Originally posted by I-Are-A-Slog
You will not threaten Mudokon kind. You shall die. *eats Mullock2*
And by the way i don't see the ****en reason for this to be counted as spam - it's fun, not spam, so SYF
I-Are-A-Slog you yourself have spammed once again, do
NOT tell people off for doing what is perfectly fine. dark_xinos did the right thing.
Like I said you spammed as well, and this is deffinately pushing my limits, this is your third warning I would normally take action now as three warnings are enough.
But you are new here, so a fourth i will allow.
Stop Spamming, swearing, having offensive avatars (which are against the rules), and also insulting me via PM. If you had something to say, then sure PM me about it, but don't insult me.