Part 4
*Setting: The hovercar steered into oncoming traffic, causing the oncoming vehicles to swerve out of the way whilst honking their horns and shouting explicitives. The driver didn't care, nor did the two passengers in the back, their lives, as well as others, where in danger and they'd rather crash and burn than be caught. The three inside the car were Mudokons, "terrorists" as the Cartel called them. Known for their affiliations with Abe. Shoving the car into dive mode, the driver then drove the car downwards, pulling up just before colliding with an oncoming hoverbus.*
Demur was a desert, a very hostile desert, known for it's high Critisck activity. A Critisck being another member of the Insectoid family and, much like the Isore, equipped with four arms. The main arms ending in two large bone-like black claws, whilst the secondary in two fingers and a thumb, the thumbs tipped with two claws. Like Isores these beasts also have wings, just instead of two, they have four. Two large ones and two smaller ones. They have four slit-like green eyes which detect heat signatures, and a large mouth, which can widen [via the bottom jaw dislocating] to fit a whole infant in. Two sets of K9 teeth line its jaws, capable of biting chunks of metal off of cars. The end of its body ends in an oval shape [like a Wasps] with two slender, yet powerful, legs grewing on either side. The beings main colouring is usually an orangey-yellow, tinted with brown and bits of purple, however this can vary. Two pairs of anntenae also sprout from the front of its head.
The driver looked in his rear view mirror, noticing the large black transfit van flying behind them, a member of the ATF leaning from the doorless side and unloading its bulky weapon into the back of their vehicle.
Mudokon #3: "F*ck!! Where are the guns!! WHERE ARE THEY?!"
The Mudokon fumbled through some large sports bags, unzipping them and rumaging through excess amounts of ammunition.
Driver: "Call Abe, tell him we're gonna be running late..."
As he said this he turned sharply to the right, going through a narrow space between two large skyscrapers, the sides of the car scraping along the sides of the wall and causing a seemingly shower of yellow sparks. The black transit van flew past them, not being able to stop in time but also knowing that it would not be able to fit through such a narrow space.
Mudokon #2: "They're in this bag - here."
Holding his mobile phone between his left shoulder and the side of his head, he spoke hurridly, handing two black Uzi's to his cohort.
Mudokon #2: "He's not answering. Sh*t."
*Setting: Iber was, seemingly, the only one who had spotted her. She was stood, watching the Mudokons as they made their way towards her, anticipating all their moves before they made them. She was clever. Calculating. She had probably even thought up a back-up plan if he was to attack. But he didn't care. The Bounty was hefty, over $500,000 and the Cartel had declared free-range. Meaning any Bounty hunter could go after it, this created vast competition. Not only that, but the War Generals were dipping their fingers in the pie, sending out three vans full of ATF. This Bounty, although hard, was going to be ultimatly rewarding.*
*Setting: The bullet lodged in the front window with a terrifying crunch. The driver gulped, wondering where the Hell it came from, but knowing the gun that fired it must've been pretty powerful - the glass itself being bullet proof. As the Mudokon quickly turned left, and once again headed towards the desert, flooring the pedal, the sound of 'whirring' began to put him off.
