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09-12-2003, 06:10 PM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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Sorry, I havn't read all of the other page (too long). I'm just gonna say that I love reading the books, they go into so much detail, without it being boring. I'm halfway throught the two towers at the moment and i'm really enjoying them.

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09-12-2003, 06:31 PM
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well, the books aren't for anyone. Not everyone enjoys reading literature, I understand that. not like us people.

As far as the history of Middle-earth, there are also rumors of the Silmarillion being made in a movie. Now this could be hard, since the Silmarillion reads more like an epic than a regular story. There's less actualy dialogue, and it would need ot be adapted in a way so that it could be understood vey clearly (obviously, if some people cannot understand what is going on in the LotR, the Silmarillion would be a nightmare for them)

so much stuff! November 18th is coming closer! and December is right around the corner.
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09-12-2003, 06:34 PM
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I have no idea what you are talking about, but it all sounds really awesome

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09-12-2003, 08:29 PM
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I've read the Silmerillion! I liked it, but there was mostly description instead of dialouge. I like talking in my reading, but it was still good. J.R.R. Tolkien never intended for the Silmerillion to be published, did you know that? His son(I think it was his son) just compiled it so it would make sence. CHristofor Tolkien was his name.

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09-13-2003, 01:28 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Chritopher Tolkien also published a collection of unfinished tales by J.R.R. Tolkien. It includes drafts of ideas and is a very good read. It even has a self narrative by Gandalf and how he came to orginize the quest for Erebor and choose Bilbo to go with the dwarves to defeat Smaug.


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09-13-2003, 02:06 AM
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Forbidden Paradise
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Hmmm I just watched TTT on dvd and the scenes with the walking trees in them bored the hell outta me!

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09-13-2003, 02:10 AM
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How dare you say something like that! Get outta here! GET OUT! (J/K) Why was it boring to you? I love the Ents!

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09-13-2003, 02:33 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Originally posted by Forbidden Paradise
Hmmm I just watched TTT on dvd and the scenes with the walking trees in them bored the hell outta me!
Well, I could see how it would bore some people. When I first saw the movie, I found it somewhat hard to understand what Treebeard was saying.


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09-13-2003, 02:54 AM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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I could understand what he was saying! I love Treebeard's voice! The guy that plays Gimli does the voice for Treebeard.

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09-13-2003, 03:26 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Well I guess the Treebeards are supposed to be slow, and boring. Especially when they speak in old entish.
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09-13-2003, 09:52 AM
Forbidden Paradise's Avatar
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Originally posted by GrigtheSlig
How dare you say something like that! Get outta here! GET OUT! (J/K) Why was it boring to you? I love the Ents!
Hey i read the books first so give me a break I always find the books more interesting.

"In a lush world of diabolical danger where everyone wants to eat you, you're the skinny guy with no weapons."
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09-13-2003, 05:58 PM
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ok, justy to clear some people's minds!!!!!! (PAY ATTENTION!)

the treebeards are not called "treebeards" they are called ents. Treebeard, who is also called Fanghorn, is the oldest ent. They are tree people, big in stature and strong. Some ents become trees because they refuse to move for whatever reason (boredum, frustration, sadness...) Keep in mind not everything in the book happened in the movie. There was a whole lot more conversation between Merry & Pippen and Treebeard. And the council the ents had was also longer, but they had to cut some parts out to shorten the legnth, as sad as that is.

The ents are slow, and their language is a series of low grade grumbles and moans that can take quite a while by our standards to have a converation. They dont like to be in a hurry and take things nice and easy. But when riled, they can be very fierce.

