Those arn't colors as explaned in color theory but I view them as colors just because. Tell you the truth, what they teach you in school or art classes is right but boreing as hell. Because in reality when it comes to art and I mean cool, fun, awesome conceptual science fiction and fantasy artwork I break all the rules and create profound things so I use black and white to make certain things. Because if you were an artist like me and your wanting to do a painting or some kind of colorful picture your not going to follow those stupid rules no matter how many times they teach you. Useing black and white is so much easier to use then figureing out what color to mix with what to make a stinken shadow of a tree or something with ya know? They say use vilet and purple and blues to create that shadow when I can simply use black. Its great to know the rules but in all cases of doing illustraitions or a drawing your always going to bend those rules. So black and white are colors in my opinion but never tell an art teacher that or he or she will give you an F.
Because they think the way us real artists do art is absurd and you must follow their rules or else your no artist when their rules take away your own imagination which is the key to great art. I love art but I can't stand ordinary art teachers who make you do still lifes and other boreing things and make you follow their rules like its the only way to do artwork. That happens every time I am in all my art classes. I know so much that I completely ignor the teacher and yet I get an A in all my art classes for all my projects. Gee they always wounder why I do so well in those classes because I never follow their rules hehe
Other students are struggleing with the stupid rules that they are so confused that I actually go over and help them out and explane it in my terms and they finally understand how to do it. I follow my rules of art and thats what makes them amazed and they wounder how the hell I did it. I tell ya thats a talent.
So Black and white are colors in my own opinon.