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Laptop Mitosis

Posted 03-25-2010 at 03:37 PM by Splat
Updated 04-14-2010 at 04:41 AM by Splat
I had a Master Plan, which involved earning money from now until Christmas and buying myself a new laptop around that time, since my old one was getting a bit... gimpy.

However, all of these plans were scuppered last night when my old laptop attempted mitosis and found that it only really works for single-celled organisms. Less basically, the plastic case at the bottom broke and a little metal bar that fixed the left hinge connecting the screen and the keyboard side lost its anchorage, so the thing suddenly started separating on the left side. Now the screen only works if you tilt it right back and apply pressure in just the right place, and even then the screen'll stop working if you breathe on it.

So today I spent £500 on a new laptop, and an additional £200 on getting it completely covered for the next three years (since the old one only lasted two and a half).

Unfortunately, since my bank account didn't contain £700 at the time, I had to spend money that is being saved for Important Life Moments When Lots Of Money Is Rather Useful.

But yeah, I have a new laptop now, and if it doesn't last at least six months longer than the old one, PC World have to replace it.

I spent a rather stressful afternoon saving files from the sinking ship of my old laptop and trying to figure out the password of our internet from a badly handwritten note on the bottom of an unrelated letter (which in all honesty took about three hours).

So all things said and done, I'm glad it's just about sorted, though rather sad to have lost all of my favourites from since I started using Google Chrome. The result of all this is that I've missed the Happy Feelings that normally come with buying new technology and I instead feel rather bad about spending the money. But I guess there wasn't much else I can do about it; hopefully happy feelings will come when I discover how much better this new laptop is compared to the train-wreck of my old one. Never buying an Asus ever again...
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Wil's Avatar
Maybe it's the drunkeness typing, but I have trouble imagining your laptop mitosing. Because then you'd have two laptops where you previously had just the one. And then four. Et cetera.
Posted 03-25-2010 at 03:57 PM by Wil

Pilot's Avatar
Knowing it will break, selling you an optional 'insurance' plan on it is extortion.
Posted 03-25-2010 at 03:59 PM by Pilot

Nate's Avatar
Maybe it's the drunkeness typing, but I have trouble imagining your laptop mitosing. Because then you'd have two laptops where you previously had just the one. And then four. Et cetera.
Thus the point in the second paragraph where he says that "it only really works for single-celled organisms."
Posted 03-25-2010 at 08:59 PM by Nate

enchilado's Avatar
It's also spelt 'drunkenness', with two Ns.
Posted 03-25-2010 at 09:51 PM by enchilado

Wil's Avatar
Other people don't get this flak when they post off their face. You bullies.
Posted 03-26-2010 at 01:14 AM by Wil

enchilado's Avatar
I'll admit that had I been drunk and posted that it would have looked like this:

Mybe its teh drunknes typin but I have troebl iamgng you're laptop mitsing. coz then youd have to laptops wher you previsouly had just the one. ant thenf our. Et cetere.
Posted 03-26-2010 at 03:24 AM by enchilado

STM's Avatar
i am thinking that after 2 and a half years you drop your laptop and claim
Posted 04-06-2010 at 10:24 AM by STM

Splat's Avatar
Posted 04-14-2010 at 04:44 AM by Splat


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