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I'm sad for Jerry...

Posted 11-07-2009 at 10:10 AM by Pilot
Updated 11-07-2009 at 10:14 AM by Pilot
Jerry Turner- the owner of a massive auto wrecking yard down in Fresno, California. He's nearly 90 years old and has run this yard since the 1950s.

His yard is about 10,000 vehicles strong; containing a selection of particularly rare automobiles dating back to the turn of the 20th century. Jerry's sold me many parts for various projects of mine. A group of friends of mine like to drive down to Fresno and wander around his yard just to look at all the old cars even if we don't need any parts.

But anyway, just got forwarded this video news link covering a fire that broke out in Turner's office last night. What the news clip doesn't mantion that 80-something year old Jerry Turner had been planning on turning the business over to his son, the only person who knew as much as he did about the cars and parts in the yard, what he had and what he didn't, and the locations of things, etc. This was until his son dies in an untimely racing accident, and he than had nobody to carry the business on.

The first thing I thought was, "He did it for the insurance" as Jerry told me himself, "I've got to get out of this business and enjoy what's left of my life while I still have time." I feel bad for him, and for all the rare and probably irreplaceable parts that were stashed in that main office building.

At least he seems in good spirits though and seems to be taking no time in picking up the mess and moving on.
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shaman's Avatar
Damn that sucks, i'm sorry to hear that, but glad he's in good health and spirits.

All that matters in the end isn't it????
Posted 11-07-2009 at 11:28 AM by shaman


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