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03-24-2002, 08:18 AM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
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MunchOnThis  (10)
Oddworld Special

This is my first attempt at a fan-fic, it is probably gonna be crap but I don't know till I try.......
Here goes nothing...........*takes a deep breath*

Chapter 1:
The Gabbit glazed dreamily into the distance and he pondered.
He hopped towards the river and glanced at his reflection.
He reached towards it, thinking it was another Gabbit. He splashed it out the way and sighed deeply.

The gabbit's named was Chomp. He didn't exactly have a home, he just drifted helplessly around Oddworld hoping to find his kind and stayed in randomly selected places. He was lonely, empty.......He felt something was missing.
He pondered into a deep thought,not knowing what was round the corner.His life would change any moment.Chomp glared at the building, it looked like some new
factory,after Rapture Farms and Soulstorm Brewey what was next????
Chomp glared couriously at the Slig hammering a sign up.
The Slig hammered away, and put his thumbs up.
"Done it Boss! What now???"
Chomp froze when he saw the sign, "COMING SOON:Revaltion's Fridge: Mmm mmm new products glaore!! Introducing GABBIAR!
Chomp gasped at that part, but he suddenly had a thought: "If they are gabbiars still left in the world, then there is Gabbits!!"
Chomp grinned. If the Gabbits were in GREAT danger then it up to Chomp to save them all.
His quest had began........................

That was pretty crap, but tell me what you think...
More coming soon........
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

Last edited by MunchOnThis; 03-24-2002 at 12:24 AM..
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03-24-2002, 08:35 AM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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dark_xinos  (27)

I like it allot! One small detail though... Taking there Gabbiar wont kill them... but the Glukkons will ceep em caged all the time! (dident think of that at first).

You're story is good, and you're whrighting it in a easy to understand way...Unlike others...*glares over sholder*.
Yeah, i wanna hear more!
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03-24-2002, 08:39 AM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Originally posted by dark_xinos
[B One small detail though... Taking there Gabbiar wont kill them... but the Glukkons will ceep em caged all the time!
Whoops.! Sorry about I dunno much much about Gabbiar, I justed need a plot.
Anyhow I will continue soon. Maybe later.
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-24-2002, 08:47 AM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
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dark_xinos  (27)

Originally posted by MunchOnThis

Whoops.! Sorry about I dunno much much about Gabbiar, I justed need a plot.
Anyhow I will continue soon. Maybe later.
Gabbiar is like a fishs caviar... they just steel it and toss em back in... But knowing Oddworlds charicters, the Glukks wont relese them.... Right MunchOnThis?
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03-24-2002, 09:56 AM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Originally posted by dark_xinos

Gabbiar is like a fishs caviar... they just steel it and toss em back in... But knowing Oddworlds charicters, the Glukks wont relese them.... Right MunchOnThis?
That's right Dark_Xinos!
Right time to continue the story.......*grins*

Chapter 2:
Chomp hopped towards the factory to explore for clues for Gabbits. Maybe find out the truth......
Chomp glared towards the entrance
"Darn......" muttered Chomp. "Sligs!"
Chomp was defenseless. No weapons, no form of attack (etc)
He crept silently to a pillar, and sighed deeply putting his little hands on the cold pillar and banged his head on it.

Suddenly......Chomp started muttering words to himself, unknown to him he was chanting. To possess something huge.
Then Chomp heard a great big thump and that were muffled up.
He was highly puzzled by that and peered at the factory entrance,
there was a huge machine blocking the way and a gap in the dusty murky ground.

Chomp hopped to the machine to inspect, he looked at his paws. What did he do???
How did he do that????
There were too questions to be answered, but the answer must be inside. Suddenly the ground cracked and shook.....then Chomp fell and he yelled alarmingly.
He groaned heaviliy, while holding his back which had a pain so bad. Chomp shook his head and looked around.
"Where am.......I??" mumered Chomp puzzled.
He hopped slowly and cautiously, he looked and right, while hopping towards the room. He saw a sign "Vykkers Labs".
He pondered while looking at the sign, did it ring a bell????
He triwled round to find metal pated floor stained of blood, he gasped, the walls were also full of freshly stained blood. He gasped and paniced heaviliy.
"Hey psst come other here."
Chomp looked around.
"Who said that??"

