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04-14-2003, 04:43 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)

*Setting: The sound of explosions from above could be heard. Tobias opened his eyes and looked upwards. His cell was dark and stank of excrement. Slowly he stood up and wandered to were he believed the door was, reaching out with his hands and feeling infront of him.*

Voice: "It is time, Tobias..."

He sighed and hung his head low. The voices were still apparent which only meant one thing, he was still insane.

Voice: "Step away from the door."

It was soft yet held an air of authority to it. The Orkhid ignored the request and rested his head against the metal surface, listening to see if anyone was outside.

Voice: "Move."

There was pressure on the back of his Hospital gown and then quickly he was tugged backwards. He stumbled back, confused. If he was insane, why did he feel so healthy. He shook his head slowly, raised his hands to his face and rubbed it rapidly up and down.

Voice: "Now...go."

There was a large clatter and the door fell out into the corridor. Light shone into the cell and blinded the Orkhid for a couple of seconds. The lights were so bright in the corridor. He stepped forwards and out of his cell, he looked to the left and then right. Trying to gather his bearings.

Voice: "Go right, Tobias."

He turned back to his cell and looked into the dark confines of it, noticing one pair of yellow glowing eyes coming from the back of the room.

Tobias: "W-Who are...you?"

Voice: "When you get outside, all shall be revealed. Just go...now!!"

It seemed to bark the last word, Tobias turned and began to jog down the corridor. His beige gown flapping wildly as he ran. Banging could be heard from the other cells aswell as incoherant ramblings. With the guidance of the mysterious being, the institutionalised Orkhid was quickly able to make its way to the lift and then up to the ground floor...

Useful links;
MAIN: Aftermath (RPG)
MAIN: Corruption (RPG)
MAIN: The Plot Thickens...(Dramatic music) (RPG)
Aftermath (A follow-on from the RPG)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 04-14-2003 at 09:09 AM..
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04-16-2003, 04:10 AM
Canned Gabbiar's Avatar
Canned Gabbiar
Spark Stunk
: Dec 2002
: Dunno...
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Canned Gabbiar  (10)

Nice as always Jacob. What happened to the Orkhid?
Seer from December 2002 to present...

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04-16-2003, 01:24 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 2

*Setting: He stepped out of the lift cautiously, looking around for signs of life. The corridors were abandoned. However there was distant shouting from outside and thus motivated the Orkhid to make his way to the exterior of the building. His bare feet slapped against the marble flooring, leaving sweaty-footprints on the surface for a couple of seconds. Gradually he approached the ward were he was being looked after before he was labled insane. He came to a stop before entering and looked through one of the round windows that was situated on the door. Inside were around 12 suited-up Orkhid Soldiers all helping the patients of that ward to get to their feet. It seemed as if they were all in a rush for some perculiar reason. Two Doctors entered the ward from the fire-exit to the side and looked around at the patients being helped. One of them pointed at a patient and shook his head. Two of the nearest Soldiers nodded, turned to it and cocked their guns. They then unloaded them upon the screaming patient. Black blood spattered the white sheets, curtains and apparatus that surrounded him. It seemed as if they were only taking the Orkhids that had a chance of recovering or surviving the journey. Another explosion from outside ruptured through the air, shaking the building and causing dust to drift down from the ceiling as cracks began to form. Lights swung fiercly from side to side and standing Orkhids struggled to stay on their feet...*


The Doctor directed this at the Soldiers who blatantly ignored him and got on with their job, quickly hurrying the Orkhids, who they could use in the battle field, to the door. Running out of the fire-exit the Doctor jogged across the large garden which was cordoned off with a 11ft electric fence, topped with barbed wire. He trampled on flowers and garden ornaments as he waved to one of the five black Transport vehicles.

Doctor: "How many have we got??"

Soldiers were filling the vehicles up with patients for transport to another Hospital. The driver of one of the vehicles picked up his radio and spoke into it.

Driver: "How many patients have we got in total? Over."

Static reigned over the radio for a few seconds before the reply came in from the command centre who was currently keeping track of all patients who were being transported.

Reply: "We currently have 8 at HQ and 39 coming over. Over."

Leaning out of the window the driver then relayed this infomation to the Doctor who then nodded and climbed into the side of the vehicle, putting his seatbelt on and awaited take off.


Voice: "Get outside, get passed the guards as quickly as you can..."

Tobias was still looking through the window, two troops were left now and they were helping a one legged patient to the fire-exit.

Tobias: "H-How?? They have guns!!"

There was a slight pressure on his back which quickly increased in strength. Tobias was shoved through the swing doors and staggered out onto the ward. The two Soldiers looked at him suspiciously before shouting him to hurry up and get out. Sprinting forward and past the guards the Orkhid quickly made his way out into the garden and towards one of the Transport vehicles.

Voice: "No, head towards the fence. QUICKLY!!"

Knowing that nothing had gone wrong so far and putting it down to his subconcious helping him Tobias quickly headed towards the back of the garden. Only stopping and turning when he heard his name shouted. He turned, half knowing who it was. Dr Kingling. He was situated in a flying hover craft and was hanging out of the side door as it hovered in mid-air. His nose was covered with plasters (band-aids) which seemed to give him a more menacing look.


Tobias took a few steps backwards. He knew that if the troops find out he was classed as insane they would shoot him on the spot. Thankfully all Soldiers on the ground were pre-occupied with the patients. The Dr disappeared for a brief moment inside the craft, only to emerge with a Soldier. He pointed down at Tobias and whispered in the troops ear. The Soldier nodded and took aim. Knowing that he didnt have long Tobias turned and fled, running towards the fence as quickly as possible.
*Explosion and crashing*
The ground shook, causing the fleeing Orkhid to stumble and fall. He scrambled to his feet and turned around, seeing the Vykker Airship colliding with the 5th storey of the Hospital, a part of the frontal Airship had exploded, causing shrapnel and other shards of metal to rain down upon all below it. Tobias watched in awe as the Airship flew over, loose metal flew from the underside of it and span to the ground. One piece of shrapnel span wildly out of control and burst through the roof of a grounded hover craft. Another piece flailed uncontrollably to the ground and hit a trooper in his back, cut through his spine and stomach and severed him in two. Black blood spurted out everywhere. The hover craft that Dr Kingling was in suddenly burst into life and tried to get from underneathe the ship so that their chances of survival were increased. However as they tried to get out of the way three pieces of hot metal impacted with it, one such piece shattering through the window and killing the driver. Which caused the vehicle to spin slowly to the ground were it then exploded. Explosion after explosion cut through the air, the Hospital was left in a derelict state with only pieces of it still standing. Grounded Transport vehicles slowly lifted off of the ground and made their way to safety, some being struck down mid-flight. Tobias still stood, watching. Oblivious to the danger he was in.
His head slowly tilted to his right, the sound was getting louder and heading directly for him. It was a piece of shrapnel. The Airship was directly over him now and explosions were still sending hordes of metal down to the ground. He couldn't move, he was frozen, watching as this piece of steel came to take his life. However, as it neared it swerved and hit the ground metres away from him. He took a step back, pondering how that could have happened. The wind was light and couldn't have blew it off course. Looking upwards he noticed more pieces of metal heading his way, crouching he tucked his head inbetween his legs and wrapped his hands around the back of his head and neck. He waited, not wanting to see his death.
*Thud-thud. Thud.*
He raised his head, once again the shrapnel that was heading towards him had missed. It was like he was reflecting them. Like he was, invincible. And with this new incentive Tobias headed towards the Hospital, looking for a dead Soldier who was roughly about his size, who would supply him with some clothing...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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04-22-2003, 06:30 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 3

*Setting: The Orkhid chuckled to himself as he killed any surviving Orkids that were littered amongst the rubble. Dressed in full Orkhid uniform and armed with a laser cannon (like the one Mystique uses in the Xmen games) and two Socoms, Tobias felt invulnerable. The clothing and weapons were all from dead Soldiers and he had even found a long leather jacket that was like his original one. Believing that what had happened previously with the shrapnel was a sign that he was invincible he took his time with the bodies, as if taunting the injured to confront him. The only thing that was pestering him however was the fact that his 'subconcious' was still telling him to do things. He ignored it however, believing that he needed no help now that he was free from the restraints of the Hospital. He chuckled again as he looked down upon an Orkhid Nurse who had blood gushing from her legs. He gently placed his foot on her stomach and shot three times into her chest, smirking as her whitish uniform slowly stained black*

Voice: "Your wasting bullets that will be needed, Tobias. Stop it."

