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07-23-2003, 08:41 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)
Mecha War 2.0

Ok I've done this before and I'll do it again, just 1 more time

Ok so basicly what your going to do is make a squad of mechs, no specific type they just can't be invincible or all powerful. They could be Mechwarrior style or Macross style for all I care(see thats were it gets interesting, watching a Valkyrie fighting a Gouf)


Main Mech---
Mech Name: (...do I even need to?)
Pilot: (")
Type: (Is it a heavy, is it a specail? What tell me!)
Discription: (either a pic of it or you can make up your own)
Armamants: (obvious)
Other Info(Mech): (...)
Other Info(Pilot): (...)

Squad Mechs---
Mech Name:
Class: (Ok you have support units and you have Mechs, Support units are: Tanks, Ships, all the good crap. Mechs I dont think I need to explain)

=--+Base of Operations+--=
(not gona even cover that)
=--+Base of Operations+--=

Ok here we go

1.No invincible mechs, if you get your mid section blown out your dead!
2. You can have a maximum of 10 mechs and 22 support units
3. dont go rushing your enemy in the begining of the game, remember, its supposed to be fun
4. Back stabbing is aloud, have fun
5. You can allie, but dont gang up on one person, work together to take down NPC force's (I control)
6. And finaly you get, 100,000 credits to begin with. Use this to purchase Equipment from place's all over the planet.

Ok literaly I control the inhabatance of the planet and I can give you job offerings for money or you can PM me for them. Remember I'll PM job offerings for people once in a while.

(ok heres a team, there just a group so there not my main one(you guys playing cant have 2 teams but you can put another one into the game after the original one is destroyed)

Team Zegark

--Main Mecha--
MN: MSM-03C Hygogg (Hygogg)
Pilot: Kawzaka
Type: Amphibious medium
Description: Hygogg
Armamants:2 x beam cannon, mounted in hands; 4 x torpedo launcher, mounted in main body
Hand missle unit
Hydro Jet booster


MN: G-M2F (AMX-102) Zssan
Pilot: Burt "Rockfists" Gargam
Type: artillary Mobile suit
Description: Zssan
Armamants:2 x 3-tube missile launcher, mounted on forearms; 2 x 4-tube missile launcher, mounted inside legs; 4 x 6-tube missile launcher, mounted on legs,7-tube missile pod, mounted on left shoulder

MN: Neo Glaug
Pilot: Keven Ressne
Type: Varible Fighter
Description:GERWALK mode Fighter mode
Armamants:GERWALK: 2 x beam machine gun arms, 2 x front mounted beam cannons, back mounted artillary gun. Fighter mode: 2 x wing mounted beam machine guns, 2 x front mounted beam cannons, belly mounted artillary gun

Fanfan x10
VF-T-11 x 4
Combat Heli x 8

Base of Operations
Location: Zassan Dessert
Description: an under ground base, a large hanger like door opens across the top, theres a concreat ramp for deploying Mech's and support units.
Deffence's: SAM site x 2, automated machine turrets x 3

1. you CANT have a team of gundams or wicked powerful mechs. its not fun. Its retarded.

When you enter an area your computer will aleart you, here are the areas.

Kizzain Desert

Alona City: Sea side city, nice beach, lots of forests out past the city limits. Great place for a base

Ianian Tundra

Cia-col: lost and lost of open feilds with rocks and some tress scatered about.


Gaurd force's of each area

Kizzain Desert:
RGM-79SP GM Sniper II[Desert Camo(not shown)]
AMX-103 Hamma Hamma
ZMT-A03G Galicson

Alona City:
Basic:P-143S Pescatore MRC-U11D Walking Dumpling "WaD"
ComanderDTM-7200 Daughseat III
DT-6800C Daughtress Command

Ianian Tundra:
Basic:RMS-007G Juragg Cold Climate Type
XM-02 Den'an Gei

(will be updated)

Alona Blood Sharks

Main Mech---
Mech Name: MSM-07E Z'Gok-E(custom)
Pilot: Semaj Rainon
Type: Advanced amphibious mech
Discription:MSM-07E Z'Gok-E
Armamants: 2 x beam cannon, mounted in hands; 6 x torpedo launcher, mounted in head, 6 x tube missle launcher, chest mounted, 2 x miniguns, mounted in compartments in hands, 2 x hydrojet boosters, foot mounted
Other Info(Mech): The mech was stolen from a MIP factory and then customized by its new pilot.
Other Info(Pilot): *none found*

