Spider leaves....and a new danger arrives...
It has been a over week since he, Hunter and Olm were cleared of the charges against them and Spider was having a devil of a time with the Wvyern. It kept going after the mud and slig residents whenever it was hungry. So far he has been able to prevent it from killing and eating any one, but he knew he had to try to wean it off of mud and slig as food and he had started to try to do just that. But he was finding it difficult with so many muds and sligs around, being a village and all.
Finally one day , after another close call, the Mayor rather strongly suggested that Spider take the Wvyern away from the village until he could teach it that mudokons and sligs weren't food. At first Spider was hesitant, not wanting to leave the village unprotected. But the Mayor reassured him that the village warriors would be able to handle what came their way while he was away, so Spider agreed. They following day he said goodbye to Blue and her family and managed to catch Hunter on his way to a hunt.
"You're leaving?" Hunter said, somewhat shocked.
"Only fer a little while, until I can get the Wvyern ter stop ter eat everyone." Spider said as he jerked a thumb back toward the Wvyern who was perched on a nearby hunt waiting.
"Well good luck my friend, you will need it I think."
"Thanks Hunt, be seein' yer again soon." Spider said as he ran off, the Wvyern immediately took to the air and followed.
Not long after Spider and the Wvyern disappeared into the forest, a red head poked through the foliage of a tree and looked down at the village of Pyke.
Ooooo look at all the people I can mangle... Malice thought with sadisic glee. I think I'll take my time with killing everyone in this place.
Malice climbed down the tree and quickly and silently moved across the clearing toward the village. He spotted a young mud just leening up against one of the side walls of a hut and convenetly there was no one else nearby.
Time to claim my first victim. Malice thought, surpressing a chuckle.
He deafly grabbed the mud, with his hand around the muds mouth to keep it from screaming. He then ripped out the muds vocal cords to disable his voice.
Malice then dragged the mud by a leg with his jaws back to the forest. Then Malice proceeded to gut the mud while he was still alive, leaving his heart and lungs inside so it would live longer. He then strung up the mud between two trees, using his own intestines as rope. The left over intestines he strung about in a cobweb like fashion around the mud. Malice cut up the remaining organs and headed back to the village, carrying the cut up organs with him. Once at the edge he headed back toward the mangled mud, only this time he dropped pieces of the organs behind him, leaving a trail.
Once done he carefully covered his tracks and hid some distance away, so he could see the reaction of when his victim was found....
(ooc: plz no one say they actually witnessed Malice do this...it would ruin the plot. *grins*)