"Me bub!"
Chomp glanced at the cage, to find a group of fuzzles.
"What did they do to you????" Chomp stared horrfied at the fuzzles.
"Darn vykkers *cough* They're gonna turn as into lunch. *hacks*
Fuzzles Frites." hissed a Fuzzle.
Chomp patted the fuzzles sympamethically.
Then he chanted those words again, not knowing what he was doing. "I'm gonna get you out of here!" grinned Chomp.
The cage rattled sharply and opened relasing the hairy cute fuzzles.
The fuzzles jumped happiliy and exticedly.
"We're free!" They chanted.
Chomp heard footsteps approach the room.
"Hush, and hide quckly!" Chomp snapped.
The figure entered the room, clutching a Mudokon. It was struggling out of the figures grip.
"Let me go you bully!"
The figure grinned slyly.
The figure was a Vykker. He laughed manicially and tutted at the Mudokon.
"My dear Mud. I don't do refunds. You belong to me!!!"
"Oh yeah???" The Mud spat in the Vykkers eye viciously.
"I've tried to be fair, but now it's gone to far!" snarled the Vykker.
He suddenly lifted the Mud up and strapped her to the table tightly and firmly.
"Surpise!" he Vykker was holding a giant needle towards the Mudokon. "Time to say Au revior, Hasta La Vista!"
Chomp watched in horror.
"Got a plan?" said the fuzzles.
"Yeah." said Chomp leaping up towards the Vykker.
The Vykker glared at him. "A Gabbit!!"
He held up another GIANT needle and held it towards Chomp.
Chomp just grinned.
"Get 'im!!!" He ordered.
The fuzzles jumped out towards the Vykker snarling, while showing their glistening white teeth.he bit the Vykker while he just flapped his arms around trying get rid of them.
I hopped to the table and ripped the strapps tio relase the Mudokon. "Come on guys!" Chomp grabbed the Mud's hand and the fuzzles ran along with me.
The Vykker was furious, flaming with fury. "GET THEM INTERNS!!!!!"
The Interns ran about with their electro pistol firing shots at us.
"Duck!" Chomp hissed.
"Oh ****!!!" cursed the Interns.
The stupid Intern just shot the nuclar explosive box when we ducked.
"RUN!!!!!!!!!!!" Chomp yelled at the top of his little lungs.
The Interns ran around and paniced.
We all ran to the entrance.
It was locked.
"Stand back." said the mudokon.
It started chanting, summoning some bird portal and it opened it.
"Jump in." It ran and jumped and disapeared.
Chomp and the fuzzles shrugged and copied the Mudokon.............
We ended up outside again......along with big bang...........

More coming soon............

Did you enjoy it??????????
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

Last edited by MunchOnThis; 05-04-2002 at 11:46 PM..
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03-24-2002, 04:00 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Chapter 3:
We all peered at the wreckage of Revalation's Fridge....A mass of destruction and mayhem.
Chomp panted deeply and nodded at the Mudokon gratefully.
It was panting heaviliy too, it looked pale.
"Thank you." It said.
Chomp grinned. "No thank you! If it wasn't for you we have been lunch."
The Mudokon smiled gracefully.
The fuzzles group were all whooping and hollering. They were happy to be free.
I sighed and said:" Guys, you're free go back to the wild. You be happiest there."
The fuzzles refused.

"We are deeply grateful!"
"We wanna stay with you!!!!!"
Chomp weakened instantly, it must have been 'the puppy dog eyes'. "All right." Chomp grinned happiliy.

It was getting chiliy and dark, they all decided to set up camp near Necrum Forest. The Mud carried the logs and chanted to cast fire.
"Wow." Chomp froze.
"It's a living." said the Mud.
"Do you have a name??"

