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07-31-2003, 12:28 AM
Codek's Avatar
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Anger Thread.

Okay, this place has obviously needed this for far too long.

In this thread, just vent your anger. Put the world to rights. Slag people off, and get it out of your system. Do all this safe in the knowlege that no mod or admin will give you a warning, and that you won't start or continue a fight.

You see, venting anger is something we all need to do when we get angry. And if we pent it up inside, we become bitter. Anger is a natural reaction, and emotion.

We don't deserve to receive warnings, or get punishments for having a natural reaction to someone being hateful.

DO NOT come here to find out what people really think of you. This will make you angry and CAUSE you to post here. Only come her to VENT anger.

There. Chuck it in necrum if you don't like it, it's just an idea.
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07-31-2003, 03:50 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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I hated Reese because he took everything just as seriously as I did... the bastard. If there's one person that's gonna do the overreacted, it's gonna be me.

I hate people that don't use punctuation. God, are you in THAT much of a hurry?

I hate it when people stand in my line at check out, even when my light is off and I'm about to go on break, just because someone else is there. F*ck you! Do you see me light?! Is it on?! NO!!! Go the f*ck away, sheep!

I hate my town because the art stores don't carry my favorite pen.

I hate Honey Nut Cheerios. That f*cking bee.

I hate people that buy "fat back" or anything that rhymes with "fat back." Tack fat, fat mack, whatever. Use olive oil, you fat gelatinous blobs; and stop being so goddamn fat, America!

I hate it when black people say "cracka," and I hate it even more when cracka say "chink."

I hate those dirty English people.

I hate TV. Man kind's worst invention, it is. Distracts me from doing important things.

I hate store-bought bondage pants and studded bracelets/collars (unless you buy them at a pet shop).

I hate the word "gay." I also hate people that use the word "gay," in place of stupid. Invest in a thesaurus, you stupid f*ck.

Oh wait... we were supposed to be talking about the forums...

I hate Peter because he's always on a power trip. Screw you, Alcar! You're just the MAN, that's what you are! Always tryin' to bring down da' little folk!

I hate Dave because no one can piss me off like he can. On the net, at least. And I think he knows it, too. Of course, no one can give me the giggles like he can. On the net, at least. He gives damn good head, too... on the net, at least.

I hate every one that posts art in any of the art forums, because they make me feel bad about me not doing anything with my life. Keep em' comin' guys.

I hate Death (what's your real name, if you don't mind me asking...) because everybody else seems to like him. Most people, at least.

I hate Big_Bro_Slig_22 because... you used to be cool, man. What happened?

I hate the fact that every one is now going to say horrid things about me... or not say anything at all. Both of which are equally depressing.

Phew... I feel better.
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07-31-2003, 04:13 AM
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I hate Project Gotham Racing because it's making me throw my Xbox controller.
I do like fornicate
Check out my band!

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07-31-2003, 04:32 AM
Joshy's Avatar
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Shouldn't this thread be somewhere else??/

Anyways i hate everyone that doesn't agree with me and do as i say... since i am God...
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

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07-31-2003, 04:41 AM
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****** Life ****** ****** Life!I hate Donkey kong Cuz He lied About himself Being A Donkey.I Hate Stuff That Are Expensive!And you Know What?!SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!!!!!!!i Hate Sea Rex He's Blaming Reese!i Hate Lucky Cuz You Never Catch Him I rayMan Areana!cuz THERE NOT PAYIONG ATTANTION TO THE RACE AND FIGHTERS!I hatemy slow Computer.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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07-31-2003, 05:04 AM
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Originally posted by SeaRex
I hate Peter because he's always on a power trip. Screw you, Alcar! You're just the MAN, that's what you are! Always tryin' to bring down da' little folk!
I try, I really do.

I hate try-hards. Or big headed people, they just can't recognise common sense at all!

Oh, and I hate Joshy. The bastard, but hahahaha I beat you in Squash, it was soooooooo easy

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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07-31-2003, 08:22 AM
Abe16's Avatar
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I hate mods cuz they block spam.I hate ugly people.I hate throw up.I hate facsmile cuz he nevewr liked geeks
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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07-31-2003, 08:37 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
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1.) I hate people who say "i hate these things...." or make a post in a thread about hating somat and they put what they hate down! That annoys me!

2.) I hate all mods cos they are ssoooooo annoying! Theyact like they are better than everyone and they're snobs! Yeah I'm talking about you Majic!......sir....

