Abe Babe could you please shut this god damn topic!
It is unfair to judge Lorne on what people or yourself think!
So what if it is now on the Xbox! I brought a PS2 cause i thought that MO would be on it, but you don't hear me complaining that i wasted $600 on it!
Lorne is a great guy he was the one that created the sadistic Abe that we now know and love!
If it was the money that Lorne wanted (which i doubt) then that is his and the companies own business!
Shut this topic down now, if i was a moderator i would do it instantly, because this topic is one of many that have sprung up here!
Ands its the same people that continue to criticise Lorne for what HE and ODDWORLD INHABITANTS chose to do!
And i am kind of happy that Lorne changed to the Xbox, because as you can clearly see the game has improved in graphics, speed, gameplay and lots more!
Now leave it at this, there is to be no more of this stupid topic!