Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: oddworld king
: Oddworld Discussion 12-21-2007, 07:02 AM
: 67
: 8,366
you know your obsessed with oddworld when: .you...

you know your obsessed with oddworld when:
.you stand outside your house ringing a bell for hours wondering why elum has showed up
.your scared to stand on a slug because you think a fleech will...
: Oddworld Discussion 12-19-2007, 10:55 AM
: 67
: 8,366
you know your obsessed with oddworld when: .you...

you know your obsessed with oddworld when:
.you can remember every word abe says in the movie clips in both AO and AE.(i can do that)
.you jump down wells thinking that you will come out of another...
: Oddworld Discussion 12-15-2007, 07:18 AM
: 98
: 11,206
i hav them all. i got AO just after it was...

i hav them all. i got AO just after it was released and have been a fan ever since
: Oddworld Discussion 12-15-2007, 07:11 AM
: 67
: 8,366
you know your obsessed with oddworld when: .you...

you know your obsessed with oddworld when:
.you get your name legaly changed to abe
.you worship the god shrykul
.you get a tatoo of a love heart that says oddworld in it on your arm
.you cut off...
: Oddworld Discussion 12-02-2007, 07:35 AM
: 35
: 4,091
i would never get bored with more games with abe...

i would never get bored with more games with abe in them. munch and stranger will never be more popular than abe!!!!!!!!
: Oddworld Help 11-25-2007, 08:02 AM
: 7
: 1,153
what was the point in replying just to say that?

what was the point in replying just to say that?
: Oddworld Help 11-25-2007, 07:27 AM
: 7
: 1,153
Sad Need help getting fmv's onto computer

How can i get the FMV's from AE and AO on my computer because i was thinking of making a tribute to abe fan film and putting it on youtube.:pipe:

is there a site i can download them from or...
: Oddworld Discussion 11-25-2007, 06:46 AM
: 47
: 6,374
i like the 2-D oddworld games best but its wierd...

i like the 2-D oddworld games best but its wierd because with other games i would have to say 3-D. maybe its because AO and AE were the first ones i played and when i did first play them when they...
: Oddworld Discussion 11-03-2007, 04:31 AM
: 1,440
: 507,755
they couldnt just teleport to vykkers labs...

they couldnt just teleport to vykkers labs because then they wouldnt have made lulu rich and not be able to win the auction.
: Oddworld Discussion 11-02-2007, 09:13 AM
: 1,440
: 507,755
i dont understand how in AE mudokons are blue...

i dont understand how in AE mudokons are blue when they are in the tear-x-tractor but turn green again when freed.
: Oddworld Help 10-23-2007, 08:46 AM
: 12
: 1,227
oh i get it now.its so obvious now. thanks...

oh i get it now.its so obvious now. thanks everyone!
: Oddworld Help 10-22-2007, 05:34 AM
: 12
: 1,227
that doesnt work. the problem is that the granade...

that doesnt work. the problem is that the granade i need to pick up is at the edge of the platform and when i try to pick it up abe just climbs down instead of picking up the granade.
: Oddworld Help 10-21-2007, 07:16 AM
: 12
: 1,227
i cant press ctrl i have it for the playstation....

i cant press ctrl i have it for the playstation. but thanks anyway
: Oddworld Help 10-21-2007, 07:03 AM
: 12
: 1,227

i dont know if anyone has said this already but there is a part in the sligs barracks in the rifle range were there is a granade dispenscer but the granade lands on the edge of the ground and since...
: Oddworld Discussion 10-18-2007, 06:30 AM
: 74
: 9,312
thats a tough question. i like them all but i...

thats a tough question. i like them all but i think mudokons are the best. theyre just so interesting. my second favourite is scrabs becuase they are so cool!
: Oddworld Discussion 10-18-2007, 06:16 AM
: 12
: 3,174
Question your opinion of citizens siege

now that we know the next oddworld game is called citizens siege and isnt set on oddworld i was just wondering what everyone thinks of it.

i know that not much about it is known but im not so...
: Oddworld Discussion 10-18-2007, 05:16 AM
: 21
: 3,195
i have a question. does anyone know anything...

i have a question.

does anyone know anything about the khanzumers apart from the fact that they are the most important race on oddworld.does anyone know what they look like?


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