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10-25-2001, 06:15 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
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freakyLA  (11)
Alector meets FreakyLA [add-on]

Freaky was up in the tree tops, sitting there and waiting for what´s next. There happend too much the last time. Too much sad things, that the can sometimes not understand. The was still wondering If everything was real. But in the meantime it gets familar to her that everything seams to be strange and no longer real. She has lost too much. It was a terrible time for her after all had started but now it got worse and worse.
After she had escaped from the Vykkers she now decided to relax a bit and think about what happened at Vykker´s labs. She is totally could out. This has all to be a dream. While she was thinking off what happened there was someone under her on the copse. The sound of cracking boughs let her scare. She took a look down to the ground. Something white was there. „Strange“, she tought. She decded to observe it. Now it moved and came out of the copse. „A WHITE MUDOKON!?“ The Mudokon went away. „I´ve never seen a white one of there guys. Why is he different?“ He was still there but he went farer away. Freaky was still observing him, till she couldn´t make him out. She wanted to know more about him and why he is white. There he was, twelve trees from where freaky sitts. She got up and jumped from one tree to another. Till she reaced a place where she got a better view of him. But he was still marching on. And so freaky followed him.

[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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10-25-2001, 08:15 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
: Germany
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Alector  (58)

Alector noticed that something is strange in this forest, so he turns around again and again, but he doesn’t see anything, he looks up to the trees…nothing. But why are there so strange sounds in this small forest? Alector looks up to a tree over him – he just hears a rustle. Is there someone who wants to observe him? This white Mudokon continues to walk down the little forest to a light green meadow without any plants. It’s nearly on a stream .

He searches for herbages. Alec can’t find them on the stream, he decided to walk back into the forest to continue the search. Before the forest begins, there is a light meadow.
When someone would stand on it, they would sink with the feet on the smooth earth. Alector looks down to it to find some herbages randomly…but there is nothing-except for…FOOTPRINTS! They are obviously not Mudokon footprints! He thought that what he never thought before…~is there an other species?~ the footprints wasn’t there before he walked to the meadow. The fencer takes a look up to the trees again, the light of the sun is blending him so he couldn’t see them so good. Alector stops to search and wants to go out of this forest.

Suddenly he hears sounds like somewhat would stomp on the ground. He looks behind him and sees a weird creature with small hands, small feet and little eyes- hairs are growing over the head.
Isn’t it an human? It comes nearer to Alector till it stands in front of him. He steps back and yanks his weapon toward the creature. –“Who are you, why are you follow me?! Are you a human? You should go then!”- This creature doesn’t say what. Alector:-”answer!” –I’m freakyLA, I don’t know what am I. I followed you because you are a weird Mudokon. I never saw a Mudokon like you before, you have white skin!”

Alector: “so, you follow me just because you want to know why I have a white skin…” freakyLA nods –“yes, and you have so much tattoos on your body, it seems that you are an old Mudokon, right?”- Alector takes his weapon of freakyLA away –“you ask too much, what’s wrong with you?”- He walks slowly away ~ freaky is following him. Alector knows that freaky walks after him and gets faster- he begins to run.
She’s still following him and runs along with Alector.

He jumps on a high, steeply rock and climbs on it quickly. Now he sits on the rock –“ha…I think your hands are to small to climb, bye!”- Alector is ready to go, all of a sudden something touches his right shoulder. He scares and looks behind him. It’s freaky again!


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10-31-2001, 02:57 PM
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Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
: Germany
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Alector  (58)

...go ahead, freaky *waits*

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11-01-2001, 05:35 PM
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Howler Punk
: Jul 2001
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Molluck  (11)

My name is.....
And I shall kill you all with my rubbish atempts at learning german at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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11-07-2001, 08:17 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
: 1,042
Rep Power: 24
freakyLA  (11)

Originally posted by molluck:
My name is.....
And I shall kill you all with my rubbish atempts at learning german at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
??? I didn´t understand it. :confuzzled:

Hey Rettick why did you edit my post?
Sorry for not posting, yet but I had no time to go onlione. Alector I´ll send you my story so far today.

[ November 07, 2001: Message edited by: freakyLA ]
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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11-08-2001, 01:39 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
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Alector  (58)

Originally posted by freakyLA:
Hey Rettick why did you edit my post?
Sorry for not posting, yet but I had no time to go onlione.
hehe...onlione - it sounds like a fruit j/k Simply ignore molluck, he just tries to pay attention!
Rettick edited your post to put an [add on] next to the title of this topic

I received your e-mail, it's intetresting...when are you gonna post it?
btw, OddChat isn't working for me, so it would be cool if you'd download msn messenger that we can talk more about it. Just go here...it's a quick download

[ November 08, 2001: Message edited by: Alector ]

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11-20-2001, 05:57 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
: 1,042
Rep Power: 24
freakyLA  (11)

Hey Alector can you post the Rpg for me,please.
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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11-20-2001, 07:02 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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: Apr 2001
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

I did'nt get that last post that starts with Mwahahaha.

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11-21-2001, 02:32 PM
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Howler Punk
: Jul 2001
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Molluck  (11)

Er.... sos I was really hyper when I wrote that...Ignore it!!!!
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11-22-2001, 07:33 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
: Germany
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Alector  (58)

Originally posted by freakyLA:
Hey Alector can you post the Rpg for me,please.
certainly i can do it
just send it via e-mail to me...

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12-02-2001, 08:38 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
: Germany
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Rep Power: 25
Alector  (58)

(Okie...since freakyLA doesn’t have so much time and her RPG got lost somewhere, we decided to continue it in a Chat conversation.)

Alector stares at freaky and says: “How could you climb that quick?!”

Freaky just looks on her hands –“Though I have not so big hands like you, but I can also climb very good.”-

Alector walks a little bit ahead –“Why are you following me all the time?”

Freaky: “It was only curiosity...and…I never seen a Mudokon with so many tattoos!”

Alector: “You follow me because I have white skin and tattoos? *shakes head* Our scars are the symbols of our Generation. Have you never seen a Fencer before?"

Freaky just shrugs -"A Fencer?"

Alector: We got the name from a shaman who watched a Fencer is fighting with someone. He said that we fight in an elegant way that almost looks like fencing. But it isn't surely a swordplay!

Freaky: "What is it then?"

Alector: "We simply can't call that a swordplay...we fight to protect our offsprings and the world we living in!

Freaky scratches head "That's strange...first you don't want to talk with me and run off, now you tell me everything! And you're talking all the time!"

Alector: "It is because you are new for me...now i'm the one who is curious."

Freaky: *looks to Alector* Well, i haven't got much to tell...i'm just here because...

Alector: "Tell me..."

Freaky: *shakes head* There is no reasonn...i was...no..."

Alector looks at Freaky with narrowed eyes -"What are you trying to tell me?"

Freaky: "Nothing...it's ok!"

Alector: "hmmm...ok then. What are you going to do?"

Freaky holds her head "NO!"
Suddenly her eyes are in a flashy light.

Alector leans toward to freaky -"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Freaky: *jabbers something without to stop*

Alector hutles Freaky -"Hey!"

Freaky: *Stops and take deep breath* i'm alright...
All of a sudden her eyes are glaring again. She turns her head away, gasps and touches her forehead.

Alector steps back and turns around -"I think i will continue my hike. You are kinda weird."-

Freaky: *is still holding her head* "No...wait!" *goes in her knees and holds head like it would explode at a moment's notice...

Alector & FreakyLA

[ December 02, 2001: Message edited by: Alector ]

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