Photek - The Third Sequence (not OT)
Whoo, it's been a long time since I started a topic in this forum. Anyhoo, does anyone else have this song? (for WipEout fans, it's on the 2097/XL soundtrack)
At the start of The Third Sequence, there is a sound effect which sounds very like an electronic version of a Scrab's howl (the one they make before powering up to do a shred attack). Just a coincidence, or did Photek get a Scrab with a vocoder?
Doubt it could be plagiarism; WipEout 2097/XL was released way before either Oddworld game.
Back on topic. Has anyone else noticed this Scrab-like noise on The Third Sequence?
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.