3.) I hate those tiy little teeny totters things. You know...the what'cha ma'callems. Erm.....Purple violets or somat. The litte sweets pople giveyou when you little (well in england at least) and they taste like poo!

4.) I hate people reminding me of my jobs, lik homework and unk. Its not like I've forgotton!...Or have i?....

5.) I hate...hmmm....yeah! I hate those morns on tv, who are al smiley and mak out things are better than they are! then I spend all m money and it turn ou to be crap!

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07-31-2003, 08:56 AM
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Wait, just how far can we can with our venting? So far everybody seems to have listed their peeves along with reasons for their hatred.

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07-31-2003, 11:03 AM
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Grubb Fisherman
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I hate idiots who say things for a laugh in class, like : "A long hairy man ran through the woods" as an example of a simile (Take THAT Cain Watson!)

I hate idiots who laugh because someone was trying to be funny.

I hate when your in a queue in a hurry and the person ahead uses a credit card. GOD I"LL KILL YOU ALL!!!

I hate the way most of the e-mails I get are about gambling or pron.

I hate the way that all internet competitions I get by e-mail can only be entered by Amereicans.

I hate keyboards that have @ as "Shift+2". IT SHOULD BE "Shift+' "

I hate the lack of intelegence in my peers.

I hate the fact that you always see the plot holes in your stories when you've already published them online.

...Wow that felt good!

Thankz alot death! d%^)
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07-31-2003, 11:05 AM
spike 247's Avatar
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I hate people that hate other people for really stupid reasons.

But honestly, I hate people on the forums that say bad things about "gays", what is wrong with being gay? What has a gay ever done to you that makes you say bad things about them

I also hate people that SPAM in Oddchat on purpose such as a person called Eightball, he actually comes in and says "Spamming time!" and says:
And the part that really annoys me is when we or I say shut the hell up! And he replies "Don't say that to me, I came to this chatroom to have a really good chat." I mean you're spamming for gosh sakes!

Thats about it.

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07-31-2003, 12:07 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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I hate anti Americans because one they are pretty much full of shit and since they seem to think that we are to blame for being the source of the worlds problems is pretty much bull shit!

I hate people who protest. Whats the point your not going to change anything. Sorry idiot the sixties are ancient history!

I hate people who think when America is trying to rid the world from evil they call us the fuc*ing Nazi party. Ooooh that makes my skin crawl!

I hate people on the forums who think they are almighty and then get all the attention and becomes the popular one when its bull shit.

I hate people who try to come into eat at closeing time at a restuarant I work at. There is a sign on the fu*cking door that says open from 7am to 10pm. They ask "are you still serveing?" I am like to myself well duh the grill is off and theres a fu*king sign on the door are you idiot or something?" Then they come in to and get to eat after closeing for a fu*king hour. Mann I hate that!

I hate servers in my restaurant! They are so frikin lazy as hell. They drop something and they look at it and they don't bother to pick it up.

That felt good!

Last edited by paramiteabe; 07-31-2003 at 04:23 AM..
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07-31-2003, 01:36 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Originally posted by Max the Mug
Wait, just how far can we can with our venting? So far everybody seems to have listed their peeves along with reasons for their hatred.
They all copied me.

I dislike peace protestors as well, but for an entirely different reason than pa. Most of the time, they're just jumping on the "I hate America!" bandwagon because it's "cool," and giving the REAL patriots a bad name. And no, idiots that slap a flag on their SUV aren't patriots. Real patriots are out there trying to change the world for the better, and trying to improve the country on a local scale, and NOT waving flags for no goddamn reason. This country was founded on a belief that the public should be involved in decision making. It's called democracy... although lately, it has once again become painfully obvious that we aren't a true democracy.
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07-31-2003, 06:22 PM
Codek's Avatar
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I HATE it when I am at the movies and someone says "Dude! Did you see that?". No buddy, I paid $10 to come in here and stare at the floor!

I hate women that seem and act reasonable and nice then come out with something completely unessacery, like "Men are the weaker species that developed off women". I mean what the **** was that for? Shut up you silly bitch, that wasn't needed. If it wasn't for a man you wouldn't exist and the world would be a less sexist place!

Ahhhhh. I am so glad I made this thread.
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07-31-2003, 07:25 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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ahem dude.
Men were the sexist people in th first place. And Girls carry the babys so don't think that you'd get far without us either.
I don't want to make this thread into about sexism, so I'll eave it there.

