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Posted 05-30-2014 at 07:56 AM by Crashpunk
Updated 05-30-2014 at 08:00 AM by Crashpunk

I've been made redundant from my job. I sorta knew it would happen since my job role involved me being an apprentice, but I hoped they would keep me on after I finished it. And I thought they would as well...

Fucking sucks. I love my job and I love the staff. The best thing is that I got to travel around the UK. Fantastic.

I've got 3 weeks left, then I'm back on the doll. unless something comes up. And I'm preying it does.

On the bright...
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Elliott Rodgers

Posted 05-25-2014 at 08:40 PM by Mr. Bungle
In case you haven't heard

Can’t help feeling that this Elliott Rodgers situation (and many other violent outbursts akin to it) is what happens when society is ignorant and/or unsupportive towards people with severe medical disorders. If he had gotten more help coping with his ailment than he did, it probably wouldn't have spiraled quite so wildly out of control. Mental health is extremely important, and if it is not taken care of carefully, sufferers can be driven to performing...
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I don't care anymore

Posted 05-23-2014 at 11:52 PM by Nemo
This title is probably a lie. But it's story time so all you shits better sit the fuck down and listen

About six months ago there was a little skeleton named Nemo who had an okay life. He had a job and a few friends at this job and a few friends online. He was saving up mad stackz of cash and was sort of enjoying life.

But then one day Nemo's bestest friend in the whole god damn world decided to have an argument...
Clakker Store Clerk
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man Im eating a blue berry muffin

Posted 05-23-2014 at 01:50 PM by Dynamithix
its pretty good
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Float On

Posted 05-22-2014 at 12:26 AM by Daxter King
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Would Immensely Appreciate People Reading This!

Posted 05-20-2014 at 03:19 AM by STM
Hello folks!

So, I can't remember where or not I posted here but basically my GF suffers from asthma, but can't afford insurance, medical bills or any of that shit to get it sorted properly. Any way, we're looking at buying her a CPAP machine to help her breathe. My girlfriend is waking up twice every night now from asthma attacks and she's rapidly working her way through the little medicine she has left.

Why am I writing about it here though?
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Caveat Emptor

Posted 05-19-2014 at 10:32 AM by MeechMunchie
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Got Him!

Posted 05-19-2014 at 08:28 AM by JennyGenesis
So, today I received some fantastic news, from the police, and no this isn't in relation to Ray, in fact I haven't heard from him in ages, I've seen him driving around occasionally, but haven't had no confrontations with him.

In February, I was in my way to uni, I was driving through the centre of the city when suddenly a man just decided to casually walk along the road, I nearly hit him, now the lights were green for me so there is no way that he should have been on the road. I slammed...
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I've had enough now.

Posted 05-16-2014 at 08:11 AM by Scrabaniac
This is a serious blog entry, and i'm on my last legs at the moment. I am underweight, i always have been and its my natural build to be skinny. I don't necessarily have TOO much of a problem with it because i would rather be underweight than overweight. What is really getting to me is the fact that every day of my life, i get strangers in the streets, at my college and even customers at work tell me how thin i am and how 'i should see a doctor' or 'you are an eyesore'.. Yes, i genuinely get these...
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from bad to something something

Posted 05-14-2014 at 12:20 AM by Phylum
I don't even have words for how I feel any more.

I've been feeling a bit better with my fatigue. I've been back to the doctor, and my chest x-ray was fine. My ultrasound is on Friday, so I should have the results by this time next week.

So I went back to uni today. I got a bit out of breath rushing around for a train I ended up missing, but other than that I really thought I might be up to going. I got there, and sang in choir for just over an hour. All of the standing...
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