A real friend won't walk out on you because he gets a "whiff of loserness".
You seemed to have misunderstanded something. You have to actually HAVE friends [Grig stated he doesn't] for, what you stated, to happen. I stated that strangers in school who have potential friendliness qualities will not make friends with you if you make a bad impression. Seriously, who wants to make friends with somebody who hardly speaks and if/when they do constantly talks about sport, breasts, sex or video games?
You are the sort of person that hangs out with certain people to look "cool", I can just tell.
Nahh, "coolness" is about as important to me as starving children in the 3rd world. I hang out with specific people for a number of reasons -
1) Because i like their company.
2) So i'm not on my own at a certain time.
3) Because they give me certain social advantages.
Now, each individual person that i know, fits in atleast one of the above category's. The fat guy i had a fling with, for example, fitted into both 2 and 3. It was annoying however, since i loathed his company and couldn't stand him, but he got me into clubs and got me drinks. He also introduced me to many people and, if i was ever direly desperate, allowed me to hang out with him.
And Death, you seem to think that i am directing all this at Grig, when i'm not. I'm merely stating the facts of school-life to you, everybody on here knows that i am very anti-loser, mainly because they pollute the, otherwise clean and merry, social-pool of well-socialised teens. But if asked i will give advice on how to actually make a good impression, however, not even i know the main dealio to this 'cos i've only ever made bad impressions once or twice. I kinda drifted off my point and i can't even remember what i'm typing...erm...yeh, not directing it at Grig, directing at every loser on this forum. And we're not exactly in abundance, now are we?