The only game I have seen that makes in game cut scenes work, and look good has been halo. Plus if any of you saw the e3 footage of halo 2, and they still use in game cutscenes that look awesome with that overhauled graphics, you would think they are real cg.
Anyways back to topic, I personally have always liked having cutscenes in Oddworld so I hope they are still in full cg, especially if they look anything like that river scene from the x factor. What they need to do more of is like AO. For example when you beat the stockyards and fall of the cliff it shows abe jump down etc, and it shows how he got from point a to point b, and to the next level.
In MO, they didnt do that. It was just gamplay, go to teleporter, cutscene or newspaper. They never showed how you got from one factory to another, another thing I liked in AE too. The train sequences between levels from feeco.
So when I think he says movies in that x factor, he means more like what they did in AO and AE.
Edit: Forgot to add, what they did in AO and AE with connecting gameplay to videos. Showing how you got from one area to the next.
Last edited by Al the Vykker; 07-23-2003 at 08:22 AM..