I hated Reese because he took everything just as seriously as I did... the bastard. If there's one person that's gonna do the overreacted, it's gonna be me.
I hate people that don't use punctuation. God, are you in THAT much of a hurry?
I hate it when people stand in my line at check out, even when my light is off and I'm about to go on break, just because someone else is there. F*ck you! Do you see me light?! Is it on?! NO!!! Go the f*ck away, sheep!
I hate my town because the art stores don't carry my favorite pen.
I hate Honey Nut Cheerios. That f*cking bee.
I hate people that buy "fat back" or anything that rhymes with "fat back." Tack fat, fat mack, whatever. Use olive oil, you fat gelatinous blobs; and stop being so goddamn fat, America!
I hate it when black people say "cracka," and I hate it even more when cracka say "chink."
I hate those dirty English people.
I hate TV. Man kind's worst invention, it is. Distracts me from doing important things.
I hate store-bought bondage pants and studded bracelets/collars (unless you buy them at a pet shop).
I hate the word "gay." I also hate people that use the word "gay," in place of stupid. Invest in a thesaurus, you stupid f*ck.
Oh wait... we were supposed to be talking about the forums...
I hate Peter because he's always on a power trip. Screw you, Alcar! You're just the
MAN, that's what you are! Always tryin' to bring down da' little folk!
I hate Dave because no one can piss me off like he can. On the net, at least. And I think he knows it, too. Of course, no one can give me the giggles like he can. On the net, at least. He gives damn good head, too... on the net, at least.
I hate every one that posts art in any of the art forums, because they make me feel bad about me not doing anything with my life. Keep em' comin' guys.
I hate Death (what's your real name, if you don't mind me asking...) because everybody else seems to like him. Most people, at least.
I hate Big_Bro_Slig_22 because... you used to be cool, man. What happened?
I hate the fact that every one is now going to say horrid things about me... or not say anything at all. Both of which are equally depressing.
Phew... I feel better.