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12-22-2002, 12:19 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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Happy Death by Force

(ooc: here goes!)

Vita wheeled around, expecting to see someone behind him. There was nothing there. He muttered quietly to himself and sat down. He could feel someone breathing down his neck, cold, icy breath. But no-one, nothing was there! His breath turned pealy white before him. Looking round, he sa how dank and dark this room was.

"For goodness sake, Can't I just leave things alone? Why must I go meddling in things? I'm goin to be dead soon!" He muttered.

Thedoor bean to open, he looked up towards the blinding light as the creature stepped in!

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12-28-2002, 02:12 PM
salty pretzils's Avatar
salty pretzils
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2002
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salty pretzils  (21)

OOC: (My char is Brak, he's listed in vyker's labs. You have my permission to hurt him, send him into a coma, whatever, but not kill him.)

IC: Brak looked into the room with dull, half closed eyes. He quickly scanned the room with a sort of mechanical coldness. The prisinor was still there, as (No offense to Rexy here, I'm just reproducing my char's method of thought) patheticly weak as the other 'specimens' the vykers brought in. He had been informed of the thing's known backround by the disinterested, flat tone of the creature whose job it was to give relevant information out. Personally, he was not interested in the slightest. All he had to do was move it to the main lab holding centre. Good. Nothing was amiss. Brak entred the slimy, metallic cell. He pressed his blunt-ended revolver to it's head, while at the same time saying, "I'm going to untie you and take you to the labs. Any disobediance will be punished. I have orders to put you in a resonable amount of pain if any rebellion is attempted. Do you understand?". His tone wasn't even cold. It was just...emotionless. Totally dead. He pressed the barrel of his gun harder into thje side of its head and waited for a reply. All he thought about was the standard procedure for the various reactions the thing would do.
OOC: You left the plot fairly open so I improvised. Any probblems? I also worked on the assumption Vita would have his hands tied up. Once again, I didn't actully mean the 'pathetic specimen' comment,that's my char's method of thinking. And...I assumed Vita was in a cell somewhere. Makes it more interesting..

Last edited by salty pretzils; 12-28-2002 at 06:40 AM..
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01-12-2003, 08:54 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
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ooc: thats koool salters
Vita was perfectly still. He listened to the creatures gruff voice. He cleared his throat and said weakly, "Yea....i guess." He didn't dare move, h felt the urge to change and a blinding light filled the room. In front of the creature was a scrab. The scrab laughed.

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01-13-2003, 08:23 PM
cooldude's Avatar
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: Here im camped out right inbetween the Rpg and Oipt
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Crow comes out of the shadows next to Vita and asks"who are you,creature. Then the creature attacks and Crow trips it with his chain
Life Sucks, Trust me I should know

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01-14-2003, 12:23 PM
FireFrog's Avatar
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Can I join?

(OOC) If you do not wish for me to join, then ignore me or just say so plz. cooldude... I don't know what your on about so Im going to ignore you... soz.
My char is Krezz (see the Labs) hes a slig if you can't be bothered looking... but no ordinary slig...

Brak stared in amazement as Vita changed to a Scrab before his eyes! "What... are you?" Brak yelled in disgust as he raised a BlitzPacker to the scrab's head ((I'm presuming Vita became a scrab... is this correct)) The scrab lunged forward but Brak was too fast he dodged to the left and fired the BlitzPacker!
Out of ammo... Brak had still managed, however to leave an impressive wound on the scrab....
FLSSSSSSSH! A blinding light filled the room and the scrab returned to its true form... Vita. Brak reloaded his BP and pointed it at Vita. "Pull a stunt like that again," He said, still trembling from what he had seen, "And I'll fill you full of lead you $#@!ing freak!!!" Vita was about to reply when he and Brak heard the sound of an approching Slig. Out of the shadows a rather daring, masculine looking slig appeared... Krezz. He had his gun against Brak's head. "Release him." Krezz said calmly. "Release him... or I will have to use force." Brak replied, cautiously, as not to annoy Krezz. "Yo...your not allowed here... You shouldn't be in these labs... Now put down the weapo..." "PERHAPS" Krezz interupted, "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND... RELEASE HIM." Brak stayed silent. "SO BE IT." said Krezz, and with that Krezz slammed the back of his machine gun into the side of Brak's head... knocking him out cold.

