Oddsville, you're my one and only Oddworld Almanac!
I think custom ranks would be a GREAT idea.
Xavier, you are too amazing! I bet even Lorne himself couldn't fin as many Oddworld pics as you!!
is there something I could do to get you to find all the rare slig pics for me? I'd trade you about anything.
Sligster, that's cool info on the Valet. Even if it didn't make the final cut, I still consider it all true to the Slig Spirit.
and Xavier, I would never have guessed that English wasn't your first language! I personally know a lot of people who can't speak English as well as you, even though it IS their first language!
I love the Valet even more than Newscaster! He has a really strong spirit to keep trying and trying in a world where all his overlords are against him. And to still be able to laugh and joke about it! What a strong being. I hope he shows up in future games.