I still think that there are Meeches on Mudos, probably to the north. But I could be wrong?
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...
You should read my story in the Fan fiction. It is called "Oddworld Conquest of the Lost Conntinent." It gives my view of what it is like on other conntinents of Oddworld. Infact the story it self takes place on another conntinent. Its a pretty cool story and I am not done with it eaither.
Well as far as this topic goes we know many new and unseen (or unheard of) creatures exist in the other continents. I dont think anyone can put solid evidence on this one because there is none. only speculation and guesses can be made. i would make a theory but theres no hard evidence on this topic. Patients and we will find the answer.