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Im kinda sad over one thing :(

Posted 02-06-2011 at 09:47 AM by T-nex
I've watched most significant sci-fi movies, I believes. At least all the one's that are must-watch. I think so anyway, I mean I've watched Blade Runner, Star Trek, Star Wars, ET, Jurassic Park, V for Vendetta, The Crow, Alien movies and much more.

I sometimes wonder what's left for me to see. Well speaking of older sci-fi's that is. I don't know. It just seems newer sci-fi's don't appeal to me as much. The newest sci-fi that managed to leave an impression on me was Tron legacy. I really really liked that movie, cos even though it's modernized, it still sort of had that 90's feeling to it. I want more movies to find their roots.

I've thought of watching Inception, but I dunno... I'm just afraid that I'll be disappointed. There was something brilliant and unique over 70s, 80's and 90s sci-fi's, and I'm really intimidated by newer ones, cos I'm afraid of just being let down. x_x

Sometimes I wish we did indeed have a memory-erasing machine. That means I could erase the entire memory of having watched Blade Runner and enjoy it endlessly as if new.
Actually, I'm rather liking this idea ... And in the inevitable future, where the government will have memory devices anyway, I bet it's something that will be implemented. Wooh!

Anyway, I'm actually kinda making this blog to just vent, and also ask for suggestions on movies I may have missed.
I've watched most popular ones I believe. I even watched Bodysnatchers, and most movies along those lines too.
So yea. Dunno. I just hope there's still stuff left for me to enjoy x_x
Without movies, my mind will go crazy from the boredom of this world.
Total Comments 15


Bullet Magnet's Avatar
That's funny, I was just thinking about that today: the possible application of memory erasure to extend the enjoyment of entertainment media. Though I examined it more closely, considering the idea of only erasing knowledge of the plot and not the experience of watching it, since no one wants to be unable to remember their days off, or forget going to a movie with someone special. Also, when you watch films a second time, to catch things you missed the first time. I considered the possibility of only temporarily erasing the memory of the experience, restoring it later. I wonder what the sensation of remembering seeing a film for the first time, twice, would be.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 09:59 AM by Bullet Magnet

Daxter King's Avatar
Have you seen District 9 or Moon? Both are amazing, Moon especially. There are also other mediums to explore SciFi, TV, books, games. The Mass Effect games give me a very Star Trek vibe.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 10:03 AM by Daxter King

Shrykull15's Avatar
Well, If you haven't seen Inception, Avatar, or the latest Star Trek movie, I'm sure you won't be disapointed. I'm sure there's other great ones but they escape my mind right now.

Rumour has it that the original Star Wars trilogy is going to be re-released in 3D, just in-case any of you didn't know. :P
Posted 02-06-2011 at 10:09 AM by Shrykull15

T-nex's Avatar
I haven't watched Moon,l but it's on ym to-do list.

And yes, I saw District 9 It was quite awesome.

@ BM

Yea, I really had the same things in mind. Forgetting the feeling about the movie would be a bad.
I think it would probably feel like a weird deja-vu in the end
Kind of when you feel like you've had the same dream twice, but you don't remember if the first one is the one you're having now, or if you actually did have it before you dreamt it this time.

Edit: @ Shrykull:
I've seen Avatar and the Star trek movie. While I liked Avatar, The new Star Trek movie wasn't up to par. I felt as if it made fun of the whole franchise.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 10:10 AM by T-nex

STM's Avatar
Y'know, there are plenty of alternative media genres for science fiction. Pick up a book?

I suppose you could watch Doctor Who? Some of the black and white ones are better than the new ones.

Have you seen War of the Worlds? That's good.

Children of Men? That's excellent

28 Days Later / 28 Weeks Later? Sorta Scifi

Hope I helped.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 10:19 AM by STM

T-nex's Avatar
Well I read books once in a while, but my budget doesn't allow me to buy many, and for some reason I keep postponing going to the library. Im still trying to get a hold of "Do androids dream of electric sheep?"

Either way, while books are nice, I'd rather get suggestions for movies.
Once I'm in a bit of a better state of mind though, I'll pick up book reading again.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 10:28 AM by T-nex

STM's Avatar
Have you seen all the movies above?

And fairplay, I know how expensive a book can be, I have £1000s of books in my library looking bedroom, but that's over a collection of five years and many books I've inherited.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 10:45 AM by STM

MA's Avatar
Moon is fantastic.

Flatliners is classed as a sci-fi, and it was made in the nineties. i've only watched it a couple of times, and that was quite a while ago, but i remember enjoying it. try that one out.

its odd you've brought this up, just recently i've been searching for decent sci-fi films that aren't smothered with CGI. i prefer a balanced mixture of animatronics and CGI. to me, it makes things seem a whole lot more real.

stuff like Inception i'm really not into. The Fifth Element is alright, but not amazing. Twelve Monkeys is good, and so is Enemy Mine. i don't care what anyone says, Enemy Mine is a brilliant film. i used to watch it all the time as a kid. its a bit dated, but that adds to the 'magic'. actually, if you consider any of the ones i've just mentioned, go for Enemy Mine. i reckon you'll like it.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 04:35 PM by MA

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Moon blew me away, first time in years I've actually liked a character Kevin Spacey has played.

A scanner darkly is fun to watch stoned, but I think it's more comedy than sci-fi, especially after you've read the book. Sure, it's horribly depressing, but as one who's spent years pissing time away with various substances, I can't help but find the comedy in it all.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 04:51 PM by Disgruntled Intern
Updated 02-06-2011 at 04:54 PM by Disgruntled Intern

T-nex's Avatar
I'll cetainly watch Moon


Funny that you'd mention Enemy Mine, cos it's one of my favorite sci-fi movies =)
I remember I used to watch it a lot when I was a kid, and I watched it recently again when I was at my dad's.

Man... Well maybe I should plunge myself in the world of books too again. Now that you guys keep talking about it, I feel I'm missing out, which I most likely am x_x

But I'll definitely watch Moon. My dad has it, but when i visit, my sister is usually with me, and she never wants to watch it cos it "looks old and dated"... sigh.
Posted 02-06-2011 at 05:58 PM by T-nex

RyuuFox's Avatar
Yeah moon was really good. It one of those movie where i actually felt sad for the main character
Posted 02-06-2011 at 10:02 PM by RyuuFox

OANST's Avatar
I also really like Moon.
Posted 02-07-2011 at 07:15 AM by OANST

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I also also really like Moon.
Posted 02-07-2011 at 08:08 AM by MeechMunchie

Pilot's Avatar
This blog is sad.
Posted 02-07-2011 at 09:21 PM by Pilot

Sekto Springs's Avatar
You've had to sit through countless crappy films with your sister. Make her watch Moon. If she makes snide comments like usual, shit in her milk.
Posted 02-07-2011 at 09:31 PM by Sekto Springs


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