Oddworld on XBOX
for those of you who think that buying an xbox is too much for you i want to offer this piece of advice. Since the transition to xbox, we know that the whole quintology is now set to xbox. we know for a fact that we can play ALL FUTURE games in the quintology on Xbox. this means that besides MO there are at least 3 more games that YOU WILL WANT TO BUY. thats over a hundred dollars in games alone. you dont have to worry about the next sytem. like the other games on xbox or not, this is the system for your game. even better is the idea of closing out the PC gamers to this title. we KNOW its on xbox. you dont have to upgrade your PC every time a new game comes out. (like many blizzard games). you just have to figure out what benefits it has over the other systems. we all should read the xbox atricle on abes pollygons to figure out why xbox is so much better for this game.
The gamecube has great games ill admit it, but no DVD, little kid appeal (their marketing ideal), and sluggish sales are weighing down a sinking ship. i love some gamecube titles but no one i know has one, or wants one because of the no DVD player.
for those of you who say: but PS2 has all of the good games i would say this: The RPG market makes the PS2, but rpg fans will never stray from their title. when xbox has its first good rpg we will see the same thing. final fantasy games are fun sure, but i bet if you are a rpg gamer than you already know someone who has beaten it and you can just borrow it anyway since it has no real replay value (unless you use walkthroughs). if that is not good enough and you need to beat it before it is "spoiled" then you are an RPG fiend and would just buy it regarless anyway. (*you are the ones who should lend the game out)
if back compatibility is youre staple for the ps2 then you are blind. yes ps and ps2 games can be played on a ps2. thats how they tricked you into buying one and loving your ps2 more. do you think microsoft is just gonna let xbox die? do you think they would make the future games non compatible if they did make an xbox 2? we have XBOX as an established system now (built on annonying sports games and bad racing games). the money is there and its gonna stay as long as there is a market. the market that has the oddworld titles is xbox. dont feel betrayed, OWI has given you a shelter from the competition by providing you security with your game titles.