"Name????" It said the world as if was some sort of gibberish.

"Yes a name???? What we call ou??" Chomp waited.

The mudokon paused silently fo a moment and said: "Shirley."
Chomp nodded. "Chomp."
Shirley suddenly looked very pale from chanting, she pondered dizzliy and fell flat on her back.
Chomp hopped over concerned, along with the fuzzles.

Chomp dragged her to the nearest bed for her to rest, he gave her a remedy to take effect of the pain.

Then there was vicious ramaging in the bushes.......

Chomp flinched. "Stay here with her Fuzzles!"
he hopped quickly followling the sound of moving......
Chomp peered though the leaves to see...............
Chomp smiled boardly and laughed.
"My old chum. Chris! Is it really you???"

The figure moved.

"Chomp!!! Is that you bruther!!"

"Take a look and guess." suggested Chomp jokingly.
"Yo what's up!!!"
Chomp hugged the Slig tight.
Chris jerked and grinned.
Chris was a blueish greenish Slig, an ex-valet Slig.
"Ha ha! My you're grown bro!" chris punched me lightly on the shoulder.
Chomp blushed.

All of a sudden, a piercing scream was heard.......
Chomp and Chris looked alarmingly at the campsite.
"Let's check it bro!!!" Chris and chomp sprinted back...........

Coming Soon.................
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-24-2002, 05:01 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Chapter 4:
They arrived shortly after meeting each other for the first time in 6 years(!), and Chomp hopped in the tent towards Shirley.

There was another creature here, another mudokon wearing feathers and a fluffy loincloth. it's hands raised and paused when our eyes met.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?????" Chomp question, paws on his hips.

The mudokon glared at us eviliy and said nothing.

"Hey, my bro is talking to ya!" Chris said crossly.

The Mudokon ignored us and rose his arms while chanting,stars whirled around his head and transported to Shirley.
Chomp glazed oddly at this process.........

The fuzzles mumered and stirred.

The mudokon stopped.

Shirley rose weakiliy clutching her head, while saying: What......w...w???"

She peered at the other Mudokon dizzliy,her image of the Mud was spilt into ten.

"Hey, where did he go???" Chomp looked.

The Mud mysteriously disapearred(?)
"Who was That?????"

"kooky Mud eh?????"

Chomp looked behind him dreamiliy.
"I'd think we better sort this out in the morning, get some rest Shirley. Chris we got a lot of catching to do!"

"Bruther yeah!"

Chomp set up everyone bedding and lay down.
He gazed at the stars surrounding him all around and above.


Chris paused. "Yeah.?"

"Look at the stars. It's telling me my whole life changed just today, who's about tomorrow?? But I know I have a destiny, and there is somethin' I need find out to the truth aboutmy past too."
Chris nodded touched by Chomp's speech.

"Ahh!"Chomp stirred and flinched. then he saw a flash of light and Glukkons with armies.......t had all happened so fast.

"What's up bro??"
"I.......had another vision.....I....'ve been having these for a while now, there must be a reason for this and I'm going to find it!"

Coming Soon..............
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-24-2002, 10:14 PM
munchman's Avatar
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munchman  (10)

im realy getting into this

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03-24-2002, 10:20 PM
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Code 465!



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03-25-2002, 01:34 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
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MunchOnThis  (10)

You guys really liked it?????? *blinks*

You mean it Mitsur????????

im realy getting into this
I may carry on later then.........*grins*
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-25-2002, 02:12 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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dark_xinos  (27)

All hail MunchOnThis! You're a storyteller bud! Yes you are!
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03-26-2002, 01:02 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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You mean it Mitsur????????
Yes I mean it!

Now countinue!


