Originally posted by MojoMan220
Legal trouble should be your biggest concern.
As laid out so far, legal trouble is of no concern. You can legally publish anything you want short of child pornography (at least, in the US). The FCC regulates the airwaves (radio/TV)/telephones/etc., not publishing. Publishing in the U.S. is not regulated. The problem is marketing -- if it's so violent or otherwise offensive to a sizeable segment of the population, not only have you limited your potential market but you have to put up with the negative publicity. If WalMart won't carry your game, now you've got a distribution problem.
I don't see how this is any more offensive than Diablo or Postal or Kingpin or Hitman or Dracula, the Resurrection or . . . need I go on? And jeepers, if you blow up Hell at the end, even the holy rollers will buy in.
I think it's in interesting idea, but if you have serious aspirations of publishing a game you'll need a sharply focused and fully developed sense of plot, gameplay, etc. in order to get through the door of a development house, or a bazillion dollars of your own money to finance development/publishing/etc. The other thing that you should be careful about is that if you've got a really good idea, if you share it publicly you run the risk that some cretin will steal it.