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06-30-2001, 10:33 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)
New character: Salkin

Hmm, i think this one will do something...

Salkin runned through the woods listening to slogs behind him. Must... puuh, escape, be uhhh, FREE!! he thought. He looked back to see how close the slogs was, and didnt notice the big, big stone in front of him. He smashed his foot in it, and got a pretty jurky look on his face.
"AAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAH!!!!" he screamed and falled down in the river below. He went up and stumbled away. After he has run a few hundred metres into the woods, he got up with that he didnt hear any slogs anymore.
He looked around.
"Im free. I cant belive it... Im free! IM FREE!" he said to himself and danced around. Salkin smashed his head into a tree and falled down on the ground.
He heard something and turned around. He looked into a hungry scrab herd. Ooooh yeah, he ran. He ran as fast as he could, but he was exhausted after the slogs, so the scrab herd came closer and closer.

He climbed up in a tree and sighed in relief.

"I survived this day to." he said and laughed. Then the treebranch he sat on cracked. Salkin jumped off it and grabbed another just in time. He found himself face to face with a big bee nest.
Why the bees? he thought. Everything else is just my bad luck, but, why the bees? He broke of a small stick from the branch and smashed it into the nest. To his big joy, it fell down on the scrab herd. The ran away.
"Hahaaa!! The champion wins again!!" he shouted.

He almost started to cry when he heard slog bark. Three slogs jumped out of the bushes and walked around the tree, waiting for him to fall down.
"Uh-oh... HELP ME!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" he shouted and prayed that someone would hear him.

Someone free to help?? Um, i dont want to be rude or something but hey, hes doing something right?

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07-01-2001, 07:10 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
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Danny  (11)

[OOC: Rett is quite far from Pyke at the moment, travelling with Kugal, so if you want to be rescued by someone at Pyke, just say and i'll delete all this]

Rettick is walking amongst the trees when he hears what sounds like the cries of a mudokon [OOC: is Salkin a mudokon? i'm assuming for now that he is] and the barks of slogs.

"Shit, I'M COMING!" he shouts, breaking into a run in the direction of the cries. He bursts into a clearing, to see a mudokon crouched on a branch up a tree, with three slogs barking up at him. "Hang on!" he calls, and attacks the slogs.

He pulls out his machine gun , and blasts one slog with it. To his shame, he quite enjoys it. After all the mistreatment he suffered at the hands of the Cartel, he is more than ready to get his own back.

Unfortunately, as he thinks, another slog leaps at him, biting his gun arm, making him drop the rifle. Pulling out his knife, he slits the slog's throat with it, as the third slog lunges for his throat. Fending it off, he loses his knife.

He was determined not to use magic in the battle when he started, as he had been doubting his magical ability since the Crimson incident. [OOC: don't bother looking it up in the thread 'To The GT', suffice it to say, it caused Rettick to doubt a lot of his beliefs] Now, however, he has no choice. Wondering whether he is capable of it, he releases a huge fireball, reducing the slog to ashes.

{i]So it wasn't Kugal doing that after all,[/i] he thinks, It must be me. He taught it to me without me noticing. That must be it.

Looking up, he notices the mudokon staring at him with wild eyes. Rett raises his hand. "Err... Hi... My name's Rettick. What's yours?"

The stranger swallows. "You're a slig!"

Rett sighs. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you. I just saved your life, didn't I? Now come down. Here, I'll help you." He reaches up, and helps the mudokon down. "Now, what's your name?"

"Selkin." the mudokon looks at the ashes of the slog. "What did you just do?"

Rett follows his eyes. "I'm not really sure myself. Where did those slogs come from?" He suddenly clutches at Selkin's shoulders. "Are there more of them?"

Selkin looks down at him. "Maybe, I'm not sure. There was a hunting party following me..."

"Shit!" Rett grabs Selkin by the arm. "Come on! There's a village called Mukodona near here. We have to warn them, and find the hunters before they do any more damage!"

Rett tries to drag Selkin away, but is seized by a sudden pain in the arm. Looking down, he realises he is injured quite badly.

"Hold on, I can't go, I need to heal for a while. I can speed it up psychically, but it'll still take a while. While we wait, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself, Selkin?"

Rettisk sits against a tree, and looks expectantly at Selkin.


[OOC: carry it on, unless you didn't like that, in which case say so, okay?]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-08-2001, 12:01 AM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)

Thats great, Rettick, thanks! Yes, Salkin is a mudokon.

"Um...I dont really like to talk about myself but since you rescued my life, so..."
He sighed and looks down on the ground.
"I was smuggled out from a glukkon camp nearby, by a friend. I am not quite a slave, I just own something they need. It is a small, small, green stick. Its glowing and humms alot, but I think I dropped it in the forest. Hmmph, that would be just right for them, no more glowing piece of crap..."