(OOV) This is my first RPG on any forum... was that okay?

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01-14-2003, 05:28 PM
salty pretzils's Avatar
salty pretzils
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2002
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salty pretzils  (21)

OOC: You have potetial talent, I see FireFrog. But, you powerplayed my character (by which I mean usd him without my permission). It is generally not acceptable to powerplay other's characters. For instance, Brak would not be so Naive and trusting of another. I'm not, of corse, trying to make you feel bad or put your post down. In fact, I regard it as very good indeed. But please, do not powerplay my character. And please excuse my lenthly way of speaking. I need Coffee...
*mumbles at the ground irratably aboiut 'NO COFFEE'*

Last edited by salty pretzils; 01-14-2003 at 09:30 AM..
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01-15-2003, 12:18 AM
FireFrog's Avatar
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Sorry bout that salty pretzils... glad you told me, though, or else I wouldn't learn from my mistake eh? I miss read what you said (about being able to do anything with your character) i presume you just ment hurting him. Sorry.

May as well continue with the RPG then...

Brak lay on the floor... motionless, except for the rising and falling of his chest as he breathed. "He's not dead..." Krezz told Vita, "I doubt he'll be out for long. We must hurry Vita." With that Krezz turned around and began to run toward the door. He stopped and then turned around. "C'mon!" Krezz said, "I'm busting you outta' here!"
Vita stood up, still wounded by the Big Bro. "How do you know my name?" asked Vita.
"That isn't important now." replied Krezz. "What is important is that we get out of here while we still can. Take this."
Krezz grabbed the Big Bro's Blitz Packer and gave it to Vita.
"Now." Krezz muttered as he turned around, his machine gun ready "Watch your back... and lets get the hell outta' here..".

Last edited by FireFrog; 01-14-2003 at 04:58 PM..
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01-15-2003, 09:14 PM
cooldude's Avatar
: Jan 2003
: Here im camped out right inbetween the Rpg and Oipt
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cooldude  (10)

ok lets go Vita you commin?
Life Sucks, Trust me I should know

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01-16-2003, 12:02 PM
FireFrog's Avatar
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FireFrog  (10)
Within the Labs...

((OOC: cooldude, I'm sorry but I really don't know what ur talking about!! salty and Rex... lets continue this RPG eh?))

The two trudged along through the labs, avoiding the odd Intern or two that may cross their path. Their weapons were ready if trouble should strike...
"Where are we going?" asked Vita.
"Where else..." replied Krezz, "Back down to the surface.
Soon half an hour had pasted...
"We're almost there..." Krezz whispered.


The alarm had gone off!! Krezz and Vita wheeled around and saw Brak standing before them. He had finally woken...
"Found you!" the Big Bro roared.
Soon security surrounded them... Big Bros with Blitz Packers, Intern's with Snuzis... Vykkers with Sawbones...
Vita and Krezz raised their weapons, but they knew it was hopeless... they were out numbered...

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01-16-2003, 04:42 PM
salty pretzils's Avatar
salty pretzils
Rabid Fuzzle
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salty pretzils  (21)