Squad Mechs---
Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Peter Kesser
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Izen Wiskown
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Darius Kolem
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Katt Reinwisk
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Ivy Tennamila
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Uniseronis Tagu
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Agustus Kiwzik
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Ivan Loguwits
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Rane Kusuka
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Mech Name:MSM-03C Hygogg
Pilot: Ziang Uala
Discription:MSM-03C Hygogg
Class: amphibious mech

Heli x 21

Gunperry x 1

=--+Base of Operations+--=
Location: Alona City [underwater]
Discription: large bulb with launching bays for each mech, living quarters and maintenence areas around the outside, engine core and vehicle launch sector inside.
Deffence's: 2 x bottem mounted 20 tubed torpedo launchers, 4 x tommahawk missile launchers top mounted, SCUWCC(aka screw cc's) sattered all around it

Dont Be shy! Sighn up and get redeh

Last edited by Abe's son; 07-23-2003 at 12:47 PM..
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07-24-2003, 02:57 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)

This is Girg The Slig's Battletech warrior..

I have no squad/lance. I fight solo.
Mech Name: Mad Cat (Timber Wolf)
Pilot: Gryph Pryde
Type: Heavy, Clan, customized
Discription: A custimized Mad Cat with a light blue, black, and white paint job. (I'm not going to explain what a Mad Cat looks like here, if you want that just do a search for 'Mad Cat battletech' and it shouldn't take long)
Armamants: ER PPC (left arm), light gauss rifle (left torso), twin medium er lasers (right arm), machine gun (right torso), er medium pulse laser (right torso), twin LRM15 (missile racks). All weaponry Clan based, except the gauss rifle)
Other Info: Nobody really knows much about Gryph... she's a mercenary pilot, but not bent on getting money and fame like the stereotype merc. However, it is known that she does originate from the Clans.
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07-25-2003, 03:34 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)



Prototypes may stall up, or there weapon systems might not work.
Stolen Merchindise, if found by the goverment, or police force of an area, we will not be held responsible for it.


Remember! I will restock and get new items


--None Please check back later--


Name: [Proto/Stolen] MA-09 Big Zam
Class: Prototype New age Heavy weapons/ Long range Mobile suit
Armaments: missile x 4, large mega particle gun x 1, Beam Cannon x 6 side mounted
Description: Big Zam
Price: 10,000,000 credits

Name: [Finish] RMS-106 Hi-Zack
Class: Gneral Purpose Mobile Suit
Armaments: Beam Rifle, Heat Hawk
Description: Hi-Zack
Price: 5,000 credits


Beam Rifle[Mech] - 2,000 credits

4 x Missle Pod set - 10,500 credits

Heavy Machine gun, Drum Fed[Mecha and Human] - 3,000 credits

Bazooka[Mecha] - 20,000 credits


Beam Turret - 13,000 credits

Tommahawk missle silo - 92,000 credits


Name: Ryan Tenzeki
Class: amphibious
Specail Info: Ex-Bloodshark, so expect satisfaction
Price: 80,000 credits, or 50,000 credits for a single job

Last edited by Abe's son; 07-24-2003 at 07:45 PM..
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07-25-2003, 09:28 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)

*waits for people.....and then lose's it all over the keyboard*
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07-26-2003, 01:30 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)

Stayrakkis Scout squad

Main Mech---
Mech Name: Wasp
Pilot: Derrek Asglan
Type: High mobilty new age mech
Discription: Wasp
Armamants: Beam rifle, grenades x 5, Heat knife x 1
Other Info(Mech): The mech is a new creation, built to replace to bulker Gundams and MS's
Other Info(Pilot): Is one of Stayrakkis most trusted pilots

MH: Locust
Pilot: James Zenaro
Aramaments: 80 cal. Machine gun soulder mounted x 2, Flamethrower x 1 belly mounted, medium beam cannon x1
Discription: Locust
Jump jets: 2, bottem mounted, medium range fuel fed jets

MH: Locust[Doll]
Pilot: ALF controlled
Aramaments: 50 cal. Machine gun soulder mounted x 2, Flamethrower x 1 belly mounted, medium beam cannon x1
Discription: Locust
Jump jets: 2, bottem mounted, medium range fuel fed jets

MH: Locust[Doll]
Pilot: ALF controlled
Aramaments: 50 cal. Machine gun soulder mounted x 2, Flamethrower x 1 belly mounted, medium beam cannon x1
Discription: Locust
Jump jets: 2, bottem mounted, medium range fuel fed jets

MH: Locust[Doll]
Pilot: ALF controlled
Aramaments: 50 cal. Machine gun soulder mounted x 2, Flamethrower x 1 belly mounted, medium beam cannon x1
Discription: Locust
Jump jets: 2, bottem mounted, medium range fuel fed jets

