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MA's So Nice

Posted 05-12-2014 at 06:40 PM by Job McYossie
Updated 05-18-2014 at 01:28 PM by Job McYossie
I never realized that you can view when people add to your rep and see their comments. I found this out after just changing my avatar and it just showed up on my screen. You are all a bunch of sweethearts, seriously. Yes, even you Gishy. Now that I know this stuff can be monitored, I wonder why no one has yelled at me for my reasoning for down repping someone. Then again I think I've only down repped three times.

Well anyways, you all rock.
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hello old friend

Posted 05-11-2014 at 04:07 AM by Phylum
Updated 06-05-2014 at 02:26 AM by Phylum
Title in lowercase for effect

So I'm struggling with fatigue again. I was diagnosed with a thyroid defect after months of this last year, and medicated. It helped. I got better. I went to Europe for 3 weeks and did stuff the whole time, and was fine. Life was good.

Now I'm worse than I've ever been. Every time this hits me it's worse. I felt it coming. I tried to rest up and avoid it, but I couldn't. I got a fairly bad skin infection, which really set it off. It totally...
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Posted 05-10-2014 at 03:32 PM by Nepsotic
I just realised something, you guys.
All these people, this generation, the kids at school, the fat fuckers on the Jeremy Kyle show...

What makes me better than them?
Well, I have a higher level of thinking, I look down upon them and understand that they are, by definition, "not as good as me". Plus, I made music, I actually contributed something to the universe, no matter how mundane it was.

Well, that's what I thought until just a few hours ago. I was...
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I HAD AN EPIPHANY a second one why

Posted 05-10-2014 at 03:32 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 05-10-2014 at 03:45 PM by Nepsotic
I just realised something, you guys.
All these people, this generation, the kids at school, the fat fuckers on the Jeremy Kyle show...

What makes me better than them?
Well, I have a higher level of thinking, I look down upon them and understand that they are, by definition, "not as good as me". Plus, I made music, I actually contributed something to the universe, no matter how mundane it was.

Well, that's what I thought until just a few hours ago. I was...
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All I have desired is now within my hands.

Posted 05-10-2014 at 06:42 AM by gishygleb
This body, this power. Everything, but...
I must not look back. A true sovereign does not have that luxury....
Super Stingbee
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Posted 05-07-2014 at 11:40 AM by Scrabaniac
Just needed somewhere to rant basically, but the other day i got a letter come through which was a 'Notice of Intended Prosecution'.. Apparently i was caught speeding at 78mph on a Dual carriageway.. Legally it is a 70mph zone but you are allowed leeway of 10%, which is 77mph. The letter did not state any particular fine nor did it state that i have the option to attend a speed awareness course.. for 1mph over the limit... I've been driving for 2 years with no problems, but i think i'm still in...
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My Dangerous Relative

Posted 05-06-2014 at 03:49 AM by JennyGenesis
Well I've just had a massive shock in my life, and before I reveal what this is, time for a bit of background, so everybody in the UK is currently aware of the headline news regarding the murder of Ann Maguire. For those outside the UK, a 15 year old has been charged with the murder of a school teacher after she was stabbed to death, needless to say, it has shocked the country, but literally days after this incident, local newspapers in my area were reporting that two schoolgirls have been arrested...
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Hedgehoggious Poggious

Posted 05-06-2014 at 01:31 AM by Splat
Updated 05-06-2014 at 05:51 AM by Splat
Do you wana pop out and buy some sugar and stuff at some point today tomorrow or fri?? I think we need sugar and coffee and pick up some squash too also check the teabags. I can get it all Fri if its easier!
I’ll see what the weather is doing. If it’s like it is today, I’ll be staying inside.

Preferably hiding under some coats (no idea why – possibly channelling my inner hedgehog).
Some days I wish I were a hedgehog.

Write me a poem
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I had a bit of a fall

Posted 05-03-2014 at 03:40 PM by Wings of Fire
Two days ago I was running to the store to get some groceries. I was trying to catch a green light and managed to fall straight to the ground in the middle of the road. When I was undazed enough to look, the only thing I could understand was my laces were somehow tied together. Not wanted to put the poor motorists out (The light had already gone red) I literally crawled across the road.

When I got to the other side, I found out that the loop from my right shoelaces had caught on the...
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Media Project

Posted 04-28-2014 at 07:26 AM by Nepsotic
Updated 04-28-2014 at 07:28 AM by Nepsotic
So I finished this a couple of weeks ago, I thought I'd upload it.
Our job was to produce a film trailer, and of course we chose horror, because we're unoriginal.
My group had this incredibly non-generic premise of a group of friends who accidentally kill one of their classmates and are then slowly picked off by his ghost (the most relatable protagonists are the ones who murder college students, of course). Originality at its finest, I just went with it, though.

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