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03-26-2002, 04:16 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Chapter 5:
Chomp awakened weakly, and scretched his arms yawning.....
The fuzzles hopped over to Chomp,whining for breakfast..
"WE'RE HUNGRY!!!!!!!!" boomed the Fuzzles drooling.
Chomp groaned tired.
Suddenly he remembered Shirley.....
He hooped over concerned to a awokened Shirley.
Shirley rose with all her might and glared around viciosly.
"Cool it Shir...Remember me Chomp...?"
Shirley was in a lot of shock after the sudden appearence of that mysterious Mudokon.
"Chomp......" Shirley muttered slowly.
"Wanna eat.." Said Chomp..."Only we don't have anything..."
"Wait here." Shirley said and she grabbed a bizzare looking weapon. Some giant staff encarved with ancient writing.....with feathers stuck on. She peered gracefully into the distance while walking into Necrum Forest.

Chomp sat himself on some logs hungry.....
Chris was making himself aquantied with the fuzzles smiling and joking.

Shirley returned, carrying sacks stained with blood. She dropped out two stabbed paramites.
The fuzzles licked their lips greediliy, while Shirley chanted to make flames in order to make Paramite pies.
They tucked into their Paramite pies, while talking.
"Chomp, what brings you into the big world then??"
Chomp sighed.
"To save the last of my kind there is..and to restore all peace."
Chris blinked, while Chomp looked at him.
"Why did you quit the valet job then???" asked Chomp.
Chris gustured and tutted.
"That Lulu, thinks he's it, but I know he's the dumbest clutz that lived! Apprently he is gonna steal the rest of da Gabbits for profits......."
homp flinched sharply and interupped......"GABBITS!!!!! HE'S GONNA MAKE THEM FOR PROFITS!!" Chomp jumped off the log.
"WHATEVER!! BEFORE HE GETS THEN and.." homp paused sadly. "IUf I don't then I'm all alone......."
Chomp hopped sadly into the distance...
Chris blinked sympapethicly at Chomp and then yyelled "I'm coming with ya bro!!!"
The fuzzles said.."Us too.!"
Shirley looked at the sun......She sighed heaviliy and said.."May I assit you???"
Chomp looked back and smiled. "Thank you for understanding."
The others walked along with Chomp into the deep surroudings of Necrum Forest......
The Adventure Of Searching For The Lost Gabbits Begins.......

More Coming Soon............
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-28-2002, 09:07 AM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Chapter 6:
Chomp and the group were heading towards the sacred ground of the deep Necrum Forest.
Shirley ran to the sacred soil of Necrum and kneeled down and put her hands together silently while the others stared at her weirdly.

"What in hell is she doing??" Chris said out loud.
"Chris!!" said Chomp viciously.
Chomp dragged Chris to the corner and said:" Do you understand what this place ithis s???! It's Necrum!! Where all the ancient Mud's are buried...and she is praying to their rested souls.." whispered Chomp looking concerned at Shirley.
Chris sighed and shrugged. "Sorry......I don't know do I? I'm a slig Chomp! I dont understand others of the native or wildlife kind...So please....." Chris said sadly.
"I just wanted you to understand." said Chomp putting a cring on Chris. "I.........didn't mean to have a go."
"I know bruther......"Chris sighed. " I know."
Shirley rosed gracefully and opened her eyes slowly. She turned round and gave as a hand gesture to follow her.
Chomp, Chris and the Fuzzles followed Shirley unsurely.....
She swept the bush away, to reveal a dark figure in a jungly relam. "Whtcha see??" Chomp asked.
Shirley hushed Chomp and watched the dark figure raise it's arms
speaking in ancient way, while it chanted repeatiliy......
Shirley glanced in fear, but she jumped forward out of the bush, her hands sweeping the bushes out of her way.......
"He looks fimalar.." muttered Shirley unsurley.
The figure turned to reveal himself.
Shirley's eyes widened with fear and her body broke with sweat.
She blinked rapidly.......
Shirley ran out the bush, so she could get a closer look....
She gasped.
"IT'S YOU!!" She shrieked.
"Shirley NO!!!" Chomp yelled with fear.
The Mudokon turned.
"Yes.....it's is me, from the other night......." The Mudokon began.
Shirley stared into space.
The Mudokon once again chanted, raising his arms, chanting ancient words.
Shirley made out the Mudokon's words and said"NO!!!!!"
A blast came out of the Mud's chant and it flew up........

