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I have been summoned to jury duty

Posted 04-14-2010 at 04:40 AM by Splat
Posted in Life
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shaman's Avatar
Something you might want to order.

Posted 04-14-2010 at 04:48 AM by shaman
Updated 04-14-2010 at 04:51 AM by shaman

Havoc's Avatar
They have jury duty in the UK?? I did not know this...
Posted 04-14-2010 at 05:29 AM by Havoc

Hobo's Avatar
Posted 04-14-2010 at 05:43 AM by Hobo

Splat's Avatar
Do they not in the Netherlands?

The information I got said 'rarely to trials last 200 days'. For some reason, the fact that they felt the need to mention this at all was not reassuring.

Fingers crossed for petty theft.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 06:05 AM by Splat

Wings of Fire's Avatar
We only have jury duty in the UK when the stocks and torture prove ineffective.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 06:37 AM by Wings of Fire

MeechMunchie's Avatar
You have been called to assist the elite justice squadron! Your country depends on you!
Posted 04-14-2010 at 06:41 AM by MeechMunchie

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I bet the defendant hopes to God that you don't find out he's a homosexual.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 07:14 AM by OddjobAbe

Wil's Avatar
I'm betting that Splat is anti-homosexuality, not anti-homosexuals.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 09:09 AM by Wil

Josh's Avatar
I think you get out of it if you sleep with the defendant.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 10:12 AM by Josh

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I want to do jury duty once in my life.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 10:23 AM by Wings of Fire

Havoc's Avatar
No we don't have jury duty over here but I am very much for a system like that. Right now cases are handled and decided by a single judge. Not to mention that people are getting 3 years in jail for murder. Our legal system is all kinds of fucked up.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 11:47 AM by Havoc

Ridg3's Avatar
Vote guilty regardless of strength of evidence...makes everyone come to a descision hell of a lot quicker.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 11:50 AM by Ridg3

T-nex's Avatar
Oh oh!! Go watch "12 angry men" and then try to do a similar stunt when you go plz plz plz plz!
Posted 04-14-2010 at 11:59 AM by T-nex

Wings of Fire's Avatar
No we don't have jury duty over here but I am very much for a system like that. Right now cases are handled and decided by a single judge.
That's all kinds of stupid...
Posted 04-14-2010 at 12:37 PM by Wings of Fire

Ridg3's Avatar
You should also get a square of Black Tape and stick it under your nose, comb your hair to the side, demand that everyone calls you "the Führer" then pass judgement on everyones dress sense, claim they are not stylish enough to give their verdict.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 01:41 PM by Ridg3

Rex Tirano's Avatar
My Dad is doing Jury Duty at the moment, it seems interesting for the little he can tell us.

I don't see the problem or why people want to get out of jury duty, two weeks being paid to take off work and go to the city? Yes please.

Also; Netherlands legal system is stupid.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 01:53 PM by Rex Tirano

Splat's Avatar
You should also get a square of Black Tape and stick it under your nose, comb your hair to the side, demand that everyone calls you "the Führer" then pass judgement on everyones dress sense, claim they are not stylish enough to give their verdict.
I like this idea!

Thanks, Rexy; it's good to here a positive testimony To be honest, I just don't feel like I'm the right person to pass judgement on someone else. My belief is that we're all potentially as bad as each other and I try and feel sympathetic towards people, even if they've done really bad things. I believe that if circumstances had been different, it could've been me. So I just don't feel like I'll be very good at this (if that makes sense).
Which is kind of why I'm nervous.
That and the inconvenience of having to catch an early train every day for two weeks, or longer. Who knows.

I dunno; the general... stereotype is that it's a negative experience. Yesterday I would've agreed with Wings, that it's something I'd like to do once in my life, but I don't feel ready to do it so soon.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 02:19 PM by Splat

Wings of Fire's Avatar
You're just as qualified to make the decision as any man in the courtroom. If you feel conflicted because of your sympathy then bring that to the juror room. It's why twelve different people are chosen after all.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 02:36 PM by Wings of Fire

T-nex's Avatar
i think sympathy is good. Please use it splat.... I think you're one of the few good-souled people in this world. Just make sure you also remain a bit critical too
Posted 04-14-2010 at 06:05 PM by T-nex

Wings of Fire's Avatar
It's the judge who has to judge, you just have to say whether you think they did or didn't.
Posted 04-14-2010 at 06:34 PM by Wings of Fire

enchilado's Avatar

EDIT: you've also made exactly 3,333 posts. NEVER MAKE ANOTHER! IT'S YOUR DUTY!
Posted 04-14-2010 at 11:16 PM by enchilado
Updated 04-14-2010 at 11:34 PM by enchilado

Havoc's Avatar
It's the judge who has to judge, you just have to say whether you think they did or didn't.
I always thought the jury would vote on guilty or not guilty and the judge would have to abide by that verdict and only controls the sentencing part? Like, someone can be guilty but the judge can be mild and give him no jail time or something.
Posted 04-15-2010 at 03:50 AM by Havoc

dripik's Avatar
I've never been summoned for jury duty before, but I guess there's no reason to worry too much about this even before the whole thing got started. In the meantime, assume that the case is about burning a community centre down, or damaging a 500-year old iron gate... Just to prepare for being critical.
Posted 04-15-2010 at 03:51 AM by dripik

MA's Avatar
my stepfather's been called to jury duty once before. he didn't like it, and had quite a bad case.
Posted 04-15-2010 at 04:48 AM by MA

Splat's Avatar
damaging a 500-year old iron gate...
Who have you been talking to?

Another 8 years and I might double it Ench; then everyone will be happy.
Posted 04-15-2010 at 05:43 AM by Splat

T-nex's Avatar
Splat... Go to the jury thingy. Don't try to prevent it. You're getting an opportunity that most don't. I do think it's an experience for life.

After seeing 12 angry men, I always wished Id get called for jury duty(though I don't even know if Denmark does that), so that I could be difficult and annoy everybody
Posted 04-15-2010 at 07:35 AM by T-nex

Splat's Avatar
I can't prevent it unless I have a criminal record or a debilitating illness.
Posted 04-15-2010 at 10:41 AM by Splat

T-nex's Avatar
Muahahaha! then you have no choice.
Posted 04-15-2010 at 01:21 PM by T-nex

OANST's Avatar
Just pretend that you are a raging racist. They won't let you on the jury.
Posted 04-15-2010 at 01:30 PM by OANST

Ridg3's Avatar
Or you can tell the judge that you've hit on every member of the jury and you can't be on it due to biased feelings.
Posted 04-15-2010 at 01:34 PM by Ridg3


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