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Truck driving and my Brother's 21st birthday!!!

Posted 02-28-2012 at 08:31 PM by sheridanm962
So I texted my dad to see if I could go with up for a Truck road-trip on a Friday Night, this really gives me an opportunity to see if Monster® Import™ Energy drink is better than what I usually have.

We get back at around 5-6am in the morning and that gives me a couple of hours of sleep for my Brother's 21st birthday. Now my brother Shanon is kindof depressed and has to take meds and so he had to spend a little more time in the hospital. :(

I hope he gets better, I really fucking hate hearing that he's depressed to a breaking point (he almost committed suicide). :|

I guess the only good thing is that he's a really good but weird comedian: He has this photo of him on Facebook [spoiler]fagbook[/spoiler] Where he's inside a plastic looking body bag, he looks like he's dead and his friend did the same photo. :happy:

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