Coming Soon..........
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-28-2002, 04:20 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Excellent! Its like a prelude to Mo. Keep up the good work!
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03-28-2002, 05:31 PM
kleeng's Avatar
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kleeng  (10)

WOW I read the first chapter.
And then the next time I come here all of a suddenn ther's six of em!!!

If any thing your realy productive.

But any hoo. I like the story.
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03-28-2002, 06:01 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
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: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Thanks guys for your comments, I'm glad you like it. I had some speare time for another chapter, a treat for people who wants to know what happens next.......*grins*

Chapter 7:
Shirley lay there, as still as stone.......
Dust and rocks surrounded her body, because of that mystery blast.....
The Mudokon Shaman sat there , it's back against the wall...
It had been knocked out, by the blast.
It shook it's head...and awokened,it eyes struggled to focus.
It's vision was split into ten images.
It shook it's head again, everything was clear now.
It stood up and glanced pitly at the body of Shirley, and kneeled down to Shirley and picked up her hand.
Shirley's leg was stuck in the debris, the Mudokon jerked his and chanted to break the debris. The debris split and Shirley was free.
The Mudokon gently picked Shirley up and walked deeper into the forest........

Later the Mudokon's arms began to strain and it placed Shirley carefully on the hard surface and sat itself down.

Shirley awokened much later, and saw the Mudokon sat down next to the logs of fire.
Shirley in terror when she saw it's face.....
"You!" pointed Shirley.
"What do you mean by that?" said the Mud puzzled.
"The other night..you..."began Shirley.
"What are you talking about??" hissed the Mudokon
"You attacked me you bastard!!" cursed Shirley.

"Now wait a minute I've never seen you before in my life so."
"DON'T LIE!" Shirley went towards the Mudokon with a vicious glint in her eye.
"Stop..please..I don't understand." said the Mudokon.
They agrued loudly and furiously,and Shirley was flaming.
Then she suddenly lashed out and slapped the Mudokon Shaman hard. The Mudokon held his cheek, which went red.
Shirley glared at the Mudokon shocked by her own actions, she had tears in her eyes. They stung.....
She sat down suddenly and curled up in a ball crying and sobbing.
The Mudokon Shaman, looked at with pity and kneeled down.
It silently put a caring hand on Shirley's shoulder.
Shirley did nothing.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I don't remember anything, I woke up hin that mess and found you I swear on Odd.."
Shirley rose up sharply and turned to the Mud.
"There must be an explaintion for this.."
"Quite right...I need to find out what's happened......"
Shirley was still tearly, but she nodded while trembling.
"My name is Zip......"
Zip smiled.
"Shirley, I'll find out the truth one day.....what happened before I woke up."
"I'm scared Zip.....I'm scared I'm cursed." Shirley suddenly said.
Not knowing why she said that, Shirley fell into Zip arms and held him tight.
Zip was unsure what was going on, but he held her tight all the same.

More Coming Soon........
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-29-2002, 01:39 AM
munchman's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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munchman  (10)

yo, this is if not the best fan fic i have read, sorry for interopting, go about your art work

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03-29-2002, 06:13 AM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Thanks again Munchman!

Chapter 8:
Back at the ruins of destruction at Revalation's Fridge.......
The Slig were wacking Worker Mud's with the base of their guns..
The Mud's fell and clutched their heads.
"Get back to work!!"Barked the Slig.

All The Mudokons were hammering away, rebuilding what was blown up by the esapees.

However in the excutive office.the Glukkons were plotting, along with the Vykkers which were invited to the Office.
"So, we need that mud back!!" hissed th Glukkon.

The Vykkers looked at each other and grinned nervously.

"Again sir, iz Mud vas taken by z Gabbit......."