As the voice spoke he realised how aggitated he was and holstered his Socom and brought out his laser cannon that was hidden inside his ankle length leather jacket.

Tobias: "Make me stop..."

He held the weapon in two hands and smiled to himself, pacing around the corpses and shards of metal he blasted holes in the ground with it. Sometimes aiming for a corpse and then smiling sinisterly as it was oblitorated with one lone blast.

Voice: "Then i shall..."

The Orkhid blinked and in doing so was met with the vision of the Hospital and its grounds...intact. He inhaled sharply and paced backwards, looking around in shock. There was no sign of the Airship, no corpses and no pieces of metal or brick.

Tobias: "W-What...?? H...How?"

Voice: "Fool Tobias, now will you listen..."

Rubbing his eyes and nipping himself he expected the image to break back into place. Believing that he was just hallucinating. Nothing changed though. Voices shouted out from behind him and a guard who was walking with a patient ran upto him. Tobias pointed the gun, which was now a stick.

Tobias: "No...whats going...how can this...NO, DAMMIT NO!!"

Guard: "What are you doing out? Your exercise isn't for another 40 minutes. Come on, lets get you back inside."

Lunging at the guard with the stick, Tobias screamed incoherantly. The guard stepped to the right and then wrapped his arms around the Orkhid who was now back in his Hospital gown.

Voice: "Tobiiiiiaaaaaasssss..."

He looked around as he struggled, kicking out and trying to get the guard off of his back. And in the shadow of an Apple tree he saw the creature he believed to be calling him. It was about his size, its skin was black and it had glowing yellow eyes. It wore nothing but a cloak that draped diagonally across its body. It smirked, its lipless mouth stretching across its face.

Creature: "Are you going to co-operate, Tobias?"

Tobias: "YES, GOD YESSSS!!!"

He fell backwards and onto a severed arm. The Hospital was gone, the corpses were back and everything was back to normal. He looked at the stick and sighed with relief, it was a gun again.

Tobias: "Who are you? What do you want?"

He stood to his feet slowly and dusted himself off. He looked at were he saw the Apple tree which was now nothing more than a burnt stump. The creature was still there though and now approached him slowly, as it came closer Tobias noticed large, black feathered wings on its back. The bottom feathers were pure white and dragged along the ground.

Creature: "My name is Alei and i need you and your help..."

Tobias approached it with intrigue. He still clasped his weapon but this time held it so it pointed to the ground.

Tobias: "Why? What for?"

It growled lowly as its patience slowly slipped away.

Alei: "You are to aid me in the capture of another of my kind. That is all you need to know for now..."

With a quick manuover Tobias span the cannon with his left arm and grabbed the barrel with his right, cocking it he pointed the nozzle at the beings stomach.

Tobias: "Heh, no...i want to know all of it, now."

Alei sighed and looked to the ground.

Alei: "Tobias, dont push me. Dimension Dwellers are no match for my kind..."

He stepped forward raising an eyebrow.

Tobias: "Which is...?"

Alei: "A Sarraphin, now, holster your weapon...now."

The Orkhid shook his head slowly, but as he did so the creature flashed to the right of him in a blur and, surprisingly quickly, got behind him. A sharp pressure pushed down upon his neck, he knew it was going to kill him. The pressure intensified and then swept across his throat, slicing into his neck and veins swiftly. Tobias raised his hands to his slashed open neck and grasped it, his black blood seeped through the spaces in his fingers. He fell to his knees and cried out, tasting his essence as it gurgled up in his throat and spilled out of his mouth. His eyes widened and then everything went black...

America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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04-25-2003, 08:44 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 4

*Setting: The Orkhid dragged his feet along the ground with his head held low. The Sarraphin creature had given him a taste of death and he didn't like it. Tobias now listened to everything the being told him to do, not even thinking twice about any of it. He didn't really understand how the Sarraphin had stopped him from dying, the creature explained it as "rewinding time" but that still didn't explain why he had the memory. Tobias didn't like to think about it too much anyway, it made him nauseaus. Now he was deep in the woods, walking towards were the falling Airship had crashed. The Sarraphin had stated that he would find another creature who would aid him as he helped Alei and his cause. For a while now all he had seen was burnt trees and shrubs and smoldering metal. Every so often he would so the carcuss of an animal, burnt and charred. Alei had seemingly left Tobias, but it was still talking to him. As if invisible and not wanting anybody else to see. It still hadn't explained what sort of creature it was or what it wanted Tobias and this other creature to do, but all was to become apparent, in the next few days...*

Alei: "There...up ahead."

Tobias looked up and towards a burning tree. Metal was scattered everywhere aswell as burning corpses.

Tobias: "What? Where...??"

He began moving forwards, looking around the area, at the devastation the Airship had left in its wake. Alei slowly materialised and seemed to wince as it did so, as if hurt. It refrained itself however and took a step forwards and pointed to a large branch with a creature hanging off of it. It was a pinky colour with black hair and pointy, Dracconic ears. Wings sprouting from its back. It was hanging off of the branch by its mid-section. So its face couldn't be seen.

Tobias: "It looks...dead."

Alei: "Its barely alive, come..."

Alei jogged on ahead and towards the creature, leaping over the charred corpse of a dog-like beast. As it neared the unconcious being it waved its hand and gently picked it up off of the branch through telekenesis. Setting it down on the ground it crouched near it and stroked its cheek. It was covered in cuts and bruises and seemed to be female and had a snout, making it look like it was some kind of Reptilian or Dragon. Stepping upto it, the Orkhid nudged its head with his foot and then joined Alei in its crouching position.

Tobias: "Now what??"

The Sarraphin looked at Tobias and smiled gently.

Alei: "Now i heal it..."

The creature slowly set its black hand upon the others stomach, light coming from its palm. The unconcious creature seemed to blur and twitch before sitting up rapidly and exhaling. Its eyes wide and full of terror. Alei stood and stepped back, looking it up and down. Tobias was impressed, the beings cuts and bruises had seemingly disappeared, but once again Alei seemed to wince.

Creature: "Where...W-Where am i...!?! H-How did i g-get here?!?"

It looked up at the Sarraphin and then turned back and looked at Tobias.

Tobias: "You...erm, you landed here."

He didn't know what to say and that was the best he could do. Slowly the being stood up and shook its head.

Creature: "No...No, no, no. There...There was an explosion...The Ship...it...it blew up!!"

That was when Alei spoke, he stepped forwards impatiently and softly introduced himself and Tobias...

Alei: "My name is Alei and this is Tobias. We cannot tell you what happened that made you reach ground, but all we know is that your here and we need your help. If you dont, im sure i can arrange it so your back on another Vykker Airship..."

The female shook her head and grabbed her hair. She stepped backwards, it was clear from her facial expression that she was confused, confused and tired.

Creature: "No...No...I cant be...Fire...and...and...and Death. I felt it..."

Alei: "You weren't dead...i can assure you of that. Now, what is your name?"

It stepped forward as if to comfort her, but the female stepped back and snarled.

Creature: "S..S..."


Tobias turned to the voice and noticed three Sligs, all armed, pointing their guns at them. Lasersights had lined up on Alei, Tobias and the female. Alei snarled and turned to the Sligs.


It stepped forwards, cocking its rifle. As it spoke Tobias and the female slowly made their way down to their knees. The female seemingly even more distressed. But Alei still stood, as proud as ever.