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07-31-2003, 07:40 PM
Codek's Avatar
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Originally posted by Rex Tirano
ahem dude.
Men were the sexist people in th first place. And Girls carry the babys so don't think that you'd get far without us either.
I don't want to make this thread into about sexism, so I'll eave it there.

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08-01-2003, 04:00 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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I hate these stupid forums because they keep giving new members high statuses.

I hate Abe16 because his post hurts my eyes to read.

I hate Abe16 more because he said something about me.

I hate Alcar because I'm sure he is seeing someone else while off on his 'camps'.
I do like fornicate
Check out my band!

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08-01-2003, 10:38 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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I hate it when you come up with a great idea for a television show plot or a story/poem only to find that someone's alkready thought of it and put it on their own thred.

I also hate it when people show their stories as one continuos line with little punctuation (I know someone else posted that here, but I hate it too)

I hate the fact that almost everything people say here is more than likely a lie.

I hate the fact that I can't be in oddchat under 4 different names at the same time.

I hate the fact that I have to move school because of a lack of choices for 5th year. What do you mean I can only do one science?!
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08-01-2003, 02:42 PM
spike 247's Avatar
spike 247
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I have more things I would like to say...

1. I really hate daytime TV, can't you people put something decent on!?

2.I hate my for tutor our form room is the IT room, and she won't even let us go on the frickin computers!

3. I hate Blinx the frickin time sweeper, Does it have to be 10 minutes to complete the damn level!?

4. I hate games or levels that you have to complete in a certain ammoubnt of time.

5. I hate this wepons of mas destruction crap! I f Saddam really does have wepons, don't you think he would've used them by now!?

6. I hate these really crappy films they put on at saturday nights, saturay night TV is crap as it is without frickin Grease being on!

7. On the subject of Movies, I hate the fact that it takes Years to put all the really good films on normal tv channels 1,2,3,4 and 5!

8. I hate the fact that on games, when you want to quit them it says: "Are you sure you want to quit?" And im like Bloody yess! thats why I pressed the damn button!

9. I also hate "Bosses" and the fact that you have to kill 'em in a special way.
10. (boy I have a lot to sat ) I hate people that hate other nationality's for no reason what so ever!

11. I hate the French.

12. I hate Death, no not the forums person but dieing, jeez why can't we live forever?

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08-01-2003, 03:36 PM
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Grubb Fisherman
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I HATE FOOTBALL!!!! Itdoesn't matter what kind, I just hate it.

I hate the fact everyone assumes that I must like football like everyone else.

I'm angry at the fact I only receive e-mail telling me someone has responded to a forum I'm registerd to about 2 days later, so there's about 7 threds to read.

I hate eddie from deshmusic.com YOU NEVER GAVE ME THOSE LYRICS!!!

I'mnot too happy with people who take the time to censor themselves with *'s. Either don't use the word or do use it, don't go halfway!
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08-01-2003, 07:47 PM
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Originally posted by spike 247
12. I hate Death, no not the forums person but dieing, jeez why can't we live forever?
Just imagine the queue at the post office!

I hate it when people start talking some psychobabble bullshit about subliminal psychological stuff you are doing. More than half the time they are completely wrong and I lose 25% of the respect I have for them each time they do it. My ICT teacher did that all the time, and she thought that I was crap at computers. She used to say stupid little things like "oh you are just saying that because you don't know how to work it", and "you only use paint because you dont want to admit that you cant understand the more sophisticated programs". That was all before I put a virus on all the computers and caused a system crash. Hehehe, shouldn't have messed with me bitch! Oh and no, the reason I only used paint was because I was goofing off in your lessons, you horrible wench!

Also I hate the way people distrust me so much. I never get a chance to do what I love, which is help people and run/look after stuff. Nobody trusts me with mod or admin status, yet by the time they do and I am doing a good job, they wish they had made me a mod/admin way before. Which annoys me even more, because they never apologise for distrusting me!

