howdy all, am new to the forum, well that is a lie i join along time ago and was to lazy to start posting (you can post you tut tut's and tsk tsk's at the shame of this announcement below) i have been a fan of oddworld since i first place my eyes on ade's oddysee with that free demo disc with the playstation!!
Don't mind hobo, he's just mad because somebody dropped a house on his sister.
By the way, I'm Sligslinger, call me SS (or die).
I'm the stupid, smart, ugly, handsome, nice, mean, boring, yet artistic forumer who's trying his best to like newbies.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.
lol, nice desciption of yourself SS, it's great that you like are also and hey Spike yer i also like star wars and all star wars game plus the simpsons (who doesn't) and scrubs!
p.s. thanks for the English Lesson no.1.....great help
“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate