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: How would you rate you're strange person sighting?
Loozer! 0 0%
Scary! 0 0%
Wierdo! 2 40.00%
Psycho! 3 60.00%
: 5.

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09-16-2003, 11:31 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Wierd People!

They make ya laugh, they make ya cry.....they give ya the creeps! Weird people. All of us at one time or another have met a very strange person who gives us very good stories to tell. Share!


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09-17-2003, 01:44 AM
Melvin:squeeking paramite's Avatar
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What the hell? This is a disabled athletes forum.
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09-17-2003, 03:50 AM
Joshy's Avatar
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Well i saw this really weird chick once... i was sooo scared... she gave me da creeps... but i shouldn't judge ppl by appearance...
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

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09-17-2003, 02:01 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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I'm talkin' weird people you've had the misfortune to come in contact with.


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09-17-2003, 02:08 PM
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Anyone who came in contct with me over the past 3 years could write something.
- Dang these youngsters...*leaves grumblin'*
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09-17-2003, 03:30 PM
LuLu_Fund's Avatar
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one of my neighbours used to be wierd. Used to be ... phwa, what am I saying, he still is wierd! He often promotes friends to the environment, and he's the first person to bring round the fire brigade because he's burning trees in his back yard. He always used to bug us about things... literally, once he came round with this bug he made and promised us that it will be in a top hit movie. I've yet to see it on the big screen, been waiting 12 years....

I have come across wierd people... hmmm, will keep on thinking about it...
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man expects the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress is made by the reasonable man.

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09-17-2003, 04:24 PM
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I work in a job where I spend a lot of time doing door to door. Occasionally other people will go with me. One of these people is an Arabic man who is probably about thirty five named Karam. He is the strangest person I have ever met. Nothing he does is normal. If a homeowner isn't home he will kneel down on their porch and start writing things in his pad for about fifteen minutes. Unfortunately he does this with his ass pointed straight out and up as if he is simply awaiting his anal exploration. Sometimes he tells me he needs to crack his back and then lies on the sidewalk spread eagle and begins jittering. People stare. I hide my face in my hands. We also have realised over time that he is extremely attracted girls who are about 12 years old. He was giving me a ride back to our shop one time when he saw a young girl running across the street and looking to me he says -hey, I betcha her *&%^y still smells like pee. I was shocked. What do you say to something like that? He is a genuine weirdo.

My bowels hurt.

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09-17-2003, 09:37 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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My Dad used to be a painter, so I would go with him at times and we met a lot of strange people. One in particular just gave me the creeps! Her name was Loretta. She was about 60 something and taught foreign dance in her spare time. Her real job was being a lawyer, but she was soooo rich she had allready retired. She lived in a small mountain community in a huge house that she wanted to sell, so my Dad was doing some work on it to make it presentable.

She had a dog the size of a pony and was saving it's fur to make a blanket out of it. If she saw some dog fur on the floor, she would collect it and put it into a plastic baggy. She also brushed her dog for the sole purpose of getting more fur. She did this several times a day.

She was also on this strange diet that had her eating a bunch of strange foods I've never heard of before. I tasted some one day and it tasted terrible and I had no idea what was in it cus' it had all been blended into a grayish substance. "My own recipe!" she would say. I was polite of course and told her it was delicious.

She believed in this being called "The Divine Mother" and worshiped her earthly servant called "The Shre-ari Bendo" Loretta kept a huge picture of the Shre-ari bendo at the end of her hall. It gave me the creeps.

What scraed me the most is that she had a crush on my Dad. Later after having nothing to do with this women, my Dad told my family that Loretta wanted him to run away with her to India and have a cellabit relationship.

Lorreta also told my Dad that the Divine Mother and Shre-ari Bendo had spoken to her and told her that he was not meant to be with my mother. She continued saying that a dimensional shift had happened and that I was truly meant to be with my own mother! YUCK!

Anyway, my Dad left that house and we never saw Loretta again.


