Annoucement regarding my fics (again)
I will no longer be posting drakkic based fics on this board. My reason? They have grown so much that I no longer consider them a part of Oddworld. I will continue to write the fics that are set on Oddworld (as I only have...*counts* 3 or so left) but they will only be on my site. The drakkics themselves I am considering redoing somewhat...making them a race on another planet or something (right now I am trying to rework their look so they look 'anatomically correct'...did that make sense?). I have been thinking about this for some this is no sudden occurence.(save to you)
What does this mean for Spider and co? they will not change, as Oddworld will always be 'their' home. I may reuse the names for the 'new' drakkics, perhaps their personsas...but the crossbreeds as you know them will not change. You'll just not see them as often...only in the RPG and the random posts where they make an appearence.
This also means...that not as much 'drakkic' based art will be appearing here in FC, like I said, I no longer consider them a part of they no longer belong in here.
Oh and one more thing...for the sake of all writers sanity:
Cemmont en thoir sterios plouso! Thoy cun net imprevo thoir writing skills if yea den't cemmont!
[translation: Comment on their stories please! They can not improve their writing skills if you don't comment!)