His gun aimed for Alei' leg and he fired. The bullet sailed through the air, slowing down as it did so. Tobias watched in shock as the bullet slowed to the pace slower than that of a Snails. His head turned to the Sligs, the Sligs all seemed to slow down aswell. Alei stepped forwards, moving out of the bullets bee-line as it did so, and approached the 3rd Slig. It held out its hand infront of the Sligs face and a ball of red electricity formed, growing in power. Two strands of red electric then leapt out and shattered through the Sligs eye pieces and into its eyes, the creature jerked momentarily before dropping to the ground. Tobias saw his oppourtunity, got on one knee and pulled out his Laser cannon and blasted the first Slig, the laser blast hit the creatures stomach and sent it flying backwards with a hole the size of a Basketball in its chest. Alei snapped its head towards Tobias and growled.


Its entire body started to shudder with immense speed and green energy seemed to pulse around its entire body, it was like it was having a fit, only so quick it was a blur. The female slowly rose to her feet and looked at both Tobias and Alei.

Creature: "W...What are you??"

She began to step back, Alei' convulsions slowly subsided and he turned to her.

Alei: "That is not of importance..."

The Sarraphin then stepped up to the other Slig and did the same thing. Once again its body juttered after the Slig had dropped.

Tobias: "I'd tell you but i dont know, what did you say your name was?"

He turned back to her, awaiting her response.

Creature: "Sasha..."

(OOC: I need information, was that a good plot twist?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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04-27-2003, 06:10 AM
Canned Gabbiar's Avatar
Canned Gabbiar
Spark Stunk
: Dec 2002
: Dunno...
: 385
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Canned Gabbiar  (10)

Cool Jacob. You're really good at writing. Does this Sarraphin feed on other beings' conciousness/soul or something?
Seer from December 2002 to present...

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05-03-2003, 09:13 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 5

*Setting: The midnight glare of the moons beamed down upon the three travellers as they headed away from the crash site of the Vykkers Airship. Alei walked behind the other two creatures, watching them suspiciously and with great caution. Tobias was infront, holding his laser cannon with both hands he strided proudly, knowing he had protection in the form of Alei. Sasha on the other hand bimbled along, muttering to herself like that of a mentally crippled person. She had her arms folded and her wings retracted and as she walked she stumbled in all directions. Her scarred tail dragging on the ground behind her.*

Tobias: "So, where are we going??"

He turned around and began to walk backwards, his gun pointing upwards so not to cause alarm to Sasha or Alei. Sasha looked up at him and continued muttering to herself, her ramblings incoherant and quiet.

Alei: "It is not of your concern at the moment. I shall tell you when we arrive."

Sighing the Orkhid turned back around and continued walking, he looked up at the silky, black sky and stared at the diamond like stars. A growl came from behind him as Sasha knocked into him, causing Tobias to stumble forwards. She then continued growling and snarling, drool coming from one corner of her snout.

Tobias: "Whats wrong with her? How the Hell will she be able to help me like that??"

Alei sighed and stepped past the growling crossbreed. Its glowing yellow eyes glanced her up and down.

Alei: "She should go back to normal soon..."

Tobias: "How do you know she wasn't like this to begin with? She was with the Vykkers..."

Stepping upto her the Sarraphin stroked the side of her face with its index finger.

Alei: "Its because she was close to death. She was going to the light and i had to drag her back...thus her confusion and brief case of insanity. Like i said, she will come back to normal. Whether it be hours, days or weeks. Until she does, we'll have to act fast..."

Tobias stepped over to an upturned root and carefully sat down on it, making sure it took his weight before seating himself properly.

Tobias: "What you mean we'll have to "act fast"?"

Sasha began stratching the back of her hands and barking to herself. Seemingly oblivious to everything around her.

Alei: "She wont aid us willingly, we'll have to find someway to bribe her, or use her somehow..."

It slowly stepped over to her and cooed softly in her ear. She pined and growled gently.

Tobias: "And how do we find that out? She's not with it...look at her, if i shot her in the leg she wouldn't realise."

He spoke as the Sarraphin ran its left hand over Sasha's hair, stroking it and caressing it. It ran its right hand over her wings, stroking the boney structure. It ignored Tobias' question and merely demonstrated without explanation, its left hand ran up Sasha's body and over her head again, this time stopping on the crown of her scalp. Its claws dug into her scalp and electricity ran throughout her head. She jerked and gargled, her eyes shining white and electricity flowing around her. Alei's mouth widened and his eyes flashed, throwing her forwards and onto her stomach it turned to Tobias and purred.

Alei: "She wants to know what she is...What breed of being. All we have to do is get that information and make her help us for it..."

Grumbling the crossbreed attempted to pull herself back onto her feet.

Tobias: "So? We dont know where to get that information from, cant we just lie? Say we know and play along...?"

Slowly the black being shook its head as it looked down on Sasha who was now getting to her feet.

Alei: "No, she'll ask for proof and we'll have to give her it..."

It growled lowly and looked up, watching the stars sparkle.

Alei: "We'll have to break into an Orkhid laboratory and retrieve the results..."

Slowly the Orkhid stood up and approached the Sarraphin, ignoring the mumblings that Sasha spouted. His face was crossed with pure disbelief.

Tobias: "What?? No way!! I'm not going back to anywhere like that, i could be recaptured...no...im not taking that risk. And besides, they could have destroyed that info...they usually d-eack..."

Before he could finish his sentence the lone hand of the Sarraphin had clasped around his vocal cords, choking him and slowly raising him off of the ground.

Alei: "My kind created your kind. We studied life from the moment it began...We watched as it evolved...we know everything there is to know from breeding patterns to behavioral changes...Orkhids always keep information, that info is always accessible by every laboratory of Orkhid nature...Dont think you have the upper hand because your one of them..."

It threw Tobias back and turned to Sasha smiling.

Alei: "Lets go and find out what you are..."

(OOC: By the by, yeh, its the Soul that Sarraphins feed on. Apologies for crapness by the by.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-26-2003 at 01:06 PM..
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07-26-2003, 10:04 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 6

*Setting: The moon hung brightly in the sky, illuminating Tobias' path as he darted out of the Orkhid compound entrance clutching a small laptop which held countless listings of countless creatures. Looking around the grounds he was running across he began to notice that time was slowly starting to resume, this, and the voice of Alei urging him on, seemed to make him sprint towards the fence at an even quicker speed.*

Tobias: "I thought your kind could stop time altogether...??"

He stated this as he jumped over a small dip in the ground, his eyes scanning the area for the piece of fence that Alei had used its powers to rust. There was silence from the being, ignoring the invasive question.


The voice of the guard from one of the watch towers was deep and elongengated through the slowed down version of time. Glancing upwards Tobias had enough time to notice that the creature was slowly raising its gun to fire, but by the time it had a decent shot, Tobias was out of the compound and into the nearby woodland...


*Setting: Sat on two small logs opposite each other, in a slightly spaecious part of the woodlands, Tobias and Sasha roasted some Birds, over a small fire, that they had caught and killed. It had been a couple of hours since Tobias had retrieved the small laptop which contained quite abit of the information that Sasha had wanted to know about herself, but it would be enough to bribe her with when she fully recovered. Her recovery was progressing quite nicely now, she was eating more and now able to focus on objects and hold a vaguely normal conversation. Still, every so often she would fall in and out of a dreary daze were she would proceed to mumble to herself, yet this was becoming less and less frequent which was a good thing for Alei, who wanted to proceed with its plan as soon as possible.*

Tobias: "So, erm, can you remember anything about yourself yet?"

Sasha bit into the meat of the cooked Bird and looked up at Tobias, shaking her head slowly she shrugged.

Sasha: "Not much. Bits and bats, thats all..."

Nodding Tobias bit into the leg of the Bird and tore a chunk of meat off.

Tobias: "You died right? Or you were going to the light?"

Her reply was a simple nod as she chewed away at the thick meat.

Tobias: "Yeh...same here. No light though, heh, kinda disconcerting...heh."

