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A Max to Grind

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Exam results

Posted 07-11-2009 at 11:01 AM by Wil
Today I got my results for this academic year. I failed.

I’ve failed before, time and time again in fact. I haven’t had a single semester yet that didn’t require resit exams in the summer. This time I have two of those, and this year obviously I am in no frame of mind to either sit down and study or sit down and take an exam. I’ve written to my tutor briefly describing my extenuating circumstances, but I expect they’ll need to know more.

This summer I had hoped to have learnt to drive, taken another sign language course, and travelled the country a bit. Then it turned out I needed to be spent building a website for the swing dance society and studying for retakes. Now it’s spent organizing funerals and tidying up poorly organized business shit.

My mum asked if I even wanted to continue studying in Sheffield. I’d been considering just quitting uni before, but it turned out she was only asking if I wanted to transfer to the UEA in Norwich. But that would leave me with no friends and living with my mum. Sexy.

Sorry for the wordspurting. There is too much on my mind to make something nice to read. Thank you sincerely to everyone who commented on my previous blog or responded through other means.
Total Comments 5


AlexFili's Avatar
I know how you feel. I was let down this year with my final year university exams. Just do what you can for now and best wishes for future prospects.
Posted 07-11-2009 at 01:47 PM by AlexFili

used:)'s Avatar
I'm really sorry to hear that, and I know what you mean. You have every reason to vent and shouldn't hesitate to give your mind some room.
Posted 07-11-2009 at 02:21 PM by used:)

MA's Avatar
i don't know what to say. i hope you find a way through.
Posted 07-11-2009 at 05:22 PM by MA

dripik's Avatar
Rings a bell. Some weeks ago, I also had to take two resit exams. On consecutive days. American Literature, then English Dialects (I'm studying English, yeah). Somehow I managed to pass both, though I can't say I cared much about them beforehand.

Now I'm occupied with a job which is needed for university business, then I'll have to prepare and take a German language exam. Hurray for summer. Never shapes out as you plan it. So, hang in there.
Posted 07-12-2009 at 01:50 AM by dripik

shaman's Avatar
Sorry to hear that, all you can do is your best.
Posted 07-12-2009 at 04:43 PM by shaman
Updated 07-12-2009 at 04:48 PM by shaman


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