Suddenly the bullet exploded in a vibration-filled shock. The glass in all its entirity cracking viciously and hindering the drivers line of sight by causing a mass of cracks to form. Shoving the car into ascend mode, the driver prayed that any collisions he sustained were either minor or non-existant.*
*Setting: Watching she smirked, studying the drivers driving skills as he scraped and scratched the sides of vehicles, big and small. She then began walking steadily over to her hoverbike, throwing her leg over it and making sure she was comfortable before starting it up. Dressed in complete black, latex attire, the female Katterwol kicked the bike into ascend mode, and quickly went after them, her light purple fur blowing softly in the wind.*
*Setting: Adjusting his newly acquired Cowboy hat, Iber took flight. Hovering a couple of inches off the ground at first, before quickly heading towards his Bounty’s, keeping a close eye on his main competition as he did so.*
*Setting: The Mudokon car finally broke free of the traffic, soaring high into the blue sky as quickly as the vehicle could go. Hitting the windshield with his clenched, left fist, the Mudokon attempted to break the glass so he could see where he was going. As chunks of glass crumbled away from the drivers side, he finally realised they were safe - from traffic at least. Adjusting the cars angle so that he was flying somewhere, instead of just flying upwards, he quickly began approaching the desert, and somewhere where he could find refuge.*
*Setting: She was impressed, they had made it out of the city alive, without crashing - too badly at least. Now, as they neared the desert, she realised it was time. Flying high so that she was finally above them, she calmly looked down, smirking a little. Her yellow eyes showing her determination. Reaching, with her right hand, to the left side of her black belt, the female unhooked a small, yet powerful, Grenade. Pressing a small button at the top of the rounded bomb, she activated the devices magnetic mode, timed it for three seconds upon impact, and gently cast it down. Immediatly drawing her two silenced Uzi's and preparing for the explosion...*
*Setting: Iber saw her make her move, saw her place her Pawn next to his King. He chuckled, if only she knew he was behind her. Flying higher than both her and his Bounty's. Reaching behind his back he slowly drew his Sickles, and as he watched her draw her Uzi's, lowered himself gently. Readying to strike.*
*Setting: The bomb bounced readily on the bonnet, stopping at the second bounce as it immediatly magnetised to the metal. At first the Mudokon didn't know what it was, but as the shrill beeping became louder, he realised that he was in danger, and with no place to go, braced himself.*
*Setting: The bomb exploded in shrapnel and flame, evicerating the engine but also severely wounding the driver. She could hear his screams, smell his burning flesh, and as she watched the car go down, the bonnet ablaze, she smiled, pointed her guns at the roof and cocked her weapons, balancing herself remarkably well on the speeding hoverbike.*
*Setting: Bringing the Sickles to the sides of his head, he quickly sped up, swooping over her as she balanced herself with amazing ease for a creature that was missing its tail. As he quickly darted over her head, he brought his weapons down, slicing into both her shoulders and causing her to immediatly drop her weapons. A sharp hiss escaped her mouth, the wounds were deep, slicing halfway into the bone. Calling out in agonising pain, she looked up to see her attacker, snarling darkly as she realised it was Iber. Upon passing the being however, he turned in mid-flight, flew lower still and lifted his right arm up diagonally, with a wicked smirk he then brought his weapon down, slicing through the front panel of the hoverbike and causing sparks to fly from the vicious wound he had inflicted upon the vehicle. He then spiralled downwards glancing upwards at the last minute to say...*
Iber: "May the Lord have mercy on your Soul."
*Setting: Writhing around in agony, the Mudokon driver screamed for help, screamed to be released from the seatbelt that trapped him in his burning torment. Wind rushed past them as they quickly headed downwards, the car tilting to the right slightly as both Mudokons tried to escape. Kicking the back door, the Mudokons wailed, hearing the ground approach them at a violent speed. Then, with a final kick, the door swung open, allowing the second Mudokon to leap from the car and hit the hot desert sand, rolling for a few seconds before stopping and watching as the car hit a mound of sand and skidded for a brief moment before stopping entirely, allowing the first Mudokon to climb out wearily, and attempt to help the driver.*
*Setting: The bike spiralled downwards in an ungraceful fashion, looking around her the Katterwol growled lowly, wondering how she could escape her messy fate. Moving, in sheer agony, her arms so that they were on top of the bikes handles, she then prepared herself. Watching as the ground neared and timing her jump exactly. Tensing and untensing her legs, she finally flipped herself off the doomed bike, her body straightened out as she saw sky, then ground, then sky again. Landing on her feet, albeit uneasily, she watched as her bike hit the ground, tumbling manically as sand was hurled up in the air, dancing with the smoke that joined.*
*Setting: The second Mudokon slowly began jogging towards the downed car, hoping to salvage some of the weapons so that he would have a fighting chance against his persuers. The first Mudokon, however, was having trouble with the drivers door - it was jammed, yanking and pulling on the handle, the Mudokon snarled in frustration, casting a glance at his comrade who was jogging towards them. However, as he did so, he saw something that made his blood run cold. He tried to open his mouth, tried to warn his childhood friend about the swooping beast of death, but as he arranged the words to say in his head, it was too late. Iber swooped by the Mudokon, his Sickle held at the height of the Mudokons neck...