He chuckled vaguely. Feeling a slight amount of fear. Tobias didn't want to go to Hell or the Abyss, or wherever it was the evil creatures went after death. And the fact that he saw no light was a sign he was doing something tragicly wrong in life...

Tobias: "So...erm...nice night, eh?"

There was an uncomfortable silence that was beginning to creep into the atmosphere, one that reminded Tobias of homelife when his mother and father were going through the disagreement which evidently led Tobias' father to leave the Orkhid regime with Cyrus. This is why he would always try and avoid the uncomfortable silences at all costs. As he attempted to think of a new topic of discussion the form of Alei began to appear, alot slower than usual and alot more clumsier.

Alei: "T-Tobias...Sasha..."

It formed infront of them both, its eyes now glowing abit more dimly than before.

Alei: "I'll be needing your assistance in getting some...food."

As it said this it seemed to double over in pain, but more disturbingly Sasha leant down towards the Plasma Cannon, picked it up and took stand, pointing it at the Sarraphin who was briefly distracted by its own pain

Sasha: "Not yet."

Alei's eyes widened as it looked at the, supposedly borderline insane, creature wielding a weapon.


Its voice was fraught and it slowly took a step backwards, standing Tobias attempted to grasp her arm but was immediatly subdued as she kicked out to the side without even looking, knocking the Orkhid to the ground.
The weapons nozzle seemed to explode gently as it let out a blast of plasma, sailing through the air the plasma neared Alei and hit the creature in the stomach, sending it falling backwards and landing on its back. White blood oozed from its stomach and mid-section, aswell as spluttering from its mouth. Opening and closing its mouth the being tried to speak but failed miserably as all it could muster was mild gasps.

Tobias: "O-Ok, i think she's recovered quite well..."

Climbing to his feet he glanced over at the creature that once had him on a tight leash and smiled faintly. The smile was quickly wiped from his face however when the weapon was turned on him.

Tobias: "Whoa!! Whoa!! I-I'm on your side...I didn't like him...I'm with you on this!!"

Sasha: "Get over there with him, NOW!!"

Shuffling uneasily towards Alei, Tobias looked down at the being who seemed to be quite severly injured.

Sasha: "Now, what the f*ck are you and what do you want with me??"

She directed the question at Alei who was now clutching its injury and resting on its side, its eyes slowly dimming even more.

Sasha: "Well??"

Flicking the gun towards Tobias she cocked it once more and aimed for his right arm. Shaking his head the Orkhid backed away slowly.

Tobias: "Hey-hey!! Like i said, i'm on your side, i know as much as you do and thats it!!"

With a slight growl, the weapon wielding creature nodded.

Sasha: "Well, i have no use for you then..."

She smiled faintly and aimed her gun for his chest.

Voice: "But we do..."

A severe and invisible force impacted with the back of Sasha's knees and caused her to collapse onto her knees with severe force, she was then knocked to the ground and the weapon was kicked away from her. Reaching for it Tobias bent down and outstretched his hands, only to be kicked in the face by the same invisible. He fell back and onto his rear clutching a bloody nose. Whilst both creatures were disabled the creature who had seemingly spoke materialised, followed by two others. All were Sarraphin. Yet the one who had spoken was smaller than the others and its eyes were a more intense glow.

Alei: "A-Asael...?"

Alei looked up at the newly emerged creature and looked at the other two behind it, who were more sturdier and taller.

Asael: "You idiot, Alei. You fool."

Its words were full of bitterness and poison and upon saying this the creature stepped forwards, formed a ball of white light in its right hand and gently under-armed it down on Alei. The ball of light landed on the injured beings stomach and immediatly caused the black skin to shatter off it. The creature writhed around in pain, screeching being emitted from its mouth as the white light from under its skin started to burn away, until finally it was nothing more than a pile of ash were it once lay.

Asael: "Now for you two..."

(OOC: Poozle)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 08-02-2003 at 08:52 AM..
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07-27-2003, 07:51 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
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It's very good, but it feels like I've missed something. Have you deleted something from this particular story?

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07-27-2003, 08:24 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
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From the whole of it (from the 1st chaptor to the last) no. From the most recent one i just skipped the part were Tobias gets back to Sasha. Since there wasn't really anything i could think to add.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-02-2003, 10:05 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
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Part 7

*Setting: The night wind gently picked up and swirled around Tobias and Sasha. There was an uncomfortable silence between them both as they sat on the ground looking up at the new beings. Turning the one address as Asael looked down to Sasha and growled lowly.*

Asael: "I would kill you for your treachery, but you have done us a favour. Alei was an incompetant fool and the fact you, a Dimension dweller, could injure it proves my point..."

It had been a couple of minutes since the whole weird incident had happened and Sasha was wanting an explanation. She had feigned insanity for a good 12 hours and in doing so had gathered alot of questions about alot of comments the creature, Alei, had stated.

Sasha: "What the f*ck are you?"

She snarled at the creature as she looked up at it. Her eyes burning into the creatures eyes. Leaning away from her Tobias subonciously distanced himself from the unpredictable creature.

Sasha: "Well??"

It stared down at Sasha and smiled softlyy, shaking its head gently. It then turned its attention to Tobias.

Asael: "What did he divulge to you? How much information?"

Tobias: "N-Not alot...but i'm ok with that...i'm happy working without knowing who i'm working for...it's her with the questions...not me."

Like a true Orkhid he piled all the blame on his cohort who he had been forced to work with. Sasha didn't care though, she was passed caring. Nodding Asael turned from them and took a few steps towards the small fire they had created, his wings dragging along the ground.

Asael: "We are Sarraphin. We are the creators of life. And the watchers of Destiny and Fate."

He turned, watching the two creatures facial expressions. They both showed expressions of apathy.

Sasha: "You mean you're Gods?"

She crossed her legs and then leant back on her hands.

Asael: "Far from it. We are the creators of the Gods themselves..."

A gentle smile crossed his face as he knew he would be forced to explain the entire creation of life, from the very start.

Tobias: "H-How? How do we know you're telling the truth? You could just be a lowly Mage...all of you could."

The Sarraphin nodded and stepped towards them both.

Asael: "I shall tell you the entire story of life itself. The real story. You can pose any question to me and i'll answer it without even thinking. Alei made a mistake in being so secretive...that's what led to his evident death..."

He glanced over at the area were Alei once lay, all that was left was dust and ash and a faint smell of smoldering. The other two Sarraphin that had appeared with Asael stood over the remains and watched as Asael began his story.

Asael: "Eons, upon eons ago we, the Sarraphin, were the only creatures throughout the entire space of time. Feasting on the Souls of our own race, we were quickly leading ourselves to extinction. Once our race number had hit 1500, our Lord knew there was only one thing to do, to create another race that we could feed off. But we were inexperienced. Our first attempt lasted 5 Dimension years and was something small. Something along the lines of Bacterium. A Soulless, wiggling, creature who's only purpose was to infect...Without a Soul it could not help us, so we left it, left it in its own world to do what it liked. Believing that it would soon die off. Now, with a little more experience behind us, we created something bigger and better. Within 7 Dimension years we had created Insects. Even though these creatures were small and weak, they bred with ferocity and their Souls were strong. Within a matter of months we had 1,000,000 and they were what we lived off. Time passed and realising that the Bacterium world had not collapsed, we saw no point in allowing it to progress. So, our Lord decided to wipe that world out...but we were shocked to see that the creatures had...evolved slightly. Not only that, but with every decision these newer Bacterium chose to make, a multitude of new worlds were created showing the choices they did not make. In those first couple of months that they had been alive over 1000 new worlds dedicated to their choices had been created and that number was rapidly increasing. We tried hard to reverse time and to reel all the worlds back in to one so we could destroy them all, but ultimatly failed. Determined not to make the same mistake twice we used all our effort and were slowly able to stop time on the Insect world. This not only allowed us to take the Souls of the beings quicker but to focus all our attention on the mass-reproducing world of the Bacteria. As our campaign to stop it went on, we were witness to more evolution. The Bacteria formed into Insects, different from what we had already created. And then formed into Animals. Within a 3000 year period we had bare witness to something remarkable. We watched as each Dimension showed each possible outcome. Some Worlds ended. Some blossomed. Some, are still forming. But each are now creating 100,000,000,000,000 new worlds per minute. Possibly even more. We are...thankful for this accidental experiment which has brought about such interesting specimens, but one creature isn't. It disliked the fact that new Dimensions are forming, it seems to believe that our world will fall if too many Dimensions are created. And it is on this world of yours were it rests...we are here to stop it, stop it before it ends all existance. And you have to help..."

