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07-08-2001, 11:52 AM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)
reasserting the rules

it's good to see all the new interest in the RPG, so i thought i'd remind people how to join properly. basically, find the post 'STATS', and fill in the same details as everyone else has. ALL stats [this means you, bladewing] start at 1/1. Oryon and Salkin and [i think] Salvador are the ones who i think haven't joined yet.

thank you.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-08-2001, 02:05 PM
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We're still sorting out Bladewing. I introduced him because Pyke is in great danger, and only a miricle could save it now. Lets just wait till everything gets back to normal, then we can un-pause the RPG and get things stright.
- DH

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07-08-2001, 09:25 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

okay, but while we're paused, could we possibly rewind a little too? i'm sorry to be an arsehole, but i'm gonna be about Bladewing, because it goes against quite a few rules, and i have a personal aversion to people who get too powerful...

okay, we're not in need of a great miracle here. Pyke is in danger, sure, but this adds a bit of excitement that we haven't seen for a while. okay, so Pyke's been burned to the ground, but you've all survived, and Sligit is leading you to meet Rettick and Kugal, who are on their way to a gathering of some of the most powerful magic users on Mudos. i think we can sort this out without resorting to god-like beings, even if it means a few casualties. what's more, there's quite a good chance that the Blood Kryes and the Skrakakians might also fight each other as well, as neither seem likely to ally with ANYONE. introducing some miracle would end the excitement, and would in any case be quite boring. i implore you to reconsider bringing in Bladewing, please!

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-10-2001, 07:37 AM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
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Zoolag  (10)

I can see were your coming from but if you think that thats interesting then u cant have a v.vivid imagination. All due respect u treat evry little thing as if it is the only thing interesting 2 happen 2 the world of Odd. If blade wing did come in it could change the story line completly and have more interesting stuff happen. U sed b4 that my plot line made it a bit 2 fast paste and destroyed some interesting plotline but basically i contributed to it. A whole new world of questions were arose from my attack on the Sligs and all u did was get pissed off because u wanted 2 wipe them out urself. If u created the game fairs fair u shud get a say, but dont ruin other ppl's plots jus' so u think it wud b more interesting, allow others to have a say.
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07-10-2001, 02:33 PM
Osiris The Fleech
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You don't really think that the best way to save Pyke is to introduce a god-like character, do you? That kind of ruins the excitement. Just because Pyke being destroyed and all is new, that doesn't meen we should just have some hero-god-guy come save it. I mean, this is kinda neat!
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Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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07-10-2001, 03:38 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
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Zoolag  (10)

Who sed he wud save it? Maybe he wud destroy all the creatures but then take over the village himself, or possibly have his soul banished from his body and his soul live on advising ppl. It dunt have 2 b 1 ending, u cud have loads of possibilities. Like my Creatures...they r powerful but they to have weakness'.
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07-10-2001, 04:40 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
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Darksider  (11)

Umm... in answer to retticks Idea, the Skrakians just got whomped on by two Dark Ones. So ya, they will fight. But maybe they will allie later, that depends on Dragadon. However, I know how the Blood Kryes are gonna be beaten. So DH GET RID OF BLADEWING AFFORE I HAVE HIM OVERRUN BY GIANT DAEMONS AND HAVE HIS SOUL TRAPPED IN ETERNAL TORMENT! you see why i have them high blood pressure pills now? or DH could just weaken him like the rest of us... that would be nice... yes... do that, DH. Make him 1/1 to start, and train him for upgrades! sorry, im just a little pissed off at DH, cause he is trying to have a "miracle" when Pyke is gonna be fine anyway. Except for the rebuilding... but oh well. This one'll be interesting at least.
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

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07-10-2001, 04:58 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

THANK YOU osiris and darkie! i expected that everyone would hate me for this, but i'm glad someone agrees that having a super-powerful being come in and sort everything out wouldn't be interesting!

and oryon, how is killing all the bad guys in one post interesting and a good plot development? i don't have it in for you, i just think you should learn how to play before you join.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-10-2001, 05:39 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
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Zoolag  (10)

K...if u read what i put then that would of brought Q's to the surface aswell. And what do you mean learn...we make our own stories, basically we should introduce a new idea when we get it, if people dont like it they can find a way to stop that character. Like i said there is a number of possibilities we could have. Killing off the bad guys n e way. What was you going to do...back then your arm was injured and you had a clumsy mud buzzing around you. Why dont people jus' adapt to what others put. I thought u wud of adapted to my story line by putting something like "Who was they" or something along those line, u cud of asked questions like why are they allienced with the Vykkers and if they are why did they kill a bunch of Sligs and Slogs. You could of had a party of peeps go back and check it out. But nope, you jus' disapeared. And my supposedly power characters with their HP and AP on 5. What are they going to do to advanced players such as yourselves? Errrr...not a scratch, so stop being a little kid and saying he's cheating when i aint. I believe i also asked not told (Most of this stuff is related to another topic aswell) And did i say that Blade Wing would sort things out...no. I suggested we keep him in the plot and see how he fights. I agree with you that having some powerful being come from no-where and fry everything is not interesting but he never said he would. Maybe like me he had twists in his plot which can only be read if posted. Like i said why dont we adapt, if we dont like the idea's at first, fine get rid of them in a more interesting way. Some of my characters are going to die anyway and one of them already did. Geez.
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07-10-2001, 08:43 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

oryon, i do wish you'd stop this. you say we could have adapted. you didn't give people a chance. you just went and killed them all. i know you haven't got the same experience at compromising and bending your plotlines as we have, and i'm allowing for that, but you're still making it very hard for me to stay reasonable. i want us to be friends, but you'll have to try and compromise a little here.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-11-2001, 04:45 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
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Zoolag  (10)

R u male or female? Dont answer this question with a question plz. And i am going 2 stay out of it 4 a while...i am gonna w8 til Pyke either gets completly destroyed or re-built.
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07-15-2001, 07:34 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

i'm male. why do you ask?

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-16-2001, 12:52 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
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Darksider  (11)

Hey rettick, i have a feeling none of us want to know, so plz DON'T ASK HIM!
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

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07-16-2001, 06:08 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

hehe, okay...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-16-2001, 06:12 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
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Zoolag  (10)

Figures. Only men are as stubborn as u...no offense i am 1 and all but u have 2 admit the femalez r faaaar more intelligent! And will in the future take over the world...
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07-16-2001, 06:21 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

generally speaking, women are far more intelligent and reasonable than men [although every rule has exceptions].

stubborness, on the other hand, is universal...

[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-17-2001, 07:48 PM
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Hmmm, I should of read the rest of this topic before. However, I DID say I was gonna downgrade Bladewing somewhere else in another topic. . . Anyway, I don't think that matters anymore.
- DH

[ July 17, 2001: Message edited by: Dark Hood ]

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