Originally posted by RavenMM
so 1st probelm how do i get that image scroler you know that thing on depths of odd were it has rare pics and you can scrole through them how do i get that
Okay, you do this using the "frameset" html tag.
I'll help you out.
This involves two pages. Let's call them "MenuBar.html" and "TargetWindow.html"
In this page, you'll have to create a hyperlink surrounding your thumbnail images in the "img tag". After the link put the "target=TargetMenu.html" tag. This makes it so your page pops up in the Mainwindow while keeping the SideMenu off to the side.
<a href="picture1.html" target="mainwindow"><img src="thumbnail1.gif"></a> <br>
This is the page where you add the "frameset tag". DO NOT PUT IT IN THE BODY. This tag goes between the head tag.
<frameset cols="25%,75%">
<frame src="MenuBar.html" name="sidemenu" noresize>
<frame src="TargetWindow.html" name="mainwindow">
This makes it so your two pages are now linked together in frames. If you have any problems, just PM me.