The ents had their female counter parts, the entwives. But sadly they had disappeared and no ent knows what happened to them. This was during their migration into the forest Fanghorn (of course, which shares the same name as the oldest ent) The Brown Lands to the east, above Morder used to flourish with green, but is now brown, dry and desolate. The forests of Middle-earth used to sprawl across the plain, but the evil forces of the world destroyed much of it. the ents will fade away just like the elves, their melancholy tale with them.
YEs, the Silmarillion was first published in 1977. Tolkien wrote most of it, but his son Christopher editted it a lot. TOlkien himself died in 1973, on September 3rd. The Silmarillion was published on 15th of that same month. for those of you who dont know, the SIlmarillion details the War of the Silmarils, which were 3 jewels that were wrought by the High Elves in the Elder Days. THis is the First Age, which goes back thousands of year BEFORE the war of the ring. Back then, Sauron was the servent of an evil Valor, called Morgoth, or Melkor. Morgoth was the one who created the race of Orcs, a bastardization and mockery of the elven race. Morgoth was expelled form Middle-earth into purgatory I think, but Sauron fled and evil remained in Middle-earth until the time of later days when the One Ring is being carried by Frodo to Mt. Doom.

A lot of stuff that TOlkien never completed has been published by his son. The ultimate collection in the History of Middle-earth, which is in 15 volumes, I think. in depth, yes.

P.S. I forgot, the Silmarillion also tells of how Eru, the One, created the heavens and Middle-earth, and how he called upon the Valor to help create the world for the arrival of his children, the elves. Its a take on various creation stories, from Ovid to the Old Testament.
purple skies are dead.

Last edited by MrBoj; 09-13-2003 at 10:06 AM..
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09-13-2003, 06:31 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Wow! That was summed up very nicely! God job Mrboj!


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09-13-2003, 11:13 PM
Forbidden Paradise's Avatar
Forbidden Paradise
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Forbidden Paradise  (10)

I must say that most of my queries on Ents have now been answered

"In a lush world of diabolical danger where everyone wants to eat you, you're the skinny guy with no weapons."
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09-17-2003, 09:47 AM
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I haven't had time to read this hole thread so bare with me!

I like the films, there very cool, especcially Gollum's little spas-attacks "You cannot see what lies ahead when Moon has failed and Sun is dead!"

I think the second film is better, but the books beat the lot! IU read the last chapter of The Retern of the King last night. It's taken me 2 years to finish reading the books, what with having to stop in the middle! But it's a great story.
Personally I don't like the ending, it made me feel depressed! For those who don't know, it's both a happy, but sad ending (if that makes sense).

I think in the film you get a different feel of the characters. In the book I liked Elrond but in the film i didn't.

I think they should make a film out of The Hobbit (the prequel to Lord of the Ring)
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09-17-2003, 11:38 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Originally posted by Splat
I haven't had time to read this hole thread so bare with me!

I like the films, there very cool, especcially Gollum's little spas-attacks "You cannot see what lies ahead when Moon has failed and Sun is dead!"

I think the second film is better, but the books beat the lot! IU read the last chapter of The Retern of the King last night. It's taken me 2 years to finish reading the books, what with having to stop in the middle! But it's a great story.
Personally I don't like the ending, it made me feel depressed! For those who don't know, it's both a happy, but sad ending (if that makes sense).

I think in the film you get a different feel of the characters. In the book I liked Elrond but in the film i didn't.

I think they should make a film out of The Hobbit (the prequel to Lord of the Ring)
It made me deppressed too! I couldn't talk for a few days! It was sad! I finished the book in 2 weeks! I really liked it! I've read it twice! 'Tis so good!

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09-18-2003, 10:23 PM
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Last edited by oddguy; 09-18-2003 at 02:26 PM..
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09-18-2003, 11:21 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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The Hobbits look good with Lightsabers! AWESOME!

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09-20-2003, 04:21 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
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hahaha lol that is hilarious, mixing up my two favorite stories of all time, nice work
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09-20-2003, 06:38 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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I've been reading the Hobbit lately, and I've decided that Smaug died to easily! It should have gotten into more detail...

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09-20-2003, 06:59 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Originally posted by oddguy

That really brightened up my day! A great combination as Jeremy said, bringing two of my favorite series' together(LOTR, and SW that is).
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09-20-2003, 10:49 PM
MrBoj's Avatar
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I jsut hope no actual spoof is made combining LotR and Star Wars. Because I may just have to stab someone.
purple skies are dead.