Asaels eyes glowed brightly and excitedly at the two young mortals who were sat contently listening to the story.

Sasha: "Ok...wait. We're...accidents??

Nodding the Sarraphin smirked.

Asael: "Yes...unlike what some of your counterparts believe you are not part of a "big plan". You are not important. You are basically...evolved food."

The female nodded in acceptance, not really bothered by such a revelation as it didn't really apply to her.

Sasha: "Ok, what about the whole 'new-Dimensions-being-made' thing? I don't get that. And why didn't you stop time on the Bacterial worlds?"

Asael: "Think of the new Dimensions as...pathways. You have three choices of path. You choose path 'A'. Three other Dimensions then open up, dictating what would happen if you had chose path 'B', 'C' or none of them. Now, put this in respect to a population of 100,000,000,000,000...and you have a problem. Also, the reason why we couldn't stop time on the Bacterium worlds was because it was taking all our effort to stop it on the Insect world...we had no power..."

Tobias: "So...there are more me's out there?"

Asael: "There are more than you could possibly imagine..."

Slowly pushing herself up, Sasha beat her wings to get the dirt off them and then posed yet another question to the Sarraphin.

Sasha: "What about Gods? Are there countless versions of them? And do they really affect what happens to you when you die?"

Asael: "Throughout all the Dimensions there is only one God of its kind. Gods start off as mortals too, no matter how much they believe they are born a God, they are not. All varietions of that creature are killed as soon as it ascends to its Godlike status. All of the variations of its Soul then go into the single Dimension it will become a God in and combine...giving it untold knowledge and power. Not knowledge of the other worlds, however...but of life. And to answer your second question, yes. The first Gods to form created Karma, Karma had the rare ability to sift itself through Dimensions and upon multiplying applied itself to 98% of the Dimensions created. When you die, Karma is the one that decides if your Soul goes to a better or worse place."

Sasha: "What about the random Bibles and Religions??"

Asael: "The Bibles are merely books, placed to dictate fear and order and Religion is a comfort...created to help the weak overcome the fear of Death..."

So far the Sarraphin had answered all of Sasha's questions quickly and efficiently, giving the being an air of belief.

Tobias: "Ok...so, thats your claim, but whats the worst this critic can do? You only said it disagree's with you and the others...it doesn't seem as if it wants to do anything too bad."

Asael: "You naive little cretin. Arias will be the ruin of all Dimensions...he has found a way to make all the Dimensions bleed into each other were he will then trigger a force that's the equivalent to 1000,000,000 Nucleaur and Atomic explosions going off at once...All Dimensions will be wiped out. You're Souls will be destroyed. There will be no Heaven, Hell, Paradise, Abyss or whatever you believe in...even they are mere Dimensions...all life will be void...you will be nothing!! Not only that, but you will die not knowing the answers you so crave for. Sasha, we have yours nearby. But Tobias, we can show you yours...you'll have to help us though.

This took the two mortals back and put alot of pressure upon them. The whole of Oddworld in their hands. Other Dimensions. Heavenly Dimensions. Everything was down to them helping the Sarraphin. Including the answers to their own personal questions...

Sasha: "Ok...we'll help."

(OOC: Crapness. But feel free to post some questions that you would like Sasha or Tobias to ask the Sarraphin.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 08-26-2003 at 04:39 AM..
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09-08-2003, 07:13 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 8

*Setting: The daylight Sun scattered itself through the leaves of the many tree's that grew to the East of the giant Orkhid Army complex, giving Asael and Sasha exellent cover. It had been a couple of days since they had, had their first encounter, but after the information Sasha and Tobias had recieved, both mortals thought it best if they were to help the winged black beasts. The Sarraphin. Crouched down on one of the outter branches, Sasha desperatly gripped to the bark of the tree with her right hand, whilst her left clutched the mid-section of a Sniper Rifle.*

Sasha: "When am i supposed to shoot?"

She looked up to Asael who was situated crouching on a branch above her, looking down it replied in a hush whisper.

Asael: "Not yet...when you get a decent eye shot, then fire...but wait 'til Tobias is in position before you do so."

Nodding Sasha spread out her wings to balance on the branch whilst she got in a more comfortable position were she could stay stable and still fire the weapon...


*Setting: With his head held high Tobias strided across the grounds of the Army building, heading to the front door and ignoring all stares that he recieved. His black leather jacket flapped behind him as he strided with a quickened pace, whilst struggling to hide the Laser cannon that he had tied to his right leg using vines. Accompanying Tobias in its dispersed form was one of the two Sarraphin that had come with Asael, and it was this creature that stopped any being it sensed was going to pose a threat to Tobias. As Tobias neared the main door he suddenly became aware that he had to be even more careful, for if somebody from his past were to see him, the whole plan would crumble. Slowing to a steady walk, Tobias took a deep breath and then entered the facility...*

Tobias: "Ok...now what?"

He stood inside, looking around at the main entrance area which, to the right of it, had a small Reception desk.

Sarraphin: "Go up to the Receptionist, i'll see to the rest..."

The reply was a loud, rough voice, which only he could hear. Obeying the invisible creature Tobias quickly stepped over to the Reception were a male Receptionist stood, scribbling away on some paper. His hair was a deep purple and his eyes a dark gray, his face was pale and his cheeks sunken. He also dressed as if he was more important than a mere Receptionist, with a black suit with red tie.

Receptionist: "How may i help you, sir?"

He tilted his head to the right as he spoke in his polite, calm manner. But just as Tobias opened his mouth to reply the Receptionist suddenly began to twitch, his eyes rolled back into his skull and his mouth opened and closed slowly for a couple of seconds. Suddenly he returned back to normal again.

Receptionist: "Certainly, sir. Right this way."

Sarraphin: "Follow him. He will lead you to Arias. This is as far as i can go with out Arias sensing me, but don't worry...he can't harm you..."

As the Receptionist walked from behind his small desk, Tobias listened intently to what the Sarraphin said, weary of the last part. He knew the Sarraphin were his only hope on fulfilling his wish...his revenge, yet he knew that if he died he would never be able to enact such vengence, it was this that worried him.


*Setting: Leaning on the tree with her right leg arched and the main barrel of the weapon resting on it, she carefully looked through the scope and scanned around the building, looking for the General who the being, Arias, was apparently hiding in. Moving the weapon from left to right she slowly came to a stop when she spotted a smallish office with the blinds up, sat at the desk was an oldish looking Orkhid, his skin was a hint of gray and below his nose he had the start of a mustache. His head was completly bald aside from a few stray hairs and he wore sunglass'...even though he was inside. Even though the desk didn't have a name plaque Sasha knew this was the General from the uniform he wore. As she kept target on that room she had a quick look around. To the right of the room were large bookshelves and infront of the large, wooden desk was a lone chair.*

Asael: "Here he comes..."

The Sarraphin watched as the door to the Generals office opened and the Receptionist stepped inside closely followed by Tobias. There was a brief moment of conversation before the Receptionist saluted and stepped outside, leaving Tobias stood in the center of the room, his arms behind his back.


General: "Strange. I don't recall seeing you around..."

The general stood and walked around to the front of his desk, holding up his hand to shake Tobias'.

Tobias: "I've been at another complex, teaching the Cadets about the enemy and combat...you know, the basics."

He smiled meakly as he shook hands with the high ranking superior and came up with such a lame excuse. Once he had shaken hands with Tobias the General turned and walked back to his seat, were he then sat and offered Tobias a seat in the chair infront of his desk.

