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11-30-2002, 08:07 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)

*Setting: The night sky shines brightly, illuminated by the thousands of stars and moons that glow uniquely unphased by clouds that drift by. Four large watch towers seem to stab the sky with their black towering entities, manned by Mudokon archers. The towers are situated on the corners of a large, wooden fence. The fence standing a good 25ft high...at least. The towers were around 10-15ft higher. Behind the fence gateway and in the middle of the grounds, the towers were protecting, was the reason for all this security. It was a large castle-like structure. Built with bricks instead of wood. Three stain-glassed windows beautified the side of the building, as if part of it was a Church. The front of it, however, was alot darker. A large wooden door in the shape of an arch was the entrance, lit either side by flame in torches. Surrounding all the security measures though was a dense, vine-ridden wood. This was in a way a disadvantaged-advantage. The advantage being it hid the tower's and other buildings, the disadvantage being it hid enemies. Slowly moving the thick bush and shrubs and pushing past long vines were a horde of Black Mudokons. Each covered in tree-bark armour and sporting large, steel swords and other weapons. Some of the creatures even held large bow and arrows whilst others went with the more conveniant crossbows. The leader was a large, muscle-bound Mudokon, he was the General. His skin dark as the shadows in which he hid in and his eyes a piercing blue. The feathery plume that sprouted from the top of his head and ran down his back was a fierce blood red. He wore no armour...he didn't need to.

General: "Archers...take aim."

He grumbled these words in a raspy voice. Turning his head to the side as he addressed his warriors. The sound of branches snapping and leaves rustling became more apparent as the Archers got into position. Three Archers were taking aim, all crouched down with the tips of their arrows pointing towards the guardsmen in the watch towers.

General: "Fire when ready..."

The breathing of all the Soldiers seemed to slow down. All looked up, up through the thick mass of leaves at the Mudokons whom were happily looking over the wood that would soon come alive with moving shadows.
A single arrow floated through the air. The General looked on, hardly breathing, hardly blinking. Just staring. Cutting through the air like some kind of industrial missile the arrow finally reached its target. The Mud staggered backwards before falling out of view. The projectile had hit the neck and thus halted the creature from making any sound as pain overcome its senses. Now it was most likely dead. The other two Archers fired upon the same target, one arrow drove into the victims Stomach, the other pierced the Heart. An instant death. The General turned to his troops, nodding a 'well done' to his Archers.

General: "We are here for a cause. For our destiny. For the future of our race. Those of you who will die upon this night are dying for your children, your family, your race. But as you do pass to the other side, muster up all the strength you have left and slay the last of your inferiors...be a heroe...be a warrior. Lets move..."

His speech had motivated the entire squad into action. Now all of them were ready to fight to the death. All of them ready to perish for a cause they didn't know was even worth fighting for...


*Setting: Inside the large Castle-like-Church sat a frail old Mudokon. He was seated at the end of a large table, all on his own, eating his Fish and drinking his Red Wine. He sighed and pulled the hood of his cloak up to cover his whithered away, white feathers and his skeletal like, grey face. His cloak was a night-sky blue with silver stitching and embroidery which was made into a gently, swirl-like pattern. His hands were bones practicly and by all natural means he should have been dead. But he was not. He was alive. Just. The room he resides in is the one with the stain-glass windows. He sighs, looking upwards towards the ceiling, looking up at the chandelier that holds the candle flames that lights the room. Slowly his left hand draws towards his neck, towards the black chunk of matter that is hung around his neck by a thin, chain necklace. And as he grasps it, it glows. Glows like the stars around him...*



*Setting: The bottom half of the perimeter fence shatters inwards. Showering any creature nearby with hot, wooden debris. The mind-numbing explosion, from an industrialists Grenade, is closely followed by the fierce screeching of the Black Mudokons. They draw their swords and rush through the blasted space shouting some kind of archaic call. Two Archers squeeze through the space and dart off towards the nearest shadows which could conceal them, from there they then fire upon the two towers that reside at the back of the perimeter. Taking out the two Mudokons whom keep watch there. Once that task is complete, they then proceed to fire upon the hordes of normal Mudokons, slaying and injuring them with arrows to the head, chest and appendages. After each arrow is fired they quickly reach back into the arrow pouch strapped to their back to pull out yet another projectile to fire. The Crossbowmen savagely fire their weapons. The Crossbow's are self reloading and thus can fire a savage array of sharp objects quickly, towards stampeding enemies. Then there's the Swordsmen, each warrior equipped with at least one sword, storming forwards and slaying any being that opposes it. One fierce battler stands out the most, a female. She screams ferociously, her blue rooted, purple plume flaying as she takes out wave upon wave of attacker with her two Katana swords. One attacker comes at her from the right of her, brandishing an offensive broadsword. As quick as lightening the Black being had kicked the sword to oneside and then lashed the attackers chest, staggering back the being attempted a hard, high swing. Hopeing to slice the face of the enemy but as he swung it round she did the splits and sliced his groin five times with her weapons before propping herself up on one hand and sweeping his legs from underneathe him, with a swift sweep kick. As he hit the ground the female then quickly brought her right sword down, impaling her enemy in the chest and through the Heart.*

General: "Move forwards!! Destroy them all!!"

