The Lord of the Rings!
What did you guys think of the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers? I thought it was good, but the book was so much better! Post your opinions about anything that is Lord of the Rings on this thread! See ya!
Where were the Huorns? I wanna see Huorns!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fuzmad: :fuzmad:
yes, i read the books, but the movies were good, but i dont know why the haven't put it out on video yet.
To Ghost: I think that we'll see more of the Hurons in the next movie,I mean we haven't even see nthe part with Saruman yet!
To sligslinger: I think that The Two Towers is coming out August 26th! So keep your eyes open! Disclaimer: If you haven't read the book, please don't read on! Anyway after reading the all the books(The fellowship of the rings, the two towers, and the return of the king.) I was so deppressed that Frodo was never happy! Anybody else? |
Must..see..king under the moutain...Need...more...*unggggggggg*
I think Lord of the Rings was very well done. I can't wait for the next one! Gollum rocks!
Fellowship so far is still my favorite out of the movies, but Two Towers is still great too.
I think that they were both well done! I just don't like Farimir being EVIL!!! I can't wait for the next movie, when the big spider atacks Frodo and Sam, so cool, and when Gandalf renounces Sarumans power, COOL!!! Has anyone read The Silmerilion?
I actually haven't seen the second movie, but I was disappointed with the first one though... after reading the FOTR and TT (currently reading ROTK) I don't think such a detailed book can be portreyed accuratley in a 2h movie ;)
~Miss Odd Serenity |
I say it's better to have a movie rather than not. Personally I love the movie, and Peter Jackson himself said that his is just one interperation of Tolkiens book.
When I first heard they were making a movie of the trilogy, I was upset. But I did enjoy both films. I cant wait for Return of the King.
And the Silmarillion reads more like Ovid's The Metamorphoses. It is the story of how Middle-earth was created, and of the war of the Silmarils with Morgoth the Enemy.......alos known as Melkor. It has allusions to Lucifer, as Melkor was sort of a fallen Valor, or the one whop was jealous of the other Valor and destroyed there works. It was Melkor who originally created the race of Orcs. Orcs were created out of a group of elves Melkor kidnapped and made the Orcs as a mockery to the elves, bastardizing them into a wrenched race of people. |
Yeah, I liked the book, but I fell asleep reading it alot. I'm not putting down JRR Tolkiens writing, I just really like Diolouge.
It's gonna be in the next movie. In the book, the Helm's Deep battle was only a chapter, but it had fantastic detail, but they had to put the detail in the movie, so that's why they didn't put it in yet. The whole time I was whatching the movie, I w2as waiting for those parts to happen, and then when the credits started to role, I was just so sad that that I had to wait another whole year!
I am a lord of the rings freak!!! I love it!!!! the only problem with the movie is they skipp too many parts:( like in the TT the ints were supposed to kill the uru kai not the riders of rohan!!
Hello GrigtheSlig. I do like Lord of the Rings. It is one of my favorite movies along with the Matrix movies. My favorite character is Legolas, he is cute. ;) I enjoyed both of the movies and I do like the books also. I am looking forward to the next one at the end of the year. I read in a newspaper that they have to cut it down, as it would go longer than Two Towers if they included everything!!!!!!
Shelob the spider will be in Return of the King, though she was originally in TTT. Yeah, they changed the story a bit, but I think it all works out in the end. I also heard there will be no Sharky sequence, because RotK will be long enough as it already its.
Thankyou MrBoj, I was just gonna say that, because they put there heads on sticks and stuff! I wish that they could include the Sharky part, I'd love to see Saruman DIE!!!:D
Me too! Yes, death to Saruman!!! :devil: :fuzvamp: :dead: ;)
Did anybody get really freaked out when they read the last chapter in TT? I was so scared for Frodo!!!:eek: Luckily I had all the books in one book, so I just kept reading!
When is the twin towers coming out! I mean, everything that came after it is already on video! LOL
Dangit, I wanted to say all that. [lotrgeek] Yeah, the whole thing was allusion to the bible, mans fall from grace..and so on and so forth. Also, the trolls were made from captured ents, turning them from creatures of trees to beasts of stone. Note; His original name was Melkor, the Elves gave him the name Morgoth, the dark enemy of the world. He also made the dragons, but not with some "mutation", but with dark magics and designs, witch is how he made the dragons so powerful. [/lotrgeek] |
Yes... the twin towers.
Oh gawd, now she is going to say 'No duh, Sherlock'. |
um, you must mean the Two Towers, not Twin Towers. The regular edition DVD will be out on August 26. The Platinum Series Extended Edition wil be released November 18. This is aroudn the same time the Fellowship of the Ring was released last year. So it all coincides with each other you see.
amazon |
I also heard for ROTK they are going to include Sauron in the final battle, and he will be in physical form like in the beginning of fellowships prologue. |
AWESOME!!! I'm going to see it on my birthday, so that'll be cool! I think there might be more orcs that that, though.
Sounds like one helluva battle! I can't wait to see it!