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04-05-2002, 01:58 AM
The Shrink's Avatar
The Shrink
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Question There's more than one Shrink!?

If you look at the top left hand side of this concept image of Sam, you'll see that there is a Shrink in the background and to the right of the image there is another one in the foreground. Being a Shrink I have never known there to be another one! Could there have originally intended to be more than one of me? This I can't explain. I hope I'm the only one when I get my own role in an Oddworld game! It is just a concept image afterall.
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Name:	oddworld sam.jpg
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I'm too lazy to think of a signature.

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04-05-2002, 02:23 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Actually there are like a lot of shrienks sorrounding her in that image. If you look closely at for a while you start noticeing shrienks. It's cool!
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04-05-2002, 02:28 AM
The Shrink's Avatar
The Shrink
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No it's not cool! I'm THE Shrink. Oh well. It actually does look konda cool. And looking more closely again I can notice four Shrinks! Man. I never saw this coming!
I'm too lazy to think of a signature.

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04-05-2002, 06:20 AM
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there are lots of shrinks...
look at the video of the Guardian angel. (Ok it's only an advertising)

I reade somewhere they also teach to mudokons to don't escape, so there will be LOTS of Shrinks

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04-05-2002, 04:27 PM
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Shrinks are the psychiatrists of Oddworld. Created by those all-too-familiar Vykkers, Shrinks are designed to operate independant of biological intelligence, through a complex sentient program. Unfortunately, this sentiency also allows the Shrinks to feel not only compassion and concern for their patients, but also self-pity for themselves.

Equipped with enough room for additional and replacement parts to extend their functioning existance by several centuries, Shrinks are the perfect example of technology gone wrong. If you thought Y2K was bad, try giving machines a mind of their own, and they'll start wanting to escape their programming just like Data or the Voyager EMH in Star Trek or the Shrink from Oddworld.

Althought nameless, Shrinks can be refered to by which facility they work in. This, combined with the facts that it would be exhaustive and purposeless, means that Shrinks are not expected nor deigned to leave their place of occupation. Unfortunately, this means that the spindly arm supplying the main spider-like unit can never be severed with a shutdown of the Shrink's systems, which is a dreadful reality for units whose intelligence has surpased the original programming and decided it wouldn't mind popping out for a bit of fresh air, thank you very much.

This imprisonment has caused many Shrink units to become terminally depressed themselves. Two examples are the unit located in RuptureFarms, which has resorted to torturing Mudokons doomed to execution, and the unit currently looking after the unstable Mudokon Queen. This particular unit is facing a tough dilemma, and spends much time pouring over the problem of how to escape instead of tending over the suicidal pill-popping bitch that supplies the Magog Cartel with their biggest source of slave labour.

As for why the Shrink's monitor displays a Mudokon image, put it this way: how would you feel if your psychiatrist looked like Bill Gates? No - it's much more assuring when your therapist is the same species as you.

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04-05-2002, 05:20 PM
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wasn't there a "defect" shrink who told Abe he must escape when the time arrive... a deppresive one who couldn't escape but felt a little simpathy for abe and said him to escape because he can't.

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04-05-2002, 05:45 PM
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If you're talking about the one in the Abe's Oddysee advert, then I've already mentioned him.

However, if you've got some extra piece of information for me to assimilate, please go ahead.

I was under the impression Abe decided to escape himself, after he peeped into the RuptureFarms annual boardroom meeting.

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04-05-2002, 10:40 PM
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max u should definetly make an encyclopedia site i mean u know it all!

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04-06-2002, 09:12 AM
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yeah it was the one in the advertising

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04-06-2002, 03:33 PM
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I am planning my website a little bit each day. It's called The Oddyworld Encyclopedia. Unfortunately, no matter how much i plan it, it's never gonna come online unless I get my hands on some decent website design program, or preferrably, a nice book explaining to me how HTML or something works. With pictures.

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04-06-2002, 04:18 PM
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I put all the info I have in a Word document...
And I dream to make a little dictionary with visual basic.

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04-06-2002, 09:07 PM
oddguy 999's Avatar
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Reading all this info on the Shrink just gave me a idea for a plot twist or side story in ME...

...What if for some reson Munch has to hijack the Shrink (maybe he wonts to use it like a crane?) and in doing so accidently opens the way for the Shrink to possess him and run off with his body... Munch is then stuck in the mechanical body of the Shrink untill Abe relises whats gone rong and brings the Shrink back...
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04-08-2002, 12:44 AM
The Shrink's Avatar
The Shrink
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No way. But Munch possessing a Shrink sounds cool! So long as it ain't me!
I'm too lazy to think of a signature.

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04-08-2002, 03:25 PM
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Oh yeah, it will be cool: told Sam to escape or teach funny things to the young mudokons

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04-09-2002, 07:11 AM
The Shrink's Avatar
The Shrink
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Re-enter Gamespeak!
I'm too lazy to think of a signature.

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