Tobias: "I'd rather stand, sir. If that's all the same with you..."

The superior looked at the Orkhid strangely, but still nodded and laid back on his chair, linking his fingers in his lap.

General: "Well then, Private. What is it i can do for you?"

It was at this point Tobias shifted uneasily, awaiting the next part of the plan to happen...


*Setting: Taking a deep breath Sasha zoomed in on the Generals right sunglass' lens. Hoping to hit the center of the eye even though it was slightly concealed by the tinted lens. Inhaling one last breath, she squeazed the trigger...*


*Setting: Opening his mouth to ask his question again, the General was immediatly cut short as the sound of glass cracking slightly disturbed him, but in a nanosecond of hearing this the right lens of his sunglass' had shattered, revealing his pure white eye. The startled Tobias jumped back and quickly placed his right hand on the barrel of his Laser cannon as he prepared to execute the next part of the plan, however, due to the seating position of the General, the bullet just missed the eye and instead penetrated just beneathe it, leaving the actual eye intact and thus only rendering the creature inside, Arias, in slight shock. As Tobias pulled his weapon from the vines that had wrapped it around his legs and grasped the barrel of it with his left hand he took one last glance at the General before attempting to fire. Unfortunatly for him though, Sasha had fired another shot and as this bullet sailed towards the, still seated yet prepared superior, he knocked it off course telekineticly with a wave of his right hand, sending it flying towards Tobias were it hit him in his left thigh, causing him to fall on his knee in pain.*

General: "Who are you?!"

Tobias looked up at the General and smirked, quickly he pointed the nozzle of his weapon up at the Army superior and fired, but in an instant the General had grasped the underside of his desk and flipped it forwards, causing the blast to hit the desk and thus shatter and burn the middle. Undetered Tobias continued firing, only stopping when one of the blasts hit the Generals side and caused him to stagger into a nearby filing cabinet, wincing in pain.

Tobias: "I'm the savior..."

Smirking the Orkhid revelled in saying such heroic words as he pulled the trigger and sent a blast of energy into the Generals chest, scorching, both the exterior and interior, skin. The blast was so intense that the General's bowls immediatly loosened, causing him to soil himself, as a slight trickle of blood poured from his nose. Sliding down the wall and leaving a mark of blood down it, the corpse sat there...still. Setting his weapon down Tobias looked at the body, a little disappointed by the death as he had expected something a little more extravegant. But as he wallowed in this disappointment a black mist began to form infront of the corpse and slowly it solidified, showing Arias' true form. The beings yellow eyes glowed intently and its wings spread magesticly as Tobias watched in awe.

Arias: "You stupid mortal..."

It pointed its right hand out at Tobias in saying this and fired a blast of green energy towards him, clenching his eyes shut Tobias waited for the impact but was pleasantly surprised to see the blast stop inches away from him as if an invisible shield was protecting him.

Arias: "What?! No...!!"

Its confused and shocked reaction was amusing to Tobias as he once again reached for his weapon. But even though Arias couldn't hurt Tobias with its powers, it wasn't deterred. Turning to the chair that was once situated infront of the Generals desk it telekineticly flung it towards the Orkhid who it hit directly in the chest, forcing him to fall backwards. Stepping forwards the rogue Sarraphin hissed in anger.

Arias: "Who are you? Who are you working for...?"

As he spoke these words the reply formed behind the injured Orkhid, the reply being Asael.

Asael: "Time to leave, Arias."

The voice chuckled these words as the form of the creature slowly started to manifest. Not only was this happening but Sasha had taken flight and was soaring towards the building, intent on taking down the creature that threatened life itself.

Arias: "Teaming up with mortals, Asael? Isn't that too common for you...?"

Finishing the sentence it then formed a ball of green energy in its right hand and hurled it towards its shorter counterpart just as it solidified. The ball hit the beast in its chest, forcing it backwards and into the wall behind. Arias then turned its attention to Tobias, and snarled its question lowly.

Arias: "Why? Why are you helping with the destruction of your race and life itself?"

Looking up Tobias shook his head and pushed the chair away from him.

Tobias: "I'm not."

He pointed his weapon at Arias once more and fired, this time the blast was telekineticly knocked away to his right were it shattered through the window and caused Sasha to swerve to the right to avoid it, thus shattering through the window of the room next door. Reaching down Arias quickly grasped the throat of the trigger-happy Orkhid and lifted him off the ground, its eyes shining intently.

Arias: "Well, why help them!?"

But as it asked the question it realised something important. Tobias wasn't breathing. But he wasn't dead either.

Asael: "Heheheh. Dimension dwellers...so easy to manipulate."

It quickly became apparent that Asael had stopped time in their immediate vicinity and as Arias was destracted it had formed two balls of red energy that acted like fire around both of its hands. Its eyes shone a bright red as it looked at Arias, raised its hands to point at it and then fired. Casting Tobias to the right the being didn't have time to react to the blasts and was hit in its chest by both energies, sending it flying backwards and through the wall to the ground below. But instead of shattering the wall, the surface merely rippled as it passed through, before returning to its naturally solid state afterwards. Lieing on its back the rogue Sarraphin looked up from where it fell, a good two storeys. Looking down at its chest it noticed it was smoldering slightly, but nothing that would cause it too much harm...so long as it replenished its health quickly. Slowly it climbed to its feet, looking up as it heard a cruel laugh come from above.

Asael: "Not as nimble as you once were, are you Arias?"

The beast stepped from the inside of the building to the outside, once again causing the wall to ripple as it passed through. It then beat its wings lightly, slowly sauntering to the ground whilst watching its enemy back away, cautiously. As Arias continued to look up at Asael, the other two black Sarraphin appeared behind their enemy, their hands glowing with green energy ready to be blasted at Arias. There was a small thud as Asael landed on the ground, its wings retracting as it did so. Asael was shorter than Arias, yet more intimidating, and commanding.

Asael: "This world, aswell as all the others WILL be destroyed Arias...shame you won't be around to watch, i would so love to see your face. Heh."

As it spoke, however, it failed to notice the attention all four of them were bringing to themselves. Orkhid Soldiers had stopped and were pointing their weapons at them, a crowd began to gather and Jeeps carrying more troops began to pull up.

Arias: "Enlighten me, Asael, what do you hope to achieve?"

Asael: "A fresh, controllable, start..."

Its tone was dark and upon finishing the sentence it nodded to the two creatures situated behind Arias, but in doing so it aroused the creatures suspicion and in seconds the fugitive beast had disappeared in whisps of blackness. Causing great frustration to the superior being.


Asael turned its head slowly to the right and watched as a low ranking Soldier cautiously stepped towards them, his shotgun pointed in their general direction. A sigh came from Asaels lipless mouth as it raised its right arm and fired a pulse of green energy from its hand, the energy hit the troop in chest and caused him to flop backwards, a hole scorched into his body with such intensity it had burned through the area were it had hit, leaving a visible "window" that others could clearly see through. However, as soon as the being showed such a clear act of hostility the Orkhid troops surrounding all three of them hailed fury upon them, this, however, was hardly threatening to any of the winged beasts as they quickly slowed down time and plotted their next plan to capture and kill Arias.

Asael: "Go back and ask the Lord for a Dimension Sealer. Arias is weak and will have to build up its strength before it is able to pass through to another world, which gives us time to stop it from doing so."

It spoke to the first bulky guard who nodded and then leaped into the air, beat its wings and flew upward into the sky. As the other two watched, they saw their cohort disappear in a crackle of blue and red lightening as it passed into their homeworld. Asael then turned to the second.

Asael: "Help me get the mortals, we may still need them...even if its just for food."

And with that, both creatures dispersed into smoke whisps and time resumed to its normal state...