Brak viewed the intruders with a pityless glare. The security sligs surronding him were nervous, he could feel it. His briefing to them had thropughly shaken them and he knew they'd be damned if they left these things alive. If there was one thing Brak would not tolerate, it was failure.
But he was calm, totally calm. Not even that blow to his head had aroused him beyond mild indignation at his own weakness, which he promised to himself he would atone for. Right now though, he would see to it that this intrusion would be sorted out, and NOW. He raised his weapon and prepared to order a lethel hail of fire to commence, but a deep rumbling from somewhere within the complex sounded omniously.
Dar snigred as he fiddled about with the controls on the reactor. Ever since he'd helped some rebels escape he looked at life with a new light, and that light just happened to be the slig's determination to throw a spanner in the works. As he set the reactor to overload, he thought about why he was doing this. As the alarms sounded and the reactor started rumbling, he wondered what would happen to the sligs on the floor directly above when the explosion happened. He just hoped there hadn't been some kind of security probblem up there.
OOC: There! Now you can play about with a nice big explosion...and guess who's on the floor above. Let's give a clue, his name begins with B....
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01-16-2003, 06:07 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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(ooc: dud you wan some help with rpg? ohand vita can die easily but can hange his form. lol just incase you didn' know!)
ic: Vita looked roun, breathing hard. He could see Krezz, being terrified inside his head but didn't say anything. Vita flashed and he appeard asa big bro.

"Move it peopl. I have a prisoner." Vita barged through the crowd of big bros pushing Krezz. "Don't try anything funy mind you boy. I'll kill you then"

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01-17-2003, 02:19 AM
FireFrog's Avatar
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Krezz shows his true powers...

The Big Bro version of Vita grabbed Krezz and took him around the corner.
"But... hey, wait... whered you come fro... HUH?" Brak stuttered. Where had this new Big Bro come from?
The labs becane to tremble and rumble... a few corridors down, Krezz and Vita (who hd returned to his normal state) began to talk.
"Well... you didn't ask" Vita replied, "Why is that important."
Krezz didn't answer. In a brilliant flash of light a Vykker stood before Vita. Krezz had transformed.
"Yo... you..... You're a...." Vita stuttered.
"A shapeshifter. As are you" The 'Vykker' replied. He then showed.
"But I thought.... I thought that I was the only one who...."


The labs shook with incredible force!
Back in that small corridor security flew all over the place as the room went up in flames! Brak quickly retreated... knowing that something was not quite right about that Big Bro.... he hadto follow...

"We've got to get outta here..." Krezz yelled.
"I know. What do you thinks the fastest way to travel?" Vita asked.
"I say we go Paramite." Krezz replied.
Brak entered the room as a brilliant white light filled every corner of it. The chase was on.

((OOC: Hmm... this could get interesting. Also Rex, plz dont say Icopied ur ability as I planned to have that when I made my char.

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01-17-2003, 07:24 PM
cooldude's Avatar
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: Here im camped out right inbetween the Rpg and Oipt
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Crow and the others ran down the halls and turn a corner Crow stops them and spots a couple sligs patroling the room. Crow draws a crystal tipped arrow from the holster on his back and shoots one of the sligs with his bow and does a quick chant suddenly the slig lets out an ear peircing scream as electricity corses through him "well thats one down" says Crow quietly. Crow dashes out into the room grabs the arrow and sticks the slig with it. "jujujujujujujuju" chants Crow. and the slig is fried by the electricity generated by the chant and the crystal head of the arrow."well thats that" says Crow
Life Sucks, Trust me I should know

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01-18-2003, 01:03 AM
FireFrog's Avatar
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Umm... cooldude... we already killed the guards... read our post.

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01-18-2003, 01:17 AM
FireFrog's Avatar
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Message From Keero-Keero

The two Paramites ran faster and faster... the Big Bro was fast, but its robotic legs could not keep up the pace... soon Vita and Krezz were out of site and had made it to a large room with a roughly cut hole in the floor. The two transformed back to their normal form.
Krezz quickly looked at a small red light, flashing on his robotic pants.
"Keero-Keero!!!" Krezz exclaimed.
"What's Keero-Keero?" asked Vita.
"Keero-Keero is my pet Paramite... he's in trouble. I've got a tracker on him... he seems to be near Spooce Shrub Forest... Come on! We have to be quick!!!"
With that Krezz lept out of the hole in the ground. Vita, unwillingly followed...


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