"Gabbit!!!? You idiots!!!"boomed the Glukkon.
"We are supposed make fod outta them, ya cheapskate...if we don't get Gabbits......"The Glukkon looked at the Vykkers grinning.
"Maybe we can make yu into Vykker Salad."
Uh no, we'll get the Gabbit Lulu......"
Lulu glared.
"If ya don't get the Gabbit, then we're all out of a job......The boss would be pissed!" said Lulu.

"I am."

Lulu sharply looked behind him.
The Boss were there.
"Uhhhh Mallet Boss!!"starmmed Lulu nervously.
"Damn right Lulu..Im pissed if ya do't get that Gabbit and that mudokon......" Mallet boomed.
"y-y-yes boss!!!"
"I've hired some other Vykker scientists four to be extact.." Mallet whisted....
Lulu peered delightfully at the newbies.
"Introducing Irwin and Humpery Vykkers and Sam and Dan Sykes.." Mallet annouced proudly.
The Vykkers grinned manically.
The other two peered at each other puzzled.
"Anyheck go follow those other Vykkers guys..." Mallet said.
The Vykkers shook nervously and said "T-t-t-this way!"
The other four grinned and followed.
"I want those Sligs to get those DARN muds to work faster.....I'm the Glockstar and you're the errrrrrrr Chump Lulu...!"
Lulu glared strangly and nodded at Mallet.
"Yes boss." Lulu left the room after that.
Then suddenly a montoir fell down.
"Mallet.."said the Shrink creeply.
"Ahhh darn watch it......"Mallet boomed.
The Shrink looked at Mallet menacingly with his weapons.
"O.K I take that back....."laughed Mallet nervously.....
"How's everything going."The Shrink said in a creepliliy voice.
"Everythings according to plan Shrinky pal."
The Shrink grinned eviliy.

More Coming Soon.........
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-29-2002, 03:58 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
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Al the Vykker  (20)

THis story is getting better everytime! Keep it up!
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03-29-2002, 04:30 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Thank you Al.

Chapter 9:
Dawn broke, the sky was red and orange......
Shirley blinked rapidly, her eyes stung...
Zip was sitting next to the fire, roasting a paramite he caught with his spear.
Shirley looked at Zip.
"I never wash the blood off my spear." He said boldly.
"It's my tribe's tradition."
Shirley nodded and Zip passed her a paramite pie freshly cooked.
They munched hungryliy.

Zip twitched viloiently,struggled......
Shirley glared strangley at Zip.
Frantically Zip began gagging for air, his arm reached out towards Shirley and his face went smack on the ground...
"ZIP!" Shirley gasped in horror while watching Zip having repeative spasms and gagging.
Shirley chanted to knock Zip out, to calm him down.
Zip fell with a tump and bled.
Shirley froze in horror and stared scaredly at the body.
Zip's body twitched and had a spasm, his back-bone stuck out more than ever.
Zip looked up.
Shirley gasped, his eyes widened with fear.
Zip's eyes turned an evil jet black,and he grinned eviliy at Shirley.
"Time to get back to where we were bub....."
"You lied to me!! You said you didn't remember what happened the other night......"shrieked Shirley pointing at Zip.
Zip laughed.
"Let's finish this, my dear Mud.......and I will return you to your rightful owner......Mallet!"
"Mallet......."repeated Shirley in a whisper.
Zip kicked his spear up and caught it with one hand, while he gestured.
"Come on then......fight me. I'll doubt you'll last a minute, but I'll be fair....." Zip held his spear and licked the blade of blood......
Shirley glared at him.
"I gladly apect the challagne......."
Shirley fetched her staff, full of magic and charged herself up.
The Battle had Began.................