MH: Locust[Doll]
Pilot: ALF controlled
Aramaments: 50 cal. Machine gun soulder mounted x 2, Flamethrower x 1 belly mounted, medium beam cannon x1
Discription: Locust
Jump jets: 2, bottem mounted, medium range fuel fed jets

MH: Owl Mobile Doll
Pilot: ALF controlled
Armaments: Vulcan x 1
Jump jets: 2 shoulder mounted, duoble jet, long range fuel fed jets
Scanning equipment: Large spinning rader top mounted x 1, long range scanner x 1 front mounted, camera live vido/audio feed x 1 front mounted, reciver x 1 top mounted


War Bike x 10

Vedette Battle Tank x 4

Plasma Morter Jeep x 8

Base of Operations
Location: Cia-Col (Stayrakkis cotnrolled territory)
Description: A large turret with underground operations, around the outside there's a lift for the support units and mecha
Deffence's: machine guns line the tower, 2 x artillary cannons in front of the lift, plasma turrets mounted in tower top x 3, large missle silo mounted in top of turret, going straight down for launching x 1.

Last edited by Abe's son; 07-26-2003 at 10:19 AM..
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07-26-2003, 01:31 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)

Im gonna be gone for the next week, so im giving control to Nads, cya and g'night
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07-26-2003, 02:08 AM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
: Essex, MA
: 946
Rep Power: 23
nads  (10)



Main Mech---
Mech Name: Shadow Hawk
Pilot: Kyle Leveille
Type: Medium weight combat mech
Discription: attachment below
Armamants: 4 silo missle launcher back mounted, beam cannon shoulder mounted x 1, plasma rifle, beam artilary cannon x 1 back mounted, light machine gun x 2 chest mounted

Other Info(Mech): New age combat Mech purchased for missions
Other Info(Pilot): 23, blonde, imagine!

=--+Base of Operations+--=
Location: Siberia
Discription: 40 acres of land, most underground, huge towers, with lifts(mech sized) to bring people/mechs down to base/lab
Deffence's: Force Field(w/ sheild Gen.)
.50 calibur auto-rifles
gaurd sentries equipped with anti-land/anti-air missels

I guess that's it

I'm in charge till either 8/3 or 8/4

you mess with me, you're out.

4 cold years...

Last edited by nads; 08-05-2003 at 10:13 AM..
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07-26-2003, 08:05 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
: Essex, MA
: 946
Rep Power: 23
nads  (10)

join, people!

(I love being in charge)

4 cold years...

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07-27-2003, 11:48 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
: Essex, MA
: 946
Rep Power: 23
nads  (10)


4 cold years...

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08-05-2003, 06:11 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
: Essex, MA
: 946
Rep Power: 23
nads  (10)


4 cold years...

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08-05-2003, 08:30 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)

... *bitchslap*
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08-05-2003, 09:02 PM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: May 2003
: on earth
: 2,046
Rep Power: 23
Abe16  (11)

Mech Name:Cyclops
Type:Hevy armerd has a protect sheld.
Discription: Its a hevy armerd one and its piolet is brave.
Armamants:Laser gun and and a super missle amer that could shoot in the air.
Other Info(Mech):Its weakness is a missle
Other Info(Pilot):he has one hook on his left arm, He doesn't need no team he could do ity by himself
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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08-06-2003, 11:52 AM
654321's Avatar
: Oct 2002
: are you like, SPIES or sumthin?
: 53
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654321  (10)

Who's lucifer, nads? is he mr. T?

mech name: zeus
pilot name: rob shneider
type: heavy armor type
discription: completely black
armaments: 2 laser rifles, plasma grenades,
laser sword, rocket launcher, shoulder cannons,
anti- air missiles, laser shockwaves.
other info(mech): made of unknown
otherinfo(pilot): left on an island to die,
made a raft out of logs,
got to a city on the water,
and stole zeus.


"There is no fork"
-JAD comics

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08-06-2003, 12:09 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
: Essex, MA
: 946
Rep Power: 23
nads  (10)

lucifer=The devil, beelzebub, king of darkness (or is that jacob?)

anywho, Welcome Kam, and Abe16, to the mecha wars, before any battles commence, AS and I have to discuss the battles

that means to COME TO CAMP!

shop around and remember, DON'T BRAKE THE RULES!

I am the police, so if I catch anyone with stolen parts(I let some slide), they will be fined 500 credits.

4 cold years...