The General was making his way forward and beckoned all his troops to follow. He was making his way towards the building with immense ease and with every wooden-armoured attacker that approached him he quickly destroyed them. One attempted to drive their sword into his gut, the General stepped out of the way and brought his sword down on the infidels head. Scalping him efficiently. Another attacked from behind, he too was quickly dealt with, this time with a swipe to the gut, gutting him. The General seemed un-stoppable. The enemy Archers at the back of their swordsmen even tried to stop him, firing arrow upon arrow upon him. But with quick timing he sliced them in two, knocked them to the ground and proceeded with his assault.


Troop: "Sir, the enemy is approaching. We must evacuate quickly!!"

The brown-cloaked troop addressed the elderly Mudokon whom sat upon his chair, still eating and drinking. Gently he shook his head.

Elder: "Tell them not to kill the General...but to slay the rest accordingly."

The troop was abit taken back but did as his commander ordered and quickly ran outside to give the ranks the message. The Elder blinked slowly, his leathery eyelids hiding his grey eyes briefly before coming back up again. Like shutters.


The General neared the Castle door and gradually became aware that his task was becoming easier. He didn't even have to try to kill them now, they weren't even challenging him. The Archers had scampered to different areas as he had made his way towards the entrance. They were now taking out any surviving attacker and making the battle difficult for enemy Archers. The General slammed himself into the door, grunting viciously as he did so. The wooden frame creaked, cracks appeared and then with a hard kick to the centre the whole door fell through. The General proceeded, not coming up against any sort of resistance.


Hearing the entrance fall through the elderly Mudokon smiled eerily and poured yet another wooden cup of wine out. He moistened his lips with his pale, pink tongue and took a sip. Smirking as his attacker finally breached the room.

(15 second delay)
Making his way through the winding, stoney, flame lit corridors the General ran his sword along the, right side, walls (General is right handed). Etching a thin line into the gray stone. He mumbled some sort of words as he finally found an open archway with light coming from it. He swung around into it, seeing his target sat down drinking wine with a filthy smirk on its face.


Elder: "You finally made it..."

The gentle voice echoed in the stoney, dining room. The Mudokon rose to its feet, placing its drink down on the wooden table. The General walked around to the left hand side of the table and made his way towards his victim. Clenching his sword tightly.

General: "Yes...i have."

Gradually the Black Mudokon made his way to the Elder, standing beside him once he had done so.


The General quickly swung his sword upwards with one hand, attempting to strike the enemy down. But doing so proved difficult as the Elder grabbed the offensive edge of the sword with his boney hands and sneered.

Elder: "At least try..."

He pushed the sword back and then stepped back. The General snarled and swung his sword infront of him in a gentle 'infinity' sign (figure of eight on its side). The Elder swayed silently, his eyes slowly becoming whiter and whiter.

General: "By my sword you shall perish..."

Charging the General grasped his sword with both hands and lunged it forwards, gut height. The squelching, slicing of the skin indicated he had succeeded. The Warrior looked up triumphantly...to see that he had impaled his father.

General: "F...Father!?!"

The Offensive mood of the warrior quickly changed. Quickly the Black Mud pulled the sword out and grabbed his blood-relative before he fell.

General: "F-Father. I-I'm so sorry(!) Father...!!"

Blood sputtered from the stabbed Mudokons mouth followed by a snide smile.

Father: "Idiot."

The hand of his dad rose, striking his cheek and knocking him to the ground. Looking up he looked his father in the eyes. He blinked, tears formed...

*Setting: The scene takes place in a small wooden shack, the General is a child again and the Elder the father. Pots and pans lay around the house and outside children play.*

Father: "Stupid boy!! Stupid, idiot child(!) Think i wouldn't notice!! Think i would believe i misplaced it. You moron, you pathetic excuse for a 12 yr old!!"

The child attempted to climb to its feet, only to be kicked down again by its towering father figure.

Father: "No!! No, your gonna stay down there and crawl. And wriggle. And squirm, like the worm you are. And when you have squirmed long enough, and lived on dirt long enough. Only then shall i think your worthy enough to be beaten..."

The child felt himself get flipped harshly on his stomach and then felt the pressure of his fathers foot on his back, pushing down against him.


It sobbed, wetting the stone floor with its tears.

Father: "Dont call me that you little worm, worms dont have fathers...YOU dont have a father!! You s...what?"

