Ever have someone brake in to your house. I was typing on the computer that is in my basement I had looked over to the right and saw someone. I ran over to see but no one was there. I think I saw a ghost but we have red necks next door so it could have been a brake in. Im still wondering.
I had my car broken into once: what a lovely thing to discover when out come out of your apartment to go to work. Most shocking day of my life it was, fortunately my car's interior is such a mess they didn't find anything to steal. (I don't even have CD player in that thing)
We get alot of Pikeys in the field opposite us. But i dont think they'd break into our house, and if they did i always got my P90. and the house as this cool security system.
Well if someone broke into my house I would grab that foot long carving knife in the cupboard...or if I had friends round I would just get them to kick the s**t out of him.