Salkin looks at Rettick, and then wawed his hands and continued.

"However, I am not a vykker creation, or something in that style, I´m just a mudokon."

He smiled.

"Yep, just that I am, hehe. Oh, i just got up with something. The slogs, are actually not slogs, somehow, they are the sligs creation, when they played with a pack of blitzpacker and three pregnant slogs. It looked quite funny to see slogs drink blitzpacker. You didnt tell me your name, by the way."

"Rettick. Continue on."

"Anyway, my actual job on the camp was to take care of sloggies, thats why they could smell me so good. And I..."

He stroke one foot on the ground, blushed and mumbled something.

"Have you ever heard of coffe? When is the wound gonna be healed? Who are you, Rettick?"

"Um, what?"

Salkin looks ashamed when he sits down on the ground, looks at Rettick and starts to draw symbols in the ground with his finger.

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07-08-2001, 12:30 AM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
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Zoolag  (10)

(Hope u dont mind, my new specie need sumat 2 do..look @ Lock 'n' stock 2 find out more)

The Shráák could smell the blood of a...Slig. Although they were sort of alliences with the Vykkers they were bored and as civilised as they looked, they would kill anything that appealed to them and a wounded Slig with a Mudokon friend appealed to them with out doubt. As the pack of human type creatures edged closer they brought out their assault rifles and switched on the laser sight.
Commander Oryon signalled for a group of 3 to sneak to the west and a group of 2 to crawl to the east thus surrounding them. With all ready the pack took aim and aimed the sights on Rettick.
"Whats that?" Asked Salkin
Rettick looked up from consintrating on his arm and said "Whats What?"
"That thing..the red dot on your head?" Salkin poked were the red dot was situated
Rettick knew straight away what it was...being a Slig they were trained in the field of guns, bombs etc and although he did not kn0 who or what was behind it he knew it was a laser sight.
"GET DOWN NOW!!" Rettick screamed and pulled Salkin down to the ground jus' as one of the members pulled the trigger.
"Bu-doosh" a bullet hit the tree bark and tore right through, as the sound echoed through the woods, other laser sights darted to were the two scared creatures were layed.
"Over here...i think i see them" A distant call from a oncoming patrol distracted the fierce gun men...the laser sights suddenly switched victims as Sligs ran through the woods with Slogs barking on chains that Sligs held. A Slig bent down and un-latched a chain the Slog immediatly sped towards the two lied down.
"Boom" a spatter of blood and the Slog fell down with a chunk of its head missing.
By this time laser sights were trained on the oncoming patrol and bullets shot through the air, maiming and killing all Sligs in the forest. The gleam in the killers eyes said it all, the murderous pack members laughed with delight as more and more Sligs fell to the ground and the smell of blood flooded their senses with over whelming extacy, they wanted more blood shed and more cries of pain...but as they turned to were the two members once lay...all they see are foot prints leading deeper into the woods.
"Shit" growled the Commander "Ooh, well...we had our fun...incinerate the bodies, if the Vykkers see this our buissness and friendship with them will disapear...and we won't be able to make any new weapons"
The soldiers did as they were told and sprinkled the carcasses with a fine blue powder...certain Sligs were still alive and held their hands up in protest or cried for help, but the pack was not bothered and after throwing the last remaining powder on the bodies...threw a match on and stood back as the blaze shot up and smoke summond the darkness of which was to come.
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07-08-2001, 11:41 AM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
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Danny  (11)

[OOC: look, oryon, i don't mean to be rude, but you haven't really joined the RPG properly (you need to post stats in the STATS post) and i think this particular little bit of plotline has a bit too much going on in it at the moment. i think the others back at the village need you the most. while we're at it, i think you should post some info too, silver, but i've let you off because you've joined before. thanks.]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-14-2001, 12:44 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)

Stats! Damn it, i forgot. Sorry. Hm, OK, are we on the run from Oryons whateveritis or are Salkin and Rettick still talking?

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07-15-2001, 07:50 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
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Danny  (11)

i think we're still talking, but i'm gonna post some action in a mo. i think it will be in the post 'To The GT'. see ya there.

[ July 15, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-16-2001, 05:12 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)

hi, can i add a new character?just asking tell me if i can.
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07-16-2001, 05:17 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)

i'm adding a new character ok? well here go's.
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07-16-2001, 05:27 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
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Rep Power: 26
Danny  (11)

not here. post in 'STATS'.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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07-16-2001, 10:02 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)

how do you post in stats?cause i got a slig i want to add.
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07-17-2001, 05:55 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
: 3,961
Rep Power: 26
Danny  (11)

[OOC: this continues in 'We Reach Mukodona']

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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