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: What are the odds OWI will switch in th near future?
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: 31.

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12-11-2005, 12:10 PM
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I think it could be a good move too. but honestly I prefer game consoles

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12-11-2005, 02:03 PM
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Wait a tic....

You are half-way right.
I think the playstation controller fits best, second xbox and gamecube, just ..........ug.
Fanboyism.....Taking over....Two little voices in head right now....

voice 1: Flame him! Flame him like mad! He is in the sony side! He dissed nintendo!
voice 2: No he is a fellow forumer! Don't do it met! RESTRAIN MON!

*Head explodes*

I'm sorry you had to see that. Please continue.
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12-11-2005, 02:38 PM
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I think it could be a good move too. but honestly I prefer game consoles

Yeah, for some reason, I prefer the consoles as well. It's probably because there are so many possibilities when it comes to them. But when it comes to Oddworld, who knows what the heck they will do! I'm not even sure if they're going to make games for a while, honestly. I just don't see anything going on on the next-gen consoles at least for now.
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12-18-2005, 12:30 PM
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If Oddworld were to still making games today (Munch's Exoddus, Sqeek's Oddysee, Fangus ), they would surly be able to have it on the PS3, as state said to be technically most powerful, while the X-Box360 looks to be just as good (I seriously can't tell the difference graphic wise).

As for the Revolution, I love Nintendos and their franchise games (hey they blood some of the best, gameplay rules all, screw it if it doesnt look "mature"), but the thing is Nintedo charges high fees to make games for them too, plus the new controller could not be a good thing for a Oddworld game. It could, but not likely (imagine playing Abes Exoddus with it...Stranger Warth could work well).
Consoles are limiting Oddworld in what they can do. I'm absolutely positively sure that Lorne and his crew can create a game that is so graphically beautiful
Mostly its true, but the have been some really beautiful stuff that have been pumped out of the PS2, look at Burnout Revenge, Shadow of Colossus, Prince of Persica III, God of War and Soul Calibra III, only some slowdown, but still graphically pleasing

I think the problem was the size of Oddworld staff, they are pretty small compare to the other game companies, which really limited them down to focus more on the gameplay then the FMVs and graphic with the time constraints (it took 3 years for a game), as everything was done in house.
They still achieve a lot.

That's my big rant, try and cool down the flaming, this was a really nice place before I went off for a walk bit...

Last edited by AWWW; 12-18-2005 at 12:35 PM..
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12-18-2005, 12:53 PM
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Well its hard to communicate one mans vision of a universe onto a huge crew of staff working on a game. Somehow I think that next to the financial side, Lorne didn't realy mind the small crew. It makes for better and more personal communication.
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12-18-2005, 01:53 PM
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Yeah communitation is a strain on larger groups, but I remember Lorne Lanning had said he may want to out source some of the work for Fangus before it was can.

I think with something that big that Lorne Lanning was trying to achive, he definitly would have needed a big staff.
I suppose with the advancement of graphic, they can just stick to using in game graphics to replace the FMV (they were doing it in Stranger Warth), just need lots of people to get the contents done (characters, bonus/hidden areas, easter eggs ect. ect.).
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12-18-2005, 07:49 PM
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i hope they just go on both consoles and the p.c
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12-23-2005, 07:31 PM
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if they are on the pc and the 360 you can always play a demo on the pc if you dont have the 360 and dont want to buy the game
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12-24-2005, 07:54 AM
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personally I hope Lorne will anounce on what console they are working now before they release the PS3... So I'll know what platform I'll have to buy for the next gen (make it the X360 please )

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01-01-2006, 03:03 PM
crash-kid's Avatar
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I've just got an Xbox 360 for Christmas so I really hope the next game is on Xbox 360, but I think it should be on PS3 and 360 because people who didn't have an Xbox couldn't play Stranger and Munch so I think it's best if they release the next game on 360 and PS3, so no one is left out.
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01-02-2006, 12:31 AM
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I hope it is going to be Xbox360
Not only bechause i own one but i am a bit against Sony & Nitendo *fanboy*
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01-02-2006, 05:25 AM
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Actually you are all wrong the next Oddworld will be on film. Oddworld is currently moving into film and the games are being produced from outside parties. Which I think will be multi platform. That at least makes a heck of a lot of sense. OWI is no longer an in-house game production company as we all know. So in the idea of games anything is open. Heck I wouldn't be surprised to see Oddworld on Atari. Wierd but amazeingly possible!

