Originally posted by Danny
Well, actually, Cannabis is not addictive, and does not cause tolerance. What you said is true for other drugs, though...
BTW, sorry for blowing up at you on Friday, Robin. I was in a bad mood as a result of everyone on the forums deciding to have an argument with me at once (or so it felt). I know you were probably only trying to help, I hope you didn't take it personally, and I hope it won't happen again.
That's ok all of us get mad once in a while. Anyway i have got some more information for you to read up on so here it is, firsty have you heard of this saying?
"Marijuana addicts, in particular, tend to believe that they must be "ok" since there are much worse drugs, and other people whose lives are much worse off as a result of their using. That is denial. "
People who have smoked marijuana daily for many years display more aggressive behavior when they stop smoking the drug according to a study the researchers at Harvard Medical School. Is further evidence that a withdrawal syndrome is associated with abstinence from long term marijuana use, and suggests that aggressive behavior is part of this syndrome.
Most of the studies that have been published on marijuana withdrawal symptoms in people have relied on self report says Dr. Elena Kouri, lead author of the paper. In these studies, long erm marijuana users report that they feel irritable when they are abstaining from marijuana use, but these studies generally do not involve measurements of aggressive behavior to verify these self-reports. In our study, we demonstrated that long-term marijuana users do, indeed, exhibit more aggressive behavior during the first week of abstinence, and that this aggressive behavior can be measured.
Marijuana causes many mental disorders, including acute toxic psychosis, panic attacks, flashbacks, delusions, depersonalization, hallucinations, paranoia, depression and uncontrollable feelings of aggression.
Based on research by of Dr. Richard Schwartz, Vienna Pediatrics Associates in Pediatric Clinics of North America.
People who have used cannabis on its own, without simultaneous consumption of other substances, have frequently died in connection with impulsive and unforeseen acts of violence. The predominant form of death is suicide.
Rajs, Prof. Jovan Dept. Of Forensic Med. Stockholm, Fugelstad, Anna, Psychologist, Psychiatric Dependency Clinic, St. Gorans Hosp., Stockholm. 28/11/1994
In terms of life-time use, marijuana was reported to be the most common illicit drug used by a sample of 268 murderers incarcerated in New York State correctional facilities. About 25% of prisoners who has used marijuana, had used it in the 24 hour period before the homicide, and 3/4 of those said they experienced some kind of effect from the drug when the homicide occurred.
THC does not appear to be cancer causing, but smoking releases other chemicals such as carbon monoxide and cyanide and also, a known carcinogen, benzopyrene. Benzopyrene is found in cigarette smoke, but appears to be greater in marijuana smoke. Head and neck cancers.
Cases of cancer, including cancer of the mouth, tongue, larynx, jaw, head, neck, and lungs have been reported in young marijuana smokers that would not occur in tobacco smokers until much later in life.
Three days or more after smoking marijuana, PET scans of chronic marijuana users show decreased metabolic activity in the brain, especially in the cerebellum, a part of the brain involved with motor coordination, learning, and memory.
This decreased brain activity helps explain persistent defects in mental function and the increased motor vehicle accidents observed in marijuana users. Marijuana impairs perception, judgment, thinking, memory, and learning. Memory defects may persist six weeks after last use.
Also will you have noticed i have added some scientist name just to prove to you what i'm saying is true.