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04-23-2003, 06:35 PM
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Halo - The Megg

From our sources Ferill and I have made a discovery of The Megg.
We need Your help to find out exactly what the Megg is :
Our clues so far are:
-the egg is action oriented and involves some gore
-massive carnage
-blood and bullets
-carnage before
-impossible tasks as possible
-one maker
-mathematics births gore
-before you die, you see the Megg
-a certain level
-you die when you see it
-you do not find it by falling really far to kill yourself
-look up to the skies and see...
-discovery of the Megg revolves around violence
-discovery end in your own death
-It's NOT on the level "Halo"
-It is found only in single player
-Meg's boyfriend, Jaime, only worked on levels that have marines in them. This means the Megg is NOT on: The Maw, Library, Keyes, Two Betrayals, or Assault on the control room.
-This means that the only 4 levels it could be on are: Pillar of Autumn, Truth and Reconciliation, Silent Cartographer, or 343 Guilty Spark.
-A bungie employee stated that there is one egg left to find on the Pillar of Autumn...
-Meg is Jaime Griesemer's girlfriend
-Jaime Griesemer (aka Flawless Cowboy) is a designer for Halo.
-Meg would not lie, the Megg is real
-The discovery of the Megg revolves around violence.
-Discovery ends in your own death.
-The Megg is not in the area called "Flawless Cowboy."
-In fact, the Megg is not on the level Halo
-Finding the Megg involves multiple stages/tasks/actions, or "triggers."
-These triggers are not all in the same place.
-All the levels Jaime is responsible for involved Marines.
-The egg is more than just an audio file.
-Difficulty setting and single player/CoOp are irrelevant
-Its not an audio egg. But it may make you scream.
It's prob. on 343 GS, got all that stuff Carnage, Marines etc.

It might have to do with the vidio you watch of the squad getting killed by class 1 flood

It could be a secret bad guy

I'm definate it's gotta have something to do with the flood coz it might make you scream.........

The One maker made the Flood, and there for the place where they studied and held the Flood.
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04-23-2003, 06:38 PM
Fez's Avatar
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okay then...

343GS sounds like a good level. It could however be on the T&R.

i think, when u die. The blood that come out could make some sort of shape.

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04-23-2003, 07:17 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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It just sounds like some lame, redundant easter egg. Most likely it's just a picture of this guys girlfriend that you see in the sky when you are killed by something.

God, I hate easter eggs that just end up being some lame picture.
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04-23-2003, 07:59 PM
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i dont think its just some lame picture. It must be something good.

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04-24-2003, 12:23 AM
Majic's Avatar
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Amazing.... There just might be a Halo player addicted enough of this forum to actually find it. Anyways, did it specify living marines? Because theres dead ones in every level, I believe.

I highly doubt its on 343 GS though. Honestly, that level has plenty of stuff as it is, doesn't it? But I suppose with all of the drops, mass amounts of blood and death in the level theres room for more. If its there though... DOn't expect to find it. I haven't even quite memorized my way out of the second part yet. Thers like 2 paths or wahtever, I think...

EDIT: The whole dying thing probably involves the fact that you ahve to get somewhere to see it, but you have to end up dying to respawn. yea...

EDIT 2: I just looked on the GameFaQs forum about this. A 31 page topic. Incredible.

Last edited by Majic; 04-23-2003 at 04:31 PM..
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04-24-2003, 12:44 AM
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Something to make you scream? Now even I'm interested.
It makes me wish, if you find it, that I still had Halo.
What if it is incredibly stupid though, and people have made a 31 page topic about it. That would be a laugh.
What if someone has found it, but they don't realise it.
I do like fornicate
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04-24-2003, 08:23 AM
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-before you die, you see the Megg
This is might b e a ref. to the film The Ring, but then again isn't Halo a ring *starts thinking *
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04-24-2003, 02:33 PM
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" look up to the skies and see... "

That's a line from Queens Bohemian Rhapsody...

Maybe that has gotta do something with it...

"Is this the real life, is this just fantasy
Caught in a landslide, oh, escape from reality
open your eyes, look up to the skies and see...

