The sneezing idea is pretty cool. I know all kinds of useful things he could use it for. Like killing his enemys with covering all of them in this sticky, tacky, and rather disgusting snot or buger. And that "Buger" would act like a tacky glue or rubber cement. It would dry quickly over the slig or what ever and turn into this leathery sack like membrain that sufficates the enemys. I like it! It has potential.
I see Squeek more or less like this really cute little guy who has a bad cold that he can't get rid of curtesy of the Vykkers and their research in disease control. He's really small but has a hell of a nose. Hidden behind the cuteness is a wineing screaming nose that shows no mercy. Hehe rather disturbing I say! Sickness would never be the same once Squeek gets to you.
I don't know thats another idea of Squeek in my mind. You know what, ill go draw it up and show you guys this. Its rather cool what I am thinking of right now.
We only have two gas things and that is a fart and a belch. The sneezing for Squeek is perfect because not only it relates to the name Squeek but also can be something rather disturbing and odd. Plus the gas idea is starting to get old. We need something new an intrasting to watch. And why not Squeek's nose? I like it