The harsh words of his senior halted and softened gently as he began talking to someone/thing.

(12 second delay)
A cloaked Mudokon troop, an allience of the Elder, entered the large room and hurried over to the Elder. Surprise struck his face as he saw his superior, cursing the General, with a foot on his back which seemingly pushed the tears out of him.

Troop: "Sir all, but one, of the attackers have been eliminated. The surviving one wishes to share some confidential info with us...you."

Elder: "Dont call me that you little worm, worms dont have fathers...YOU dont have a father!! You s...what?"

Troop: "One of the enemie's wishes to share some intel with us, to help our cause."

The Elder snarled and looked down upon the General whom he was playing mind games with. Pushing down upon the Mudokons back, the General was killed, the old, frail looking Mudokon revelled in the sound of the Spine shattering and smiled gently.

Elder: "Take me to him..."

The two creatures then made their way towards the exit of the room, the black item hanging from the Elders neck twinkling gently...

(OOC: Apologies about longness...any questions? Or queries? Feel free to PM me or ask in here.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 11-30-2002 at 12:11 PM..
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12-21-2002, 08:57 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 2

A pool of blood ran from the gap between the stoney ground and wooden door.

Elder: "Has he spoken, yet?"

His voice was soft and calm. Somewhat relaxing.

Guard: "No, sire. He has rambled on about surviving but that is all..."

A snort escaped the Elder as he breached the room, pushing the door so hard that it hit the stone wall, chipping some of the grey rock.

Elder: "Speak quickly and precisely, Mudokon. I am bored of knowing the things i know and seek stimulating infomation that will be valued and aid my cause."

The being was pale now, its black skin more like a grey than anything. Its back was propped against the wall and both of its hands were clutching its left leg...the leg in which two arrows had embedded themselves.

Archer: "W...What do y-you wish to know?"

The Elder crouched down, allowing its cloak to soak up some of the blood that had spilt upon the ground.

Elder: "Dont bide your time, just speak about what you think is relevant. Do not make me drag the infomation out of you...i am weary and will not take as much pleasure out of it as i would at full strength."

A smile stretched along the Archers pained face and was followed by a chuckle-turned-cough.

Archer: "Heh...i find many things relevant, but few truly are."

Elder: "Indeed."

The skull-like head of the old, sinister Mudokon nodded and he stretched out a skeletal hand outwards, towards the arrows feathery tail. He gently rested a boney finger on one and pushed ever-so-gently, watching with pleasure as his prisoner winced.

Archer: "They have a protector..."

The response was quickly breathed out, but the Elders hand moved away all the same and contact with the projectile was broken, but still lingered.

Elder: "Who is it?"

Laboured breathing was his response.

Elder: "Tell ME!!"

The hand that had pushed the arrow in deeper now lifted up the drooping enemies face, allowing the eyes of the Elder to look deep into the eyes of the Archer.

Archer: "So-one...Some...Mud. Pow-*Cough*-ul. Strong. De...eadly. Ple...se. He...He...Heal me!!"

The last word was painfully thrown out. Blood seeped out of the right corner of the beings mouth and a tear rolled down the left cheek.

Elder: "Does anybody else know? Does anybody else have anymore infomation?!!"

The response was a sorrowed head shaking from side to side. The eyes yearned for mercy. Forgiveness. Life. Loss of blood was the cause for its gradual demise but that could be stopped by his interrogator.

Elder: "Someone must...who? Monks? Maybe some scrolls? Tribesmen...SOMEBODY MUSSSSST!!"

The Elders eyes seemed to flare up, spittle flew out of its mouth and landed on the injured Mudokons chest.

Elder: "Tell me!!"

The mouth of the Archer moved but no sound came out. Its body was pale and its eyes practically closed, life was saying its last goodbyes. And as it did the stone that hung around the Elders neck glowed.

Elder: "TELL ME!!"

Archer: "M...M...Maulo...Kists..."

Its head dropped to the side. The stone halted its glowing and the Elder sneered. Slowly he stood, turned and beckoned for a Guard to approach.

Elder: "Find out everything about these...Maulokists...I want anything and everything related to it or them. Whether it be a cult, race, specie or place...i need to know...i need to know about the Protector..."

Guard: "Sir."

America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 04-01-2003 at 08:53 AM..
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12-22-2002, 03:54 PM
Oddsville's Avatar
Oddworld Almanac
: Jun 2001
: Florida
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Oddsville  (236)Oddsville  (236)Oddsville  (236)

Excellent story Jacob, much better than mine by far. It's really well wrighten and entricetly detailed! Keep it up.
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


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12-24-2002, 01:11 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
: Oct 2001
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Al the Vykker  (20)

I liked the story a lot. I liked the whole plot type thing Medievel warfare crossed with oddworld species. Excellent work, I look forward to seeing more.

-Al the Vykker FC Mod
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