"CAPTAIN!" shouted a booming voice, causing Vita to jump up and hide back into the alley and the leader to slide to a stop.
"Oh shit." said the leader to himself.
"Captain Kairus... I am dissapointed." said a masked voice with an old texas accent (ooc: texas obviously isn't in oddworld, but the accent is (as many sligs in the game speak in a texas accent
The captain turned to face what was only seen as an approaching shadow to Vita.
"Sir..." responded the captain, acknowledging the commanding officer's presence and standing as tall as he could.
From Vita's eyes, the shadow neared towards the captain until the person was visible. It was a larger than normal slig (not a huge blitz packer) with slightly withered skin (from what is visible) tattoed with scars here and there. Clothed in black padded looking armour, cyclops slig mask and equipped with holstered weapons and strange looking slig pants, he approached the captain further until he was looking slightly down at his face.
"Lets get one thing clear." he said "I am NOT a sir. I am a sergeant major. And lets get another thing clear, YOU ARE A FAILIURE! You were ordered to do one simple hunting task, the target was perfectly visible and gave chase...and you lost him! YOU LOST HIM! I'm warning you... one more slip up and you'll be a new meat product in Rupture Farms before you can say 'Sergeant Major', which I hope you will remember to call me instead of 'sir'. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?"
"Yes s-... uh, Sergeant Major!" responded the captain with fear rushing around his nervous system and top speed. The Sergeant Major brings his face even closer to the captain's.
"Now get out of my sight and do your god damned job." he ordered with a quiet but fear inflicting voice.
The captain rushes off to his men at the vykkers labs. Vita backs off into the shadows by a step, but accidently rubs a loose stone from the wall. It hits the ground, triggering a noise that the Sergeant Major is alerted to.
"Hmmm. Might somebody be there?" said the Sergeant Major out loud with intention of the person to hear.
He slowly approached the alley way, where Vita hid in the shadows.