Ahh, that's better.
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08-01-2003, 08:00 PM
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I hate Facsmile because he said something too.I hate people who say they know something but they don't.I hate my comp because its too slow
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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08-01-2003, 09:29 PM
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I hate going shopping and waiting for those arseholes in front to get out of the bloody way. It's a supermarket, not a clog-all-the-aisles-I-want-to-go-down-a-thon! If you're going to stand about and stare at all the pretty product packaging, do it in a staggered fashion so I don't have to catapault myself over the top of you to reach the baked beans. But for the love of God, don't start walking down the city pavements in a staggered fashion: I don't really want to double my energy usage and time outdoors zig-zagging between you all. If you were overtaking the person in front, I'd understand more, but I'm not invisible, you can see me coming, so why not wait for three picoseconds? How the heck do such people get their driving liscences? Oh, and another thing, I don't really want to listen to whatever the hell you're listening to in your car, I want to listen to the things I'm listening to right now. If you're going to blast noise from your automobile as you careem down the street as we're leaving school, try putting on something remotely listenable instead of some weird yowling. Do you drown kittens and record it on audio cassette or something?

Wow, got carried away. Okay, sensible things now.

I hate having lost my work ethic. In first and middle school I was always eager to work, and it stayed like that for my first year at Norwich School, but then I started getting lazy and unmotivated. This past year has been absolute hell. Even as I type I have German homework and geography coursework to complete in four weeks. Four weeks, you may scoff, but I'm really scared that I may not get round to doing them. I hate being like this. I haven't drawn anything in months, and I worry I'm losing my artistic ability even now. I keep promising myself, "Oh, I'll do some sketches today, just to try and get back into the swing of things," or, "Ah, trombone practice today, methinks," but nothing ever becomes of it. I feel so helpless.

I hate not being able to display myself more prominantly in life. Real life that is, this is the Internet, typing isn't a problem. I'm uber-shy, selective mute and some word beginning with A which I can't remember and nobody else knows. I want to be in a play, I want to try out my acting skills, but I'm about as likely to walk on a stage as Elvis Presley is to sing on Top of the Pops - unless I can overcome by own weaknesses, or what I percieve at weaknesses. Everyone around me has grown accustomed to me being like this, which I also hate, because at the same time I don't want a big fuss made over me, which is what they almost certainly will do.

Okay, less personal:

I hate when TV sceduling takes a tumble and I'm left with Wimbledon on my screens instead of what I wanted.

I hate how people react when they learn I don't like Harry Potter or Boring Franchise 3: Another Sequel.

Damn, I've run out of time. I shall return. Maybe.

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08-01-2003, 10:01 PM
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I can't stand it when I am in a mall and I have to get out of everyones way. Usually I just plough through everybody and ignore the pissed off wankers that can't understand the fact that sometimes maybe they will have to get out of my way.

Total tossers, the lot of them.

Sometimes I just want to not wash for a whole year, or dress up as a goth so that they all avoid me.
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08-01-2003, 10:33 PM
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08-01-2003, 10:51 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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I don't think of myself as a very angry person, but sometimes.....

Okay, I don't like when you're really hungry and you make yourself a microwave meal and follow the directions exactly, and then you take a big bite, expecting it to be delicious, but it's frozen in the middle!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

It also bugs me when off-brand cerials think they're soooooo cool, and make me read the stupid thing on the back of the box that tells us how long they've been makin' cerial and how they use the finest ingredients! Do I care! Everybody knows that "Fruit Loops" is ten times better that "Technicolor Froot Rounds"!

It also makes me mad that the Trix Rabbit never gets to taste his cerial! He's the bloody spokesperson! He's on the box! What makes those kids think they can't give the Trix Rabbit one bite! It's all his fault by the way. He just lets people walk all over him! If he got a gun and made the kids hand over the cerial, he could eat it! Or, if he wasn't so cheap, he could buy himself a stinkin' box! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Whew! I feel better!

I don't really have a problem with people on the forums. I love everybody here!

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08-02-2003, 04:06 AM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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I'm not really mad at the moment, but if I don't get this out, I might be mad later. So, here I go...


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08-02-2003, 10:09 AM
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I hate people who talk in all caps.... *glares at Grig*
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08-02-2003, 10:45 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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Warning: This post contains no use of the word 'hate'.

I agree with hobo.
I do like fornicate
Check out my band!

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08-02-2003, 02:35 PM
Dipstikk's Avatar
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I hate talent compotitions. Do people just sign up to look like complete imbosiles? I mean, someone gets on the stage, starts plucking a guitar string (or harming it) and goes "La!"

I mean, what the F*ck was that!?

I'm like: "Somebody throw something! Kill him!"

And then they bow like they've accomplished something. I mean, you dodn't end world freakin' hunger, Bub, you anhiallated any kind of talent. Good for freakin' you!


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