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08-06-2003, 01:43 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
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Abe's son  (10)

*takes Nad's powers* *hits him with a baseball bat* ...dont you give me lip bitch...NOW RP OR ILL EAT ALL OF YOUR MECHS!!
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08-06-2003, 01:51 PM
654321's Avatar
: Oct 2002
: are you like, SPIES or sumthin?
: 53
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654321  (10)

I forgot my base

===base of operations=====
location: southern mexico.....mmmmmm.....tacos...
what i do there: stuff
disciption: 100 acres on each side
defences: electric fences, force fields, big, thick walls...

"There is no fork"
-JAD comics

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08-06-2003, 04:29 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)

Only to be controled by me, are a creation of a scientist, they now are deployed all over the planet and ravage the lands...
The docter named them "Kalizmen's" because of were they were created. Kaliz.

Name: Dakure
Type: Drone
Discription: Dakure
Armaments: Beam Cannon x 1 in left eye(that big ball), Needler x 1 forehead mounted (shoots swarms of large, super heated needles, or rather spikes..)
Movement: Fast
Other Info: Dakure's make of the front line of the Kalizmen's armys.

Name: Elme
Type: Medium Warrior
Discription: Elme
Armaments: Multi barrled beam cannon x 1. Swarm missle launcher x 1 shoulder mounted,
Movement: Medium
Other Info: Elme's are used as support for Dakure's and other front line units, and are usally deployed second.

Name: Elmedine III
Type: Hive Gaurd
Discription: Elmedine III
Armaments: Snake Arm x 1, Blaster x 1 mounted in claw, Eye beam x 1
Movemet: Medium
Other Info: Elmedine III was based off the Elme's structure for speed, but its weapons were a new creation all together. They are used when Med's are setting up a Hive.

Name: Elmedine IV
Type: Sniper
Discription: Elmedine IV
Armaments: Railgun arm x 1
Movement: Medium
Other Info: Because of the scusess of the Elmedine model, the docter decided to builda fourth Elmedine, but to make it a sniper. This Elmedine is equiped with a long range sensor, and an enhanced scope eye.

[Ill finish this later...]

Last edited by Abe's son; 08-06-2003 at 08:44 AM..
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08-06-2003, 05:22 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
: Essex, MA
: 946
Rep Power: 23
nads  (10)


Seven years before the mech wars
Officer Kyle Leveille was on a routine scouting mission through Sector-5 of Alona City. "ShadowHawk to base, Everything fine here, moving to Sector-6"
"Roger that ShadowHawk"
As he rotated the cockpit to make one last scan, he spotted an explosion on the horizon. "****, that can't be good."

yum, cliff hanger

4 cold years...

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08-06-2003, 07:13 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)

[abuse's powers]

*a swarm of dots is sean over the horizon infront of the explosion*

Kyle: What the...

*The picture becomes clearer, its a swarm of Dakure's their screams can be heard even at the distance from kyle, the beast's blood soaked and fruious, moving at reckless speed*

*about 5 beams fire out at Kyle*

Kyle: SHIT! *dodge's left*

*the beams skim his cockpit, he feels the heat, he turns and fires his cannon, the shot impacts, sending an explosion upward and taking out a large group of Dakure's*
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08-07-2003, 05:02 PM
nads's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
: Essex, MA
: 946
Rep Power: 23
nads  (10)

"DIE BASTARDS!" he screams. A group run up, standing tall on their spindly legs. Kyle charged his plasma blaster. "Red hot and ready to roast". He fired a stream of plasma, cutting through the Dakures. As Kyle fired the thrusters, he fired his small, weak machine guns. He pulled out a CD labeled "Techno Ass-Kicking Music". Loud, pulsing techno rock flows from the speakers as Kyle initiates hand-to-hand combat mode. The ShadowHawks thrusters were blazing as the robotic fists flew through the air. A Drakure crumpled and exploded, killing two other Drak's as well. The Drak that was left stood taller than the others, massivly taller. A small group of needles shot at him. They peirced the ShadowHawks armor, and one had broken the seal of the cockpit. Kyle wedged it out and hit the reverse thrusters. The SH blasted backwards and kneeled, almost like someone picking up a quarter. The Back missile launcher came into veiw. The Drak tried to escape. "TARGET LOCKED" flashed upon the screen. Kyle hit a button on the screen. Four missiles launched and sped up to the Drak. They exploded in rapid succesion, spilling guts and metal everywhere. "COMBAT MECHANISIM DE-ACTIVATED". "Damn, I need repairs." He entered a few coorodinates and sped off to the base.

4 cold years...

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