More Coming Soon...............
(Don't you just love cliffhangers?? *grins* )
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-30-2002, 09:30 AM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

(Note:This Chapter May Contain Violence, Well It Is A Battle to the Death After All, So Forgive Me For That. )

Chapter 10:
Shirley postioned herself, holding her mighty staff glaring viciously at Zip,her face in battle. She did a stance,her staff held in her right hand. Her left hand doing a stance.
Zip just grinned slyly and gestured to bring it on.
He just stood there grinning his spear in the other hand.
Suddenly he charged at Shirley.....
Shirley just rose her hand and struck her staff towards Zip casting magic, as Zip charged he was knocked backwards with a powerful thud back down.
Zip flipped upwards again.
"I can play fire with fire....."Zip flamed.
Shirley held her staff upwards and her other hand casted fire magic, Zip put his hands in front of him and blast came out heading towards the fireball and there was an explosion.....
Shirley glared in horror wobbled during the explosion, holding on.
Zip charged at Shirley with his spear, while blocked the spear with her staff. it was a repeative loop of blocking high and low.
Zip was enraged with fear, so he stood there chanting.
Shirley kneeled down weakned and gasping. She watched Zip chanted in that strange. She heard those words she remembered from the other day........
Shirley gasped in agony.
Zip grinned eviliy, his deep evil jet-black eyes glinted.
Before Shirley would run, a blast of light appeared,Shirley crawled backwards slowly. she was in fear. Sweat dizzled in her dress...
The blast caught with her knocked her out, as he went flying......
Zip marched toward thebody of Shirley was was bleeding horribly. But Zip didn't care he fetched his spear and.............stabbed her, right though.......blood flew out quickly, it wasn't a pretty sight.

Coming Soon.............
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

Last edited by MunchOnThis; 03-30-2002 at 01:32 AM..
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03-30-2002, 05:39 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

yo, this is if not the best fan fic i have read, sorry for interopting, go about your art work
That's nice of you munchman!!!
You gave me a great idea!! To do artwork on my characters!!!
I dunno were to start though, I don't have a scanner or a webcam........
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-30-2002, 07:36 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
: Oct 2001
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Bravo!!!!!!!!! I love cliffhangers! and also very descriptive in the fight scenes you can feel the intense emotion of the characters! If you keep this up my story is gonna seem like crap even to myself! Keep it up!
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04-03-2002, 05:05 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

(Note: This Chapter may a bit short because I wanted to create supense *grins* So there.)

Chapter 11:
Blood flowed out like the rivers,Shirley went pale,she was in so much pain. Zip grinned manically at her. "So you die." He said heartlessly. As he finished speaking he removed his spear from her wound. Shirley gasped horrfied, she was scared.
She just stood weakly before collasping into a fall.
She landed in her pool of blood.
She manged a weak stirr and a cough.
"It's over." said Zip coldy.
Shirley lay gracfully.
She had met her fate.....death.
"I'm dying, you will never know the.....key...to......the.....fate.....of....Oddworld......
." spoke Shirley before shutting her eyes and trying hard to keep alive.
"I don't care..."said Zip stoic.
"When you will never learn." said Shirley grinning weakliy.
She shut her eyes peacefully.
"Good." Zip said eviliy. "She's dead finally."
He grabbed Shirley's body, grinning manically.

He walked to a ledge and below was The Great Salt Lake.
He sighed eviliy, weakiliy laughing.
Without motive, he let go of Shirley's body letting it drop.
Shirley fell gracefully, her eyes peacefully shut as she fell into the salt water. The salt water creatures surrounded her body.

Zip grinned guitily and looked at the surroundings.
Winter had fell at the salt lake. Strangley enough the lake hadn't frozen..........

More Coming soon.................
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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04-03-2002, 06:31 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

Chapter 12:
Dawn broke in Scrabania, as the red sun rose in the coloured sky.
A dark figure streched it's arms and yawned. The figure stepped out from the hut revealing it's Gabbit feet and head.
Chomp shook his little head tiredly. He had a sad expression on his face. He had been screaching forthe Gabbits for what seemed like forever....and he wondered where Shirley was....
After the blast they lost each other. But the fuzzles were still with
Chomp though. They had made their way from Necrum Forest to Scrabania. They were heading to the new lab near Paramonia somewhere to find the truth.