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09-21-2003, 12:44 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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I'd rather stab George than Peter!


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09-21-2003, 04:14 AM
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I know a lot of you worship The Lord of the Rings, but you must agree with me that it is kind of screwed up. It goes into so much detail about the area and trees and crap no one cares about, but very rarely gives descriptions on people, or races. It didn't explain what an orc looks like, or what anyone looks like. Which is why I feel that Tolkien (mayherestinpeace) was a crap writer, with two much time on his hands.
Who's with me?
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09-21-2003, 08:43 PM
MrBoj's Avatar
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wow. Have you ever read anything by Tolkien?

THe man created several languages, including several elf dialiects, well developed histories of people, not too mention a whole mythology on the creation of the world that can be seen in the Silmarillion, and finally, was able to tell one hell of a story.

Seriously, have you ever read anything by him? There is are whole sections of Numenor and the greed on man, elvish history, the origin of hobbits, all in the History of Middle-earth and elsewhere. ALL 15 VOLUMES OF IT! Yes, there is a 15 volume set on the History of Middle-earth. and what about the 5 Istari, who came from the west with tasks from the Valor.........yes, 5 wizards, Gandalf, radagast, Saruman, and 2 Blue Istari. Their tasks were well established, though the 2 Blue wizards went off on their own agendas, while radagast the brown developed an affinity for animals. Gandalf and Saruman are pretty apparent.

what do orcs look like? Didn't you read my previous post. They are bastardized version of elves, so I would imagine that they would look like very grotesque elves. The depiction in the movie is a very accurate depiction of how an orc would look like in my mind. How did they become to be? this really bad guy, Morgoth, kidnapped some elves, and bred them in a certain way, and made a mockery of the elvish race.....made the race of orcs.

PLease, how could you say "It goes into so much detail about the area and trees and crap no one cares about, but very rarely gives descriptions on people, or races." this statement is so poorly supported. I know not everyone enjoys Tolkien because he gets so in depth....it's not for anyone. But please, you seem to assume something based only on the movie. Please Excuse me if you read the books....but if you did, were you paying any attention?

good day, sir.

(please, don't "run off" who are you running from?)
purple skies are dead.

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09-22-2003, 01:52 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Lord of the Rings may not be for everyone, but it is for enough. It is the second most read book in the world. The Bible being #1.

Oh, and Tolkien does give a breif description of orcs. In the Hobbit it talks about how dark it is in the caves, so the Orcs eyes are huge to obtain whatever light they can.
And everything isn't meant for explanation. Sometimes the author gives you all the information he wants you to have, so the reader can imagine on their own. And Tolkien isn't a crap writter. He was a proffesor in English and Literature, so he knew his stuff.


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09-22-2003, 07:37 AM
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Have you ever read anything by Tolkien?
Yes. The first two Lord of the Rings. I have discussed this with many people and most agree on the detail on looks thing.

But please, you seem to assume something based only on the movie.
Yes... because in movies they describe what everyone looks like instead of showing them. Good point.

so the reader can imagine on their own.
Ah. There is a good answer.

And Tolkien isn't a crap writter.
I know, I just threw that in to stir a bit.
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09-22-2003, 01:21 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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WOW! I think Facsimile is really wanting to DIE! Your a crazy person, and should be shot! (not literally) Tolkien discribed orcs a little, but left it a little vauge so you could use your "IMAGINATION!" I love Tolkiens writing! He's my favorite author! Give a big round of aplause to Facsimile, the master of Meyhem!

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09-22-2003, 02:08 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Don't be mean to Facsimilie. Maybe he is in withdrawl since he lives in Middle Earth. If someone named me Luke Skywalker, I'd hate Star Wars.


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09-22-2003, 04:21 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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I wouldn't, your crazy! Anyway, Facsimile lives in New Zealand, not Middle earth!

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