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Posted 03-02-2011 at 12:24 AM by T-nex
Did anyone else know that the Plus! pack for Windows XP contains a super-awesome visualization for Windows Media player, that has Munch dancing around in his wheel chair?? X_x
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Im kinda sad over one thing :(

Posted 02-06-2011 at 09:47 AM by T-nex
I've watched most significant sci-fi movies, I believes. At least all the one's that are must-watch. I think so anyway, I mean I've watched Blade Runner, Star Trek, Star Wars, ET, Jurassic Park, V for Vendetta, The Crow, Alien movies and much more.

I sometimes wonder what's left for me to see. Well speaking of older sci-fi's that is. I don't know. It just seems newer sci-fi's don't appeal to me as much. The newest sci-fi that managed to leave an impression on me was Tron legacy. I...
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American Idol

Posted 01-31-2011 at 05:43 AM by T-nex
I sometimes watch American idol when I catch it. I dont have a TV so it's not very often.

What I often ask myself though... Why on earth are these people so crazed, hyped and obsessed with making it to the next stage? Like seriously. Some of them get absolutely heartbroken when they get a rejection from the judges.

I just don't get it. Did they seriously think they had a chance to make it out of the many thousands that apply? Do they seriously feel so entitled to making...
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All of you

Posted 01-29-2011 at 12:03 PM by T-nex
These blogs are kinda.... sad lately x_x

I really just wanted to say my heart goes out to all of you.

I guess Im a tad too emotionally invested in this place, but I really just want everyone here to be happy and to overcome their struggles.

Is it weird that I sometimes wondered if it would be a god thing to make an OWF fund? When a member really needs it forever reson. I guess it's a sweet thing, but it would never work in practice.

Im tired,...
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Posted 01-12-2011 at 03:32 AM by T-nex

Anyway I just wanted to let you all know that I had a dream about a pig ghost that kept singing about weeners...

And it was a really fucking scary dream too.

I think it's because of Oanst and his stubborn mentioning of Ween. SO FOK U OANST! >: (
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Airbrushes and eggs!

Posted 01-04-2011 at 09:22 AM by T-nex
Im so excited that I decided to make this pointless blog explaining why

I finally pulled myself together and ordered an Airbrush set with compressor and all!! Those are so expensive x_x
But it'll be worth it. Airbrushes can be so useful... Not only for painting but they can be used for many other things.

Oh and since I ordered it from the I decided to grab some cadbury eggs too... Ive been wanting to try those to see what the talk is about for...
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Im goNna eet yoo allL!!!!

Posted 12-29-2010 at 03:54 AM by T-nex
Yea, so yesterday i went home with the last bus of the night and... guess what?? OMGWTFBBQ i missed my stop..... by like 10 minutes....

I was engulfed in some mobile game that I was playing and I ended up on some scary, forsaken town with a tavern X_x wtf.

I had to call a cab cos my mom didn't wanna get me, so now I'm 30 bucks poorer.

Also, the cab-driver was really boring. I tipped him anyway.


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Posted 12-13-2010 at 01:28 PM by T-nex
Yea.. so... Breathing freely is something really taken for given and underrated. I'm serious, man.
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Posted 11-29-2010 at 04:06 AM by T-nex
It's been snowing so much and it makes me happy

Everything is white and pretty. It started about a week ago, and I must say it's the earliest winter that I remember.
It's gotten so cold here. x_x

I'm, happy though. Snowy winters are the one time of year where I feel truly elevated.
Ah.. I just wish Chris was here too =) Snow and Chris is the perfect combination.

Has it been snowing in your location?
Are car owners getting tired yet?...
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Copying is not stealing!!

Posted 11-26-2010 at 06:20 AM by T-nex
Yea... This may be a somewhat pointless blog.

But lately, I've been turning and twisting this issue in my head.
What are people actually 'stealing' when they copy movies or music or games or anything electronical?
I mean... Nothing physical is stolen. It's not like someone actually lost money due to someone copying. They spent money of making the product, yes, but no one took their money.

So... I think I finally put a word onto it. Peopleare stealing culture...
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