(OOC: Abit poopity, but better than prior chapters i do believe...)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 09-08-2003 at 11:16 AM..
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11-01-2003, 04:27 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 9

*Setting: Sasha watched as the Sun slowly set on the Horizon. Sat on a log the female crossbreed gently nursed her wounds, her right arm was laden with cuts from shards of glass that had embedded in her when she had swerved to avoid the energy blast and accidently crashed into another room. Looking over at Tobias she growled lowly, blaming him for the escape of the rogue beast. Accompanying the two mortal creatures was two Sarraphin. One was one of the large black guard-like beasts from previous and the other a Sealer. A sort of more pathetic, skinny form of the others but with the powers to stop interdimensional travel and thus contain the rogue Sarraphin to this Dimension. The creatures feathered wings had red tints hidden in them and its eyes were faint sky-blue.*

Sasha: "Hey, don't suppose either of you two could help me out here?"

Standing up she slowly moved over to one of the black figures, hoping that with their time-wielding powers they would be able to heal her quickly. But in nearing the vicinity of the Sealer, the large black guard snarled and stopped her from proceeding telekineticly.

Sasha: "What the...?!"

Trying to move forwards and push against the resistance she slowly beat her wings, but due to her persistance the creature quickly grounded her. Forcing her back at such a harsh speed that she fell down upon her back. Turning to see what the commotion was Tobias sneered and shook his head gently, he then turned and headed towards a nearby tree.

Tobias: "I'm just off to take a leak, be back in a minute..."

He shouted this without turning around, quite sure that the being wouldn't stop him from going about his business. Approaching the tree he slowly unzipped his fly and then stood facing it as he took ahold of his penis and began to urinate up against it.

Voice: "Tobias...Tobiasss..."

Stopping mid-flow Tobias took a sharp intake of breath as he seemingly recognised the voice. Looking around him he gulped wearily and slowly attempted to back away, regardless of the fact he hadn't finished urinating. But as he did so a strange force grasped his windpipe and squeezed gently, his head lifted slightly and his Heart began to beat faster.

Voice: "You idiot, Tobias. You moron. You want to save existance itself and yet you aid the enemy..."

A choked reply was all that was mustered, that and the random spurting of urine up against the tree as his bladder muscles contracted and relaxed with fear.

Voice: "You want to know the truth, Tobias? You want to know who to trust...? Here, watch..."

A tingling sensation became apparent in his brain as the light of the dusk began to get brighter. His arms and legs tingled and as he blinked a sense of coldness and hatred washed over him.
*Bright flash*

As the brightness subdued a dark and cold land became apparent. Not so much a land, but a dark and dreary building. The walls were brown stone and the floors and ceiling a dirty, soily, grey. Looking around the area Tobias noticed several glassless windows. Walking upto one he looked outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of something that looked remotely Orkhid-esque or atleast Oddworldish. But all he saw was blackness. As if there was a black, starry curtain drawn all around the building he was situated in. Stepping down the large corridor, Tobias looked around nervously, not knowing if the experience was real or if he was in any danger at all. Turning left at the end of the corridor, the Orkhid then began to walk towards a door. Large, brown and wooden was this door, with a black metal hinge and a large black handle. Irrate voices could be heared shouting from behind the door, a strange language was what they spoke in but one that Tobias could seemingly understand. Fumbling with the handle Tobias slowly opened the door a crack and peered into the room, here he saw four black Sarraphin and many large, Orkhid-size mirrors, lining the walls. One of the four Sarraphin was sat high up on a large, black throne. Stoney, grey steps led upto this throne but all of the other Sarraphin stood meakly at the bottom.

Sarraphin #1: "But sire, what are we to do?! If this theory is correct then we are surely doomed to either live among the mortals or to carry on our existance in oblivion..."

The creature looked nervous and as Tobias shifted himself slowly into the room to get a better look, noticed that one of the other three Sarraphin was Arias. It was situated in the middle of the other two and stood proudly infront of its superior.

Sarraphin Lord: "We will do what we must to survive, that is our way..."

Sarraphin #1: "But what? What can we do!? We cannot control them, we cannot destroy them. They're multiplying by the second!!"

As it spoke it moved forwards, its arm movements became irratic and its wings twitched nervously.

Sarraphin #2: "We could...make them bleed into each other. Make them become apart of each other. And when all are sharing existance with the other, cause a Dimensional rupture. Their worlds will be oblitorated instantly and allowing us to wipe the slate clean..."

Arias: "But what if we're wrong..."

Sarraphin Lord: "Then we are wrong. No harm, no foul..."

Stepping backwards the, apparently, rogue Sarraphin shook its head gently.

Arias: "But this means that their lives would have been destroyed...for nothing."

Sarraphin #2: "But if we are right, then it means we will survive."

The large, black creature sat upon the throne nodded and leant forwards. Its white eyes shining brightly as its lipless mouthed formed into a smirk.

Sarraphin Lord: "What are the consequences to us, if any...?"

The second creature shook its head from side to side, smiling softly.

Sarraphin #2: "None, if there's no other Sarraphin in any of the Dimensions. If there is, then it could cause our world to disintergrate with theirs..."

The inferior creature smiled, proud that it had come up with an idea that would be the only thing that would save their existance.

Sarraphin Lord: "Very well. Start making your prepa..."

Arias: "NO. I ask of you, sire, please re-think. We can't just go about destroying the existance of our lowers!! Its inhumane. Its cruel!!"

Sarraphin Lord: "It is our only chance of survival, Arias. Our only hope of surviving to see another millenium. We have to do it!!"

Stepping away from Arias the other two creatures seemed to sense that trouble was brewing. If not for Arias' insolence, then for his want to protect creatures far below themselves.

Arias: "It may not be needed!! It may not even work!!"

Sarraphin Lord: "BUT WE MUST TRY!!"

Slamming its palms down on the arms of its throne the Lord stood to its feet and snarled loudly. Its black wings unfurled in anger and shards of blue electricity hurtled around its arms.


Turning its back on its superior, Arias headed to the doorway. Not only showing disrespect for its Lord but for the entire race. In a mad rage a formation of blue particles began to swirl around the hand of the Lord. These particles soon began to manifest into a blue flame and in seconds this flame was hurled towards the disrespectful Arias. Turning quickly Arias noticed this and dived to the left, avoiding the contact of the instantly-killing fire. Landing on its side Arias looked up at the other two Sarraphin who gave a worried glance, knowing that it was truly screwed no matter what it did from then on.


A blast of red and yellow energy hurtled towards the downed creature as it quickly made a stand. Hitting Arias' chest the energy then engulfed him in a painful, natural coloured fire that singed his black, smooth skin and caused it to wail in agony. However, as it awaited for his inevitable death he noticed one of the mirrors was active and sped towards it, and as Tobias watched, Arias had ran into the mirror and disappeared with a ripple. Into another Dimension...
*Bright flash*

The Orkhid staggered backwards and fell on his back, shocked and fearful of what he just saw. His urine spurted up into the air and soaked his legs and stomach, but he didn't care...he had just learnt the truth...and realised at how close he came to destroying everything...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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02-07-2004, 11:16 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 10

*Setting: The moritified Orkhid slowly staggered back to the group, after just seeing the revelations that Arias had presented to him he was by no means in his normal, neutral mood. Seeing Sasha sat on the small log, her arm bloodied and laden with glass he seemed to know that she would want some kind of vengence, that if she ever did see the rogue creature again she wouldn't hesitate in trying to take it out. It was this that worried Tobias, this that made him want to act now, to atleast try and aid the being in escaping and thus hindering the horrific actions of the merciless Sarraphin. Turning Sasha looked up at him, chuckling softly.*

Sasha: "Heh, couldn't get it out in time, could we?"

Glancing down at his urine soaked trousers and shirt he sighed, nearing the fire in hopes it would dry up the moistness. The Sarraphin guard protecting the Sealer glanced over at Tobias and growled lowly, sensing something on the being but not knowing quite what it was.

Tobias: "S-Sasha, can i have a word, please?"

He carefully squatted down near the fire, his face becoming illuminated in yellow-orangey flame.

Sasha: "Depends what about..."

Tobias: "Well, its private..."

Standing to her feet Sasha looked over at the two Sarraphin and stepped over the log away from the fire and towards a small lush tree. Tobias quickly followed, turning briefly to make sure that the guard wasn't attempting to follow.

