Thats a very well done Contour line drawing. very good variations in the line usage between thick and thin. Great job buddy!
Here is a suggestion for you, if you want your drawings to be darker and stand out more, use a 2B pencil. Ive learned conceptual artist and Illustraitors and I am talking professionals, use that type of pencil all the time. Because one it makes a nice dark line and two its soft enough to make some great gradients and values with. Its like the perfect pencil for artist and thats what some art directors suggested for me to use at least. Ive job shadowed professional Illustraitors before, and thats why I know. I use a 2B all the time. An Art Director would usually use the 2B Pencil because of the professional look you can get from it. You can use any pencil, but if you want a nice professional result, a 2B is the way to go.