The fuzzles poped out of the dimly lit hut, and dribbled hungrliy.
"Chomp we're hungry!!!"
Chomp rolled his eyes.
"You're always hungry guys!!"
But he laughed all the same.

A Scrab stepped out of it's cave yawning and annoyed.
It scretched it's claws viciously.
It sighted another Scrab, and grinned broadly.
It quitley crept, towards the Scrab and roared mightly.
The other Scrab hissed annoyed.
They both roared at the same time, clumping their claws.
They charged towards either viciously and they went into a wrestle.Spinning and waltzing around., then splat!!!
One of the Scrabs victoriously stomped on the loser and ate it's remains hungrliy.
Chomp sighted the victor Scrab marching up the path, so Chomp lept out at the Scrab and zapped it with his powers.
"FUZZLES!!!!! DINNER TIME!!" grinned Chomp.
The fuzzles jumped hungryly and chomped on the Scrab and ate it shred by shred!

Shirley's body floated gracfully in the salt lake, when suddenly she weakliy opened her eyes which were filled with salt. Her eyes stung. She struggled out of the lake,and yelped until her hand felt the ledge, she slowly and painfully lifted herself out of the lake. She immdiently sat herself down on the soft cold snow.
She shivered afraid and alone.
She ripped a part of her wristband and wrapped around her wound. She crawled weakliy forward not wary or sure where she was heading.......

More Coming Soon...........
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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04-03-2002, 07:14 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Awesome how it appears that shirley dies but still is alive and well. Her journey must just be begining! Bravo!!!!!
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04-03-2002, 08:19 PM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
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Please keep going! I'm here 3 times a day (literally) so please, post more! But don't worry about rushing if the quality of your story is at stake - of course, it would take a lot of degrading to damage this story since it's so good! Come on!

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04-03-2002, 08:38 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Check my newest story out. "Failure to Comply"
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04-04-2002, 06:32 AM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Feb 2002
: Thames Wharf...(under the church) ^_^
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MunchOnThis  (10)

(I will check out your story Al!!!)

Chapter 13:
A dark figure went to the ledges of The Great Salt Lake.
It stepped out of the mist heading towards the cliff.
It was wearing a greyish-blackish hood, with long flowing ends, with back knee high boots.
It removed it's hood to reveal a beautiful face and black hair
put back in huge clips. And she was wearing earring of a moon shape.
She gasped her first breath.
She looked at the sencry, everything covered in white frosty snow, the lake not frozen.
The figure silently kneeled down and thought hard.


The figure turned and saw two sligs shivering behind her.
She sat down and waited for them to speak.

"You're coming with us......S-s-s-Sorceress Lulu!!!!" said the Slig shivering.

"Sorceress......."repeated the figure. "What are you on about..."
"Who is Lulu??"
The Sligs looked at her oddly.
"You are Lulu!!! THE Sorceress Lulu!!!"
The figure shook her head.
"Sorry......I'm not a Sorceress.....I don't know who I am....."
"She's lost her memory."whispered a Slig to the other.
"Come with us lady......to er.....find out who you are."
She shook her head.
"Just COME!!!" roared the Slig.
The person trailed along with the Sligs, but looked at the lake.

Without motve she dived into the lake, her long robe flowing as she jumped it.
"Hey?!"said the slig.
"She's crazy!!"
"Tell me about it, the boss is gonna get pissed and Zip is gonna get into trouble for losing Shirley."
"Yeah, come on let's find her!!"
The two Sligs ran down the ramp towards the lake entrance
and aimed at her.
She looked pale, as she swam, all that heavy clothing.
The Sligs shivered in the snow, frost on their mechiancal legs.
The figure in the salt lake rose her hand for unknown reasons she cast ice on the Sligs.
Ice went over the sligs round and round and the froze.
But she a bit over the top with the magic, she froze the lake too.
Her top half of her body was fine, but the bottom half wasn't.
She was trapped.

(NOTE: This took place about 10 years ago.)
More Coming Soon.............
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

Last edited by MunchOnThis; 04-09-2002 at 02:12 AM..
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