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Random featured blog entry from sheridanm962

It's Legit!

Posted 04-18-2012 at 05:27 AM by sheridanm962
Just brought Minecraft and now it's finally a registered version, I no longer have to search for every update and get cracked versions.

I also have happy news: My clan is Back!!!11one!!!

NomNom are back in business, so I talk to them on Skype and play Minecraft with them and I also play some League of Legends (I'm still a level 6 newfag) but hey, it's fun!

Got a Samsung Galaxy for my birthday, played through Angry birds in the like, eh.... It's really handy for email alerts, especially if I'm at Tech.

anyway here is a video that I recorded of the favorite parts of NomNom's server.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

and in singleplayer I created a sphere mansion via MC Edit, although the two water and lava fountains were all me, plus I made a bridge out of the sphere shape:


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