If my firstborn is a boy, I wish to name him "Luke." Suprisingly, this is actually partially inspired by Searex, because I realized his first name works suprisingly well with my last (name).
If my firstborn is a girl, I will drown her in the nearest creek. It is dishonorable to have a female child. On the off chance that the mom (who will probably be my wife) somehow isn't fully incapacitated by the dose of drugs I will slip her to allow me time for my deed, then I'll settle with "Leia."
jk. If it's a girl, then mommy gets to choose.
I must admit though, I'm tempted to name my firstborn something with a blatant racial connotation, like "Jesus" or "Enrique" or "Tyrone," as to confuse many people, and leave them succeptible for me to make jestful accusations of racism.
"Gustavo" has also always tickled my fancy. But I don't think I'll win that one.