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01-02-2006, 08:41 AM
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We know they are making films now, but they might develop a game at the same moment.

and we have no clue what it could be and on what platform it will be

I think most of us agree it should be multiplatform

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01-02-2006, 09:34 AM
crash-kid's Avatar
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I should definitely be multi-platform for 360 and PS3 but the REV has a weird controller and it might be very difficult to play Oddworld with that controller but I might be wrong, lets all just hope it's a multi-platform.
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01-02-2006, 09:39 AM
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*fanboyism takes over* Crash Kid the revolution controller can be perfect if OWI use it right. Actuallly I am thinking of a possibility. Think of it.....You might have to wave your arms like your chanting and abe starts chanting! Oh oh! Gamespeak! To the max! Hehe....You're a slig....And you are insulting other sligs using a built in microphone....Oh thats great .
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01-02-2006, 09:51 AM
crash-kid's Avatar
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Soz, didn't mean to sound like fan boy I said I might be wrong about the controller any way we'll just have to wait and see. Also if people at oddworld use the controller right it might be really good. And Metroixer what you just said about being a slig insulting other sligs sounds COOL!!!!
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01-02-2006, 10:35 AM
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I like the idea of using a microphone. Just imagen playing as Abe, you can speak through him with the microphone and literally say anything you want and the inhabitants will respond with good understanding on what you are saying. You could boss them around commanding them to do anything you want, or you could lie and confuse to the characters to make complicated situations, or fool your emimies on getting secret information. It'll reach the limit of Gamespeak, but it'll need a hell of alot of AI to make this possible.

I'm thinking of PS3, mulitiplatform would be best for everyone, but I personaly would like it to be included on this particular platform. PS2 had many exclusive titles which I wanted to get my hands on, but I never could.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
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01-02-2006, 02:12 PM
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Ah actually nintendo already did that: nintendogs is a fine example .
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01-27-2006, 07:38 PM
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Happy Wow....

cullen heath and used... You have just lost so much of my respect after seeing this thread.....Wow... you people are so protective of your preffered platforms... as many have said already - everyone is entitled to their own opinion - so jesus.. cool it both of you

EDIT: Oh and to state my opinion... I think PS3 would do the job the best.... in that the R1, R2, L1, and L2 are so good for gamespeak! I also would like to PEACEFULLY object to used comment about "nintendo's the oldest"...


Age of a company doesnt matter, compadre.... What matters is what you need for the job... such as Graphics, Memory, and Controller configuration...

Last edited by monkeybait; 01-27-2006 at 07:54 PM..
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01-27-2006, 07:58 PM
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IMO multiplatform is not a good idea. The game(s), in whatever console they're made, should be made just for that console, using that console's possibilities to maximum, instead of making a compromise between the possibilities of all three consoles. And about the console vs. PC thing, I much prefer consoles. Playing games in the consoles is so much more relaxing, and is just as much exciting.
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01-28-2006, 01:23 AM
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the problem with that attitude is that you can reach less people...
and OWI clearly stated that their main objective was to have a place in each home

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01-28-2006, 08:27 AM
monkeybait's Avatar
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I think i'm swayed towards sony a bit because the first 2 games were awesome on the ps1 and it had extremely solid controlls for me...
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01-28-2006, 03:22 PM
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Eh...I'm goin if'y on this case. I hope OWI makes it on BOTH consoles. If only one, and it's the PS3, I'm-a be pi-i-i-issed...
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01-28-2006, 03:25 PM
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If they changed to xbox 360 maybe the graphics will look even bether then it is on xbox not like theirs any thing wrong with the graphics.
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01-28-2006, 03:50 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Eh...I'm goin if'y on this case. I hope OWI makes it on BOTH consoles. If only one, and it's the PS3, I'm-a be pi-i-i-issed...
Join the club.
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01-28-2006, 05:21 PM
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Those posts were from two months ago, do you honestly think we care what we said two months ago? Jesus...

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01-28-2006, 05:51 PM
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Hardware issues aside, I think Oddworld would find a much better foothold with Nintendo fans. They aren't all shit crazy about sports and fps'.

My bowels hurt.

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