Last edited by oddguy; 09-17-2003 at 05:01 PM..
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09-17-2003, 10:41 PM
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I myself, am strange and unusual.

Everyone says I'm weird. Or creepy.

People will even cross the street if they see me headed in their direction.

This flatters me.

The weirdest person I know is a Jehova's witness. I don't know him too well, but I do know he hates it when I punch him in the head when I walk by in class.

I don't understand why.

I explained to him I was just trying to be friendly. Then I asked him if jehova had a big penis.

Now, I just sit behind him in class, repeatedly hissing the word 'satan' under my breath.

He turned in a request form to be transferred to a different period....Unfortunately, I am an office aid for two periods, so I always 'lose' his slips.

I also bring him one hard boiled egg every day.

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.

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09-17-2003, 11:24 PM
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One time, my sister had this pen-pal. He was about 56, and my sister would send him stories, and he would publish them in his really little newsletter. My sister(Were gonna call her Peggy) really wanted him to come and see us, so my parents said that he could. He claimed to have not watched TV and see movies since he was 20! He cut his own hair, and he hardly ever took showers, but we didn't know that before he got here! So he got here, and he said that he was clinically blind, he had a walking stick that he swung around to make sure that he didn't trip over anything. And he wore one of those bright Orange construction suits all of the time. HE was scary! He really wanted Peggy's friends, men and women! He said that one of Peggy's friends were " Bigger that Texas and Alaska" BUST SIZE! And he said that he was blind! EVIL LIAR! He was so frieky! We took him to get his haircut,and the hair-dresser almost cried! He had dandruff the size of quarters! He smelled horrible and was sooo not blind! I was terrified of him!

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09-18-2003, 01:06 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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oddguy  (10)

DI, since you have qualified yourself as a weird person, how would you rate yourself on my lovely poll?


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09-18-2003, 01:43 AM
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Disgruntled Intern
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I am myself. That is all I can say.

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.

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09-18-2003, 02:00 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Good for you! Like I always say, "Do what Mr. Rodgers tells you and just be yourself!" Or wait.....was that Barney?


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09-18-2003, 02:50 AM
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Originally posted by Disgruntled Intern
The weirdest person I know is a Jehova's witness. I don't know him too well, but I do know he hates it when I punch him in the head when I walk by in class.

I don't understand why.

I explained to him I was just trying to be friendly. Then I asked him if jehova had a big penis.

Now, I just sit behind him in class, repeatedly hissing the word 'satan' under my breath.

He turned in a request form to be transferred to a different period....Unfortunately, I am an office aid for two periods, so I always 'lose' his slips.

I also bring him one hard boiled egg every day.

You're my hero, DI.

Now come to the storage room with me. We only have 5 minutes.

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09-18-2003, 09:40 AM
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I've never really seen much in the way of weird looking people, but a friend of mine (or more an aquaintance) would always be telling me stories of wierd people that she'd seen down the street. She'd tell me so many that sometimes I think she was exaggerating. Stuff like people wearing teabags as earrings an all crazy stuff.

However, the weirdest person I ever met was always believing he was abducted by aliens and would tell me that we'd met up in a spaceship. Oh and that he thought the planet was going to tilt earlier this year. LMAO!!!

Abe Babe...
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Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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09-19-2003, 03:01 AM
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My mom knew these people that said that they were all abducted and they now had a human alien hybrid! The "hybrid" was so pail! It actually looked as if it was a "hybrid"! Scary!

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09-19-2003, 03:12 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Do you think the kid was an alien hybrid or do you think those people were crazy and it was all a bunch of hooey?!


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09-21-2003, 07:18 AM
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You never believe what I saw one morning after I woke up... I walked to the nearest mirror and then--*bamf*-- oh the horror!--there was a freaky-short-red-thingy looking back at me!

I went like "Argh!", when I figured that the horrid image was my reflection. Haha.

So, basicly, I'm the freakiest person I've ever known.

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