia, under the definition 'Faulty Generalisation' explains a 'Biased sample' to be:
one that is falsely taken to be typical of a population from which it is drawn.
Uh oh. Mummy has proved that you generalise.
That statistic comes from marketing averages within the media industry, which, as a person who works in a games development company, I have free access to. The statistic says that 99% of the western world respond to TV promotion/advertising in some form or another, and that 1% is a group of about 25 million people who do not respond to it, usually because they live in poverty, or dislike mainstream media.
A faulty generalisation is one that has no basis in fact. The above is not a faulty generalisation - it's not even generalisation, it's a statistic based conclusion. A conclusion that is reached after studying statistics. It's not too hard to come to the conclusion that 99% of the western world are tasteless easily manipulated saps when you consider that 99% of the western world actually fall for all the crappy advertising and promoting on TV, radio, internet, and magazines. You would not believe how many people buy 'Busted' albums.
While talking about plastic surgery "There is little doubt in my mind that the only problem with it is the people who get it done." Also generalisation...
Again, not a generalisation, but an informed opinion.
And, also, I'm sure you'd never ever make an assumption about anyone just from the things they like, and how they appear to you on the internet, which as most know, is usually unlike their real-life personas...
"which as most know" - That's a generalisation. Hypocrite.
And I don't know why you would expect me to only make assumptions about internet users based on how they act in real life. That strikes me as a bit f
ucking rediculous. I honestly couldn't give a shit if you're a kind, blood donating, elderly helping person in real life, if you act like an idiot on the internet, then I'll treat you like an idiot on the internet. Don't expect some kind of special treatment just because you rescue kittens from wells when you're not on the 'net.
To Mojo "There's just something about you that really screams 'commercially gullible'."
Oops. My mistake.
Your only mistake was being a hypocrite with rediculous expectations. I've not set the precedant for how I treat people, you ASSUMED a precedant, and then judged me on it, because it's far more convenient to get shit on me that way than it is to actually go searching for a real reason to bitch.
"That's 3 postgraduate degrees, 1 diploma. Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Science ICT, Bachelor of Arts, and Chemistry. One of them is an Open University qualification which I will be taking in my free time."
You also consider yourself smart, and are a know-it-all because of this.
slan·der (sl



n. - Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
- A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
Once again, this proves to you that your opinions must be correct, and others who are less intelligent, and therefore, in your mind, below you in the evolutionary, chain are all wrong.
Read; "slander".
My opinions are not correct or incorrect. Niether are yours.
Your levels of intelligence also cause you to research, write, re-write, proof read, and spell check your posts, so you never have to use the edit button (like I am now) to correct mistakes.
I use research, rewrite, proof read and spell check my posts as a courtesy to the other forumers and people who read my posts. I never make statements that are knowingly false - if I do not have the information to make a statement with any grounds of authority, then I will research it. Much better than just making up random, poorly spelled, error ridden bullshit, don't you think?
Actually, if you had done your research by reading through some of my post history, you would've noted that I DO in fact frequently edit my posts. Including this one.
If someone said any of those quotes to you in the street, you would probably tell them to **** off, or you'd hit them over the head with a chair from a nearby cafe.
That conflicts with this;
"And, also, I'm sure you'd never ever make an assumption about anyone just from the things they like, and how they appear to you on the internet, which as most know, is usually unlike their real-life personas"
Hypocrite. Again.
I may be an annoying immature teen, but at least I'm not my own best friend/Advertsing Agent.
Correction; immature, hypocritical, self interested, generalising, self contradictory, slandering, shallow, and obnoxious teen. Although I dislike putting you under the catagory of "teen" as it feels too much like I'd be tarring everyone with the same, ugly brush.
Well before you wallow in your own success, consider this:
You are arguing with young TEENAGERS (mostly). You're arguing with people, some of which can niether legally drink, drive, or even get real jobs!
So? Is that supposed to make me take the heat off you? Because if it is, it won't work. There are plenty of teenagers on this forum whom I never argue with, and are far more mature, reasonable, and decent than you are. You have got absolutely no excuse to be acting the way you are.
Here's something for you to consider; you are arguing with a well qualified, established adult, who can legally drink, drive, already has a respectable position working for a games developer, and has just begun studying for 3 degrees. I used to run a forum, and did so for 5 years. Despite all that, I'm totally happy to hold a debate with a forum full of young teenagers as you quite conveniently generalised. If I truly cared about age I wouldn't be here.
Does that make you feel like a big man, Dino? Arguing with teenagers over the internet?
Your mother would be proud.
Well now you're just putting spin on a clearly neutral recital of facts.
spin (sp n)
v. spun, (sp n) spin·ning, spins
v. tr.- To provide an interpretation of (a statement or event, for example), especially in a way meant to sway public opinion: “a messenger who spins bogus research into a vile theology of hatred” (William A. Henry III).
Correction; Me kicking your sorry ass around like a redheaded stepchild. In a neutral fashion...
I'm sure I'll getting a whole essay even longer than this rant, dis-proving everything I've said with numerous points and use of the word 'Moron', and each thing I said will be taken and twisted round to insult me with a 'University Degree in Wit'
Oh my gosh, now that you've said that I'll be so much less likely to offer a rebuttal. You totally predicted what I was going to do, and now that you've predicted it, I can't do it because I'm so afraid of looking unoriginal, because as you so rightly pointed out, I think I'm totally 'unique'!
Nice try dipshit.
but I think this guy had to be told how far his head was stuck up his own ass.
Says the person who objected so strongly to being proven wrong that he inferred a long and pathetic argument filled with spin, hypocrisy, and generalisations in retaliation.
Well, now I've used quotes, and Wikipedia, and made quite a long and annoying post.
My quest of replicating one of Dino's posts against him is complete, and I shall retreat into the mountains where I shall await his death, and return to delete all traces of an adequate come-back, so it appears I am the victor...
Oh what a clever little ploy. Just to cover yourself in case anyone calls any part of your post into question, you've decided to make up some bullshit about replicating my posting style. Let's see if I can't use this weapon against you:
Disclaimer; if drakan90 responds to this post, then he is officially confirming the fact that he is, in fact, retarded.