Yes, and to add on to Max's statement the next game will feature the main character of Steef. It's not known yet what species Steef is but so far we've seen him in a humanoid form as well as a Centaurish type of form, it's not known weather he turns into this later in the game or if OWI are just trying to decied a specific character design. My guess is that he somehow transforms later on in the game. Aside from that Steef is a bounty hunter with a crossbow that he can spring open whenever need be.
Steef has (or had) some type of phsychic connection with his boat. Whether or not this was just a rummor, and early production idea, or if its still being used is not known.
Hopefully we'll get to see Meetle's in the next game along with all the other various and strange creatures revealed so far....