The body didn't fall instantly, instead it ran a couple of more steps, stopped and then toppled to its knees before lolloping backwards, twitching. The head rolled gently in the sand, the blood staining the carpet of orange black as it did so. Stopping himself mid-flight, Iber then landed, turned back and picked the head up, placing it in the small sack he carried everywhere with him. He then turned his attentions to the others...*
*Setting: Walking steadily towards the downed car, which she could see was quite some distance, especially in her wounded condition, the female Katterwol narrowed her brow. She was determined to, at least, fight Iber, if not kill him. Even if it meant kicking and biting him to death - she was determined. Not only had he taken her tail, but he had taken her arms. And they, they were the most important thing to a Bounty hunter. Stopping mid-walk, she watched, looking on as he took his first Bounty. She growled viciously, thinking of the ways she could punish him. Brutalize him. But those thoughts were quickly erased from her mind, almost as quickly as she had been kicked to the ground. Rolling onto her side to see what had done such a stupid act, she was unfortunatly met with the menacing figure of a Critisck.*
*Setting: Diving back into the backseat of the car, the Mudokon quickly fumbled around with a large, semi-automatic, rifle. He didn't know what sort it was, he did, however, know it was loaded. Clambering back out of the car, the Mudokon then pointed it at the Isore, who had made no attempt to rush him, but instead walked quite calmly towards him. His large, pale brown, ankle-length, leather jacket blowing in the wind, and his matching Cowboy hat shielding his eyes from the harsh rays of the Sun. Cocking the gun, the Mudokon placed the butt of the weapon on his shoulder, and prepared to fire.*
*Setting: Iber mocked the creature in his mind, laughing at its intense stupidity and ignorance. For whilst the creature was concentrating on him, it had missed the fact that there was a 6ft crouching Critisck behind him. Stopping his casual stride, he waited for the beast to make its move, which it did with sheer verocity. Beating its wings once, the creature flew through the air and latched onto the Mudokons back with its primary, boney claws. It then dug its secondary claws into the shoulder blades of the Mudokon and pushed it down onto its knees. The gun went off, bullets piercing the ground inches infront of Iber and tossing sand into the air. With a foul screech the Insect-like beast then lowered its head, opened its mouth and tore at the cheek of the Mudokon, its teeth digging right into the skin and ripping at the flesh. Ibers right, secondary hand emerged, clutching his Revolver, walking forwards again he steadily and calmly aimed before firing a lone shot. The bullet hit the beast right between its eyes, forcing it to falter backwards and lay twitching furiously. The Mudokon was still alive, and as it screamed in agony, gripping its bleeding cheek, Iber calmly grabbed its pink plume of feathers and lifted it to its knees, brandishing his Sickle with his right hand he then brought it back...*
Iber: "'For dust you are and to dust you will return.' - Genesis 3:19."
He smiled down on the Mudokon, quoting this Biblical extract as if it would somehow help. But to the sane Mudokon it did nothing, and as urine steadily trickled down his inner thighs...
*Setting: Their Banshee-like calling was quickly bringing her to the end of her tether, moreso than their constant kicking of her everytime she attempted to stand up. There were three of them now, all leaping around and over her, their wings beating violently as they brought their hind legs up to kick her down to the ground. But as the minutes passed their playful attitude began to get more violent. They began using their claws more, and as their hunger set in, began seeing the injured female as food, more than a toy. Reaching to the right side of her belt, she fumbled around with an oval shaped, silver object. Finally unhooking it, she then held it up slightly, pressed the red button on the top of it twice and closed her eyes...waiting for the item to do what it was created for.*
*Setting: As the sack on his waist now held two heads, Iber made his move for the third. This was easy, grasping the black handle of the vehicle, Iber quickly gave the door a tug, instantly pulling the door open, if not breaking the hinges a little. He then reached inside the car, noting that the Mudokon driver was now unconscious, probably due to the pain of his injuries. Placing his left hand behind the beings head, he pushed the creature forwards so it was bent in its seat. He then brought the Sickle, quickly now, as the creature was beginning to stir, to the back of the Mudokons neck and with a swift cutting motion, hacked off its head. The head rolled steadily on the floor of the car, the black blood pumping out of the stump. Reaching down Iber collected his final Bounty, looked skyward and leapt.
A flash of light burst into life behind him, casting his eyes downwards he listened as at least three or four Critisck's called out in agonised unison. The light was blinding, and seemingly exploded outwards in a dome shape, covering the area in a hot, white curtain. The light's interest quickly wore thin for Iber though, for he now had his $500,000 heads - and raced back to his place of employment, ready to collect...*
(OOC: Blahhhh. A bit crap but still, sorry for longness and crapness. Also, thanks to Drakan for allowing me to use his ATF [Anti-Terrorist Force] characters. PM him for more information on the characters.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.
"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud
Last edited by Jacob; 08-22-2004 at 09:21 AM..