Sasha: "Well, whats this ab..."

Tobias: "Arias. H-He showed me something. Something that happened to him before he came to this world...this, this Dimension."

Stepping backwards the female became weary of the information that Tobias held, just incase it could get them killed. Which, if it was from Arias, it certainly could.

Sasha: "W-When...when did this happen? Why didn't you shout for help?"

Tobias: "A minute or so ago and, besides, i couldn't, he stopped me...but what he showed me was important. It...it was what really happened. Arias isn't a rogue trying to destroy everything. He's trying to prote..."

As he neared the end of his sentence a hard hand fell upon the back of his neck, placing pressure upon some vital pressure points and also lifting him centimetres above the ground.

Asael: "Tell me, when you served in the Reptilian-Orkhid war did you commune with the Reptilians? Hmmm, oh no, as i recall you just abandoned your squadron and allowed your friends to be slaughtered. Don't listen to him, Sasha. He's done more heinus acts than you or i could imagine."

Flinging Tobias to the right the Sarraphin smirked softly as the mortal hit another tree and collapsed to the ground. It then turned to Sasha and stroked her right cheek.

Asael: "Come, lets end this little escapade."

Turning briefly Sasha glanced down at Tobias who was now slowly starting to stand, she then walked back towards the small camp they had made, leaving Tobias at the mercy of the other Sarraphin who had accompanied Asael.

Asael: "Kill him."

The two large beasts moved towards the small, pathetic mortal. Their arms coarsing with red and blue energy and electricity.


An energy blast of pure red destruction hurtled down from above Tobias' head. Missing him by inches but hitting the ground inbetween the two Sarraphin and causing a shockwave that sent them both flailing to the ground. Looking up Asael snarled, Arias was beating his wings and hovering above the ground like a blackened Guardian Angel. Tobias' Angel.


Leaping into the air the enraged being flew at a startling speed towards Arias, its arms outstretched as it tackled the rogue creature, wrapping its arms around Arias' waist and forcing them both to hurtle downward to the ground. Looking up Sasha stepped backwards, shocked that everything was happening so quickly and pondering whether she should help or not. Turning her head she glanced to her Sniper Rifle that was laid out infront of the fire. Quickly she jogged towards it, grabbing it by the mid-section and lifting it up as she turned and looked towards where Arias and Asael where. The two beings were exchanging blows whilst Asael held Arias down...


*Setting: Seeing this as his perfect opportunity Tobias sped towards the small camp, keeping his sights on the large Plasma Rifle that was leant against the log where he once sat. Glancing around as he neared he realised that the Sealer and its guard were making a break for it, beating their wings quickly and rising skyward in hopes of escaping the onslaught of energy blasts that where inevitably going to be discharged. Tobias realised this was his chance of being a hero, realised this act of good could give him the answer he had been searching for. Picking the large Rifle up he placed the butt into his shoulder and cocked it towards the Sealer. Smiling prematurly as he got the creatures head in his crosshairs.*


*Setting: Zooming in on the left eye of the rogue Sarraphin, Sasha took a deep breath and slowly squeezed the trigger, stopping only when she heard the charging of a Plasma Rifle before its discharged. Turning to her left she inhaled in shock as she noticed Tobias taking aim at the Sealer. Now, instead of being precise with her Rifle and taking aim she merely pointed it in Tobias' general direction and fired. The shot rang out violently as the bullet seered through the air and pierced the Orkhids left side, shattering his Kidney. He screamed out in pain, his left leg suddenly going limp with agony and causing him to lean more on his right leg, hopping on his right leg to try and balance himself he inadvertantly turned his back on Sasha and once more took aim. This time managing to fire a blast of pure purple Plasma. In a feared response Sasha had pulled the trigger twice more on her Rifle, sending two more bullets into Tobias' back. The bright flash of Plasma seemed to light up the sky, missing the Sealer as it began beating its wings quicker. In an efforted grunt Tobias brought the Rifles aimer to his eye once more and once again fired, this time the blast hit the Sealer, causing its head to be enveloped in purple Plasma which scorched out the beings eyes and sent it flailing to the ground, its black skin seering off as its white interior began to burn brighter and brighter as it died. Dropping the Rifle Tobias uttered out a pained howl and allowed his body to flop forwards, landing on his forearms he coughed up some blood, allowing it to run down his chin as he tried to cope with the pain. And whilst his back was to the Crossbreed, she slowly stepped upto him. Believing that Tobias had just helped to end existance she placed the nozzle of the Rifle on the bone of Tobias' neck, holding it there with just one hand. Allowing the nozzle to dig into his neck. She then breathed deeply and prepared to pull the trigger...*



The sound was primal as Arias focused all its energy into his hands and unleashed a bright blast of white energy into Asaels chest. With a howl of agony and shock Asael flew backwards. Hitting the ground and rolling backwards before stopping slightly. Now free of Asael, Arias sent two single blasts at the other two Sarraphin guards - killing them instantly and thus allowing itself to stop Sasha from killing Tobias. Waving its right hand quickly it telekineticly knocked the Rifle from Sasha's hand...


Upon finishing this sentence Arias stretched out its right hand and seemingly touched a part of the air - causing it to ripple. It then turned to that ripple and leapt towards it. Leapt in it. Leapt into a different world without a trace.

Asael: "Y...You BASTARD!!"

Slowly standing to its feet, its eyes burning with pure fury, it made its way to the injured Tobias and the fearful Sasha.

Sasha: "I tried to stop him, i shot him thre..."

Asael waved its left hand towards her, beating her to the ground with its mind powers. It then stepped over to Tobias, placed its right foot under the space between Tobias' stomach and the ground and flipped him over.

Asael: "You've...ruined...EVERYTHING!!"

Sasha sat up, snatching back her left wing in agony as abit of it had flapped into the fire. She groaned gently, retracting it back.

Asael: "You do know that you will never know what happened to your pathetic, little Daddy now, don't you? Never know if Spider was telling the truth or not. Hah - i could erase you from existance right now, just like Alei did to Spider and the others. But that, that would be too painless..."

Grabbing Tobias' throat Asael picked him up and then threw him on the small camp fire. Immediatly Tobias tried to get off, but Asael held him down psychicly. Wanting Tobias to suffer the most unbearable pain.

Asael: "Arias won't come back and save you, you know? Heh, it can't. It doesn't even know which Dimension we're in. You saved its life...saved all life, for now atleast, and now yours will have to be ended."

Tobias writhed around in burning agony, his face twisted as he screamed out in pain and his clothes burnt off his body. His skin bubbled and popped, singed and seered...until...nothing. His body twitched effortlessly as his last scream morphed into nothing more but a gurgle. And as the smell of burning flesh engulfed the air, Asael turned to Sasha.

Asael: "And now you..."

Sasha: "W-What did you mean that he saved all life, for now? I thought, i thought he had helped in destroying it."

Stepping forwards Asael smirked, opening up its wings and shaking them off as it neared its winged helper.

Asael: "And thats why you shot him? Heheh, poor Sasha. So gullible. Always defending the beings that turn out to be bad...just like with K-Jal. Maybe, maybe because you are bad. Because you are evil. Because you have evil flowing through you..."

Sasha: "You...you lied to me...you, you..."

Forming a bright ball of blue electricity in its right hand, Asael held it out infront of her.

Asael: "If only you knew the truth..."

With a flick of a wrist it caused the ball to hurtle towards the Crossbreed, hitting her chest with an explosive flash and wrapping around her Heart. With a faint gasp, Sasha grasped her chest with her right hand before slowly falling down to her knees. Tears welling up in her eyes as blackness began to descend. Asael watched with glee. Disappointed with its failure in catching Arias, but getting some pleasure out of killing the mortals who aided in it escape. Casting its head up, Asael looked to the sky, to the starry filled sky. It then leapt verticly up, beated his wings and went home in a surge of lightening and thunder...


(OOC: Crappyness i know, but yay!! Another fic finished!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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