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06-23-2003, 05:37 AM
TheRaisin's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: May 2003
: R'lyeh
: 1,255
Rep Power: 22
TheRaisin  (10)
Happy Oddworld: The Final Frontier

Chapter I

"Is it possible?"
"C'mon, no way!"
"Dat's one helluva project we're talking about here!"
"Hey! Shut up, I'm not done here, ya buttmunches!"
The Cartelcon was the largest Cartel convention on Mudos. Some of every sentient creature in the Cartel were there, although it was mainly Glukkons and Vykkers. The sole purpose of it was to highlight new industrial technologies and products, and it was so big they could only have it once every five years. But behind the glitz and glamor and PR crap that was the convention's public face, it was a military and industrial research meeting for the head powers of the Cartel: the Glukkon CEOs of the major corporations, military leaders, important Vykker scientists, and so on.
In a private conference room far from the main hall, surrounded by sound-proof walls, a murmur went up as Plugg, a Glukkon who had worked his way to the top designing and creating technology with powerful military applications, told of his next plan: spaceflight.
"C'mon, Plugg, we all know you've been in a slump. This thing you're suggestin' is ludicrous!"
"But it's not! We're so close, if we get up off our asses we can make it work! Think of da power! We could have orbital weapons, we could spy on da natives, we could have factories that don't take up any space fer... well... other stuff! Hell, if we could improve on Vykker's Labs..."
"Vykker's Labs doesn't exist anymore! In case ya don't remember, dose native bastards blew it to hell! And dere ain't enough moolah in da whole damn Cartel to make anudder, let alone a better one!"
It was obvious Plugg's idea was not favored by the majority. They simply didn't have the moolah to spare. Or at least they thought they didn't.
"Umm... hello?" A wimpy voice spoke up, and the arguing ceased. A scrawny little runt of a Glukkon gave them his idea.
"Why not use the three-million moolah that Lulu pud coughed up?"

An awed silence fell over the crowd. Then Plugg spoke up.
"Yeah, that's just what I was sayin'. Like I said, use dat Lulu guy's money."
"Great idea, Plugg!"
"But I was the one who..."
The runty Gluk's protests were quickly swallowed up by the crowd, who cheered for Plugg's plan. If they were successful, they would rule Oddworld, and everything else. But one member of the crowd had other plans.
An anonymous, unnoticed slig quietly slipped through the back door and to a dark ally at the back end of the convention complex. Barely noticable in a corner was Abe, blue lights swirling about his head. He spoke, and the possessed slig did too.
"Oh, yeah!"
With a sudden quivering, the slig blew apart, and the lights faded. Abe looked up, a smile across his stitched lips.
"They never learn."
In a flash, he dissappeared into the night, with some very important news for The Almighty Raisin, and eager for a new mission.

Hot damn, that felt good! Okay, make with the replies and I'll make with another chapter. E Pluribus Oddum!
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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06-26-2003, 07:20 PM
TheRaisin's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: May 2003
: R'lyeh
: 1,255
Rep Power: 22
TheRaisin  (10)

I'm just not getting into this story. You can close it. Sorry.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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06-27-2003, 09:05 PM
TheRaisin's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: May 2003
: R'lyeh
: 1,255
Rep Power: 22
TheRaisin  (10)
Native Shut it down

In the interest of keeping this site clutter-free, I'm requesting that you close this thread.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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