I'm just a poor boy... etc..."
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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04-26-2003, 03:11 AM
Majic's Avatar
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I found this one forum of people dedicated to finding Halo easter eggs and such. As in, they actually do it professionaly and execute their ideas (unlike many from other game forums). I must admit I'm impressed.
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04-26-2003, 09:55 AM
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Its not an audio egg. But it may make you scream.

I'm scared to look for it now............. It can't be scarier than me in the morning though.
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04-28-2003, 11:12 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
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uhh dude, there is marines on AOTCR, in fact there is a hefty amount
make love.

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04-29-2003, 12:11 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
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I looked over at Halo.bungie.org and they were stating that tomorrow that they would most likely post the movies if confirmed by the person at bungie, that they have found the megg.

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04-29-2003, 01:02 AM
Majic's Avatar
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Um... dude? Thers already movies/screenshots out and stuff, which are most likely "The Megg". I mean, how many other bloody hearts with bullet hole Ms in them are in the game when invincible marines spawn?
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04-29-2003, 02:34 PM
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Originally posted by MasterChief
uhh dude, there is marines on AOTCR, in fact there is a hefty amount
Not my list.................... got it off some forums.
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04-29-2003, 05:51 PM
Fez's Avatar
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Originally posted by Majic_Abe
I found this one forum of people dedicated to finding Halo easter eggs and such. As in, they actually do it professionaly and execute their ideas (unlike many from other game forums). I must admit I'm impressed.

i tryed to sighn up to those forums months agoi. I still aint got my password.

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04-29-2003, 06:44 PM
Big_Bro_Slig222's Avatar
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Originally posted by hobo
Its not an audio egg. But it may make you scream.

Hwo could it make you scream? I've seem some fraky stuff in games, but the owrst I had was a mild heart attack.

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04-29-2003, 10:58 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
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Originally posted by hobo
Not my list.................... got it off some forums.
Well its a fact that there are marines in AOTCR, ask anyone who has played it, go on halo.bungie.org if u dont believe me
make love.

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04-29-2003, 11:33 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
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He might have gotten mixed up with Two Betrayals; a common mistake among people, being it is the same level design for the most part. But technically all the levels have marines if you count the combat forms of them as the flood.

Update the official closure to the Megg.

The Megg Official Closure


Last edited by Al the Vykker; 04-29-2003 at 03:42 PM..
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04-30-2003, 12:42 AM
Majic's Avatar
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I don't think any person whos played Halo could mistake the two...

Anways, the point is that theres way too much hype about eggs and stuff. People who are willing to obsess, gosh... Just ugh.
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04-30-2003, 02:04 PM
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Originally posted by MasterChief
Well its a fact that there are marines in AOTCR, ask anyone who has played it, go on halo.bungie.org if u dont believe me
I take that as an insult, if it isn't i apologise. What do you take me for??? Of cource i know there are marines on that level. I killed half of them!
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04-30-2003, 11:18 PM
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Originally posted by hobo
I take that as an insult, if it isn't i apologise. What do you take me for??? Of cource i know there are marines on that level. I killed half of them!
I take you for a sick bastard. How can you stand destroying something so representative of freedom? Of peace? And of course, the fact that they're so damn cool looking...
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05-01-2003, 01:11 AM
MasterChief's Avatar
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i think that Megg is just insane to figure out. I mean man, u gotta be a geniouse to just so happen to EVERY single step correctly while not even being sure if ur on the right lvl, i mean cmon , thas just amazing for those people who did it
make love.

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05-01-2003, 04:47 PM
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Originally posted by Majic_Abe
I take you for a sick bastard. How can you stand destroying something so representative of freedom? Of peace? And of course, the fact that they're so damn cool looking...
I spare the English and Auzzies. The american/ Mexican ones say the dumbest things. ( No offence to any mexicans/ Americans)
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05-01-2003, 09:19 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Bullet holes. F*cking brilliant. Bullet holes. God, I would have rather it been a lame picture than... bullet holes. Jesus...
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05-02-2003, 05:15 AM
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Originally posted by SeaRex
Bullet holes. F*cking brilliant. Bullet holes. God, I would have rather it been a lame picture than... bullet holes. Jesus...
But each bullet hole was individually crafted into the ceiling. Awww, how sweet.

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05-03-2003, 09:18 AM
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Well, i was expexting